Lancaster Hogs Monday, Oct. 6,1986 HOGS: Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts weak to mostly .50 lower; 300-500 lb. sows 1.00-1.50 higher, weights over 500 lb. not tested. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-245 lb. 53.50-54.50; US 1 210-245 lb. 55.00-57.00; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 52.50-53.50; US 2-4 Few 220-260 lb. 51.00-52.00. SOWS: US 1-2 300-500 lb. 43.00- 46.50, few 46.5048.00. Wednesday, Oct. 8,1986 HOGS: Compared to Monday barrows and gilts 2.00-2.50 higher; sows mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-245 lb. 55.75-56.50; US 1 205-245 lb. 57.00-59.50; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 54.75-55.75; US 2-4 210-255 lb. 54.00- 54.75, few early 53.00-54.00. SOWS: US 1-3 300-500 lb. 43.00- 46.50. Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, Oct. 9,1986 700. Barrows & gilts moderately active, 75 to mostly 1.00 lower. US 1-3 230-260 lb. 54.50-55.00, 30 head 55.25. SOWS: Moderately active, 1.00- 1.50 higher, w/weights over 600 lb. not tested. US 1-3 450-600 lb. 48.00-50.00. BOARS: Over 500 lb. 46.00. Vintage Hogs Paradise, PA Saturday, Oct. 4,1986 Report supplied by Auction Trend $2-|4 lower. I’s and 2’s, 225-260 lbs., 48.00- 51.75; Sows, 475695 lbs., 41.50- 44.00; Boars, 215-735 lbs., 31.00- 35.00. Peoria Hogs Thursday, Oct. 9 2000 - Barrows & gilts fairly active, fully 50 lower. US 1-2 220-250 lb. 54.50-55.00, 100 head 55.50; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 53.50- 54 50 SOWS; Mostly steady. (14%). US 1-2 350-500 lb. Mostly 50.00, few 50.50. US 1-3 500-650 lb. 52.00-52.50, few 33.00. BOARS: Over 350 lb. 48.50; under 350 lb. 44.50-47.50. New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, Oct. 6,1986 Report Supplied by Auction Today 792 Last Monday 997 Last Year 1112 TREND: Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts 2.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb. 51.00-53.00, bulk 52.00 52.75; US 1 210-245 lbs. 54.50-55.00; US 11-3 200-250 lbs. 49.25-50.50. ATTENTION COW CONSIGNORS We Need Cows For Wednesday’s Market. Cows Arriving By 10:00 A.M. Will Be Sold By Noon Walter M. Dunlap and Sons An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast Feeder F?gs Wednesday, Oct. 8,1986 Report Supplied by Auction TODAY LAST WEDNESDAY LAST YEAR TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs mostly steady. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2; 52 hd. 18-20 lbs. 147.00; 110 hd. 20-29 lbs. 132.00-143.00; 105 hd. 30-39 lbs. 126.00-130.00; 144 hd. 4049 lbs. 101.00-121.00; 30 hd. 40 lbs. 131.00; 116 hd. 50-59 lbs. 96.00- 109.00; 68 hd. 60-75 lbs. 85.00-92.00; 91 hd. 101 lbs. 58.00. US 2-3: 68 hd. 20-29 lbs. 117.00- 140.00; 13 hd. 36 lbs. 113.00; 68 hd. 43-47 lbs. 101.00; 45 hd. 60 lbs. 82.00. St. Louis Hogs Thursday, Oct. 9 3500 * Barrows & gilts fairly active, 50 to mostly 1.00 lower, most decline on weights under 260 lb. US 1-3 225-260 lb. 54.50-55.00; 200- 225 lb. 52.00-54.50; 260-270 lb. 54.00. US 2-3 260-270 lb. 54.00; 270-290 lb. 52 50-53.50 SOWS: Scarce; under 500 lb. 1.00 lower; oversoo lb. 1.00 higher. US 1-2 300-500 lb. 49.50. US 1-3 over 500 lb. 51.50-53.50. BOARS; Over 300 lb. 48.50; under 300 lb. 45.00. Chambersburg Livestock Chambersburg, Pa. Thursday, October 9 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 258. Cows strong to .50 higher; few Good & Choice holstein si. steers 47.50-51.75; few Good si. heifers 48.50-51.75; few Standard 42.0047.00; Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 36.85-40.00, couple to 42.00; Cutter & Boning Utility 35.00-38.25; Canner & Low Cutter 31.50-35.50; shells down to 25.75; few YG No. 1,1075-2145 lb. si. bulls 44.00-50.75. FEEDER CATTLE; Few Med. Frame No. 1, 500-785 lb. feeder steers 49.00-53.00. CALVES: 414. 2 Prime vealers 98.00 and 100.00; few Choice 80.00 88.00; few Good 68.00-78.00; Standard & Good 70105 lb. 58.00 68.00; Utility 65-85 lb. 50.00-58.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. bulls 85-95 lb. 65.00100.00; 100130 lb. 95.00 116.00. HOGS: 21. US No. 1-3, 330680 lb. sows 44.00-48.00; few boars 38.00 38.50; 2 lightweights 46.75. FEEDER PIGS: 4. Lot US No. 1- 3,30 lb. feeder pig 25.00 per head. SHEEP: 3.1 si. ewe 26.00. GOATS; 8. Few Urge 32.0046.00 per head. Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 With The Times Joliet Weekly Thursday, Oct. 9 Report supplied by USDA Receipts this week 1050; last week 843; a year ago 1167. Slaughter steers ended the week 1.00- lower; Slaughter Heifers 1.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1100-1325# 59.0060.75; two loads 61.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1050-1200# 57.50-59.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 925-1125# 58.00-59.00; mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1050# 56.00- 1026 927 724 CORN DEC, MAR. 87 179% 174% 174% 176 176% 55^ MAY JULY 187% 183V4 183V 4 185 185V 4 SEPT. 190 182% 183V 4 185% 185% 289% 236% 237% 239 240 SOYBEANS FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. TOURS. „ A „„ , A OCT. 150.70 147.90 147.30 147.10 147.10 NOV. JAN. 87 490 478V4 477% 481 479% MAR. MAY 504% 494% 495 497% 495% JUL. 507 Vi 497% 498% 502 500 AUG. SEPT. 498% 492% 493% 495% 495 CHICAGO CATTLE FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THURS. OCT. OCT. 59.45 §9.57 60.55 60.37 61.40 DEC. FEB. 87 54.77 54.87 55.70 55.35 55.85 APR. JUN. 56.12 56.15 56.90 56.62 56.65 JULY 46.30 46.95 48.12 47.25 47.35 54.80 55.05 55.60 55.35 55.45 UG Now is the Time The Dairy Business Have You Heard 7 On Being A Farm Wife The Micro Way Ida's Notebook Flock Forum Brockett's Ag Advice Editorial Farm Calendar Classified Ads Livestock Latest Business News Mailbox Markets Sale Reports Public Auction Register Homestead Notes Home on the Range Cook’s Question Corner Farm Women News Kid’s Korner Totem Pole Quilt Show GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG FUTURES MARKETS (Daily closing bids: Friday, Oct. 3 through Thursday, Oct. 9) WHEAT FRI. MON. TOES. WED. THURS 169% 164 Vi 164 Vi 165 165% 185% 180% 180% 182 182% 482 470 469% 472% 471% 497% 486% 486% 489 488% 506 497% 497% 501 499 Vi 55.45 55.52 56.65 56.20 67.12 56.22 56.30 57.10 56.70 56.95 JUNE 46.80 47.27 48.45 47.65 47.97 Columns Omttmnh Home and Youfh Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11,1986-A3 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter CATTLE Thursday 10/9/86 Week To Date (Est.) 529,000 Same Pd. Lt. Wk.(Est.) 535,000 Same Pd. Lt. Yr. (Act) 521,000 IR. 87 261% 259 260 261% 266 SOYBEAN MEAL DEC. JAN. 87 151.80 149.80 149.70 149.60 149.60 [LY 154.30 153.10 153.50 153.88 153.30 UG. 156.00 153.70 154.20 154.00 153.50 CHICAGO HOGS (EC. 49.25 49.90 51.40 51.00 51.60 'EB. iPR. AUG. in this issue Four Sections AlO AlO 827.C8 D 2 D 6 Dl9 D 25 D 26 B 2 B 6 B 8 B 8 810 812 Estimated Daily Livestock | CALVES HOGS SHEEP 46,000 48,000 1,145,000 93,000 49,000 1,257,000 92,000 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. 268% 264 265% 267% 273% 248% 246 247% 248% 251% FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. 151.10 148.80 148.50 148.50 148.40 153.20 151.20 151.30 151.00 151.00 lY 154.00 152.60 152.30 152.20 152.50 FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THORS. 48.87 50.95 52.45 52.80 53.50 48.42 48.62 50.12 49.32 49.67 43.75 44.37 45.80 45.15 45.50 45.40 45.80 46.65 45.45 45.90 Eastern Milk Producers Adams County Dairy Club Delaware Valley Dairy Superintendent A 289 Dairy Sales and Dispersals A 34 Cumberland County DHIA C 3 Mifflin County DHIA C 7 Futures KILE Features Open Breeding Cattle A 20,21,26 Open Breeding Sheep 816-21 Jr Market Lambs Ladies Lead Line Jr Breeding Sheep Wool Queen Jr Breeding Cattle Steer Show Barrow Show Breeding Swine Other Features Manheim Fair PAFC Banquet Berks County Extension Meeting PAFC Annual Meeting Manheim Fair Lead Line Apple Harvest Festival Fayette County 4-H 1,120,000 91,000 Pain A 23 A2B 818 818 819 822 C 5 C 7 D 2 D 4 A 24.25 A 32 A 36 A 39 826 C 2 C 2
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