Al2-Lancastcr Farming, Saturday, October 11,1986 Virginia Cattle Richmond, Virginia Northern, Va. Thurs., Oct. 2 to Wed., Oct. 8,1986 Report Supplied by VDA Head Count: 11,486 Trend; Steady to 4.00 lower. STEERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 57.50-69.50; 500-700 lbs. 56.0066.50; 700-1000 lbs. 50.0062.00. Large 1 300-500 lbs. 56.0067.00; 500-700 lbs. 55.0065.50; 700-1000 lbs. 54.0061.50. Small 1300500 lbs. 52.0064.50; 500 700 lbs. 51.0062.75; 7001000 lbs. 48.5057.00. HEIFERS: Medium 1 300500 lbs. 47.7558.00; 500700 lbs. 45.75- 58.00; 700900 lbs. 45.2556.75. Large 1 300500 lbs. 51.0056.00; 500700 lbs. 45.5056.50; 700900 lbs. 48.50 58.50. Small 1 300500 lbs. 43.50 53.00; 500700 lbs. 45.0050.50; 700 900 lbs. 45.00. South & Southwest Va. STEERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 64.00-79.00; 500-700 lbs. 55.0048.00; 700-900 lbs. 50.00-59.75. Large 1300 500 lbs. 64.00-77.00; 500-700 lbs. 55.0064.50; 700900 lbs. 50.0059.75. Small 1300500 lbs. 57.0068.00; 500 700 lbs. 48.0060.00; 700900 lbs. 45.0054.00. HEIFERS: Medium 1 300500 lbs. 48.00-59.50; 500700 lbs. 45.00 56.00; 700900 lbs. 45.5051.50. Large 1 300500 lbs. 48.0059.50; 500700 lbs. 47.0056.25; 700900 lbs. 45.50 53.00. Small 1 300500 lbs. 42.50 53.00; 500700 lbs. 42.5049.50; 700 900 lbs. 44.00. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, PA Tuesday, Oct. 7,1986 Report supplied by PDA ATTENTION GRAIN PRODUCERS You Can Sell Your Com By Locking In The Basis And Pricing It Anytime Prior To Deh*' Call For Updates On Price And Basis: 717-761-2740 800-382-1356 pcc ll I FUTURES SERVICE. INC. Livestock market and auction news CATTLE 241. Few Choice 1000 1165 lbs. slaughter steers. 58.35- 59.75, few Good and Choice 1005- 1925 lbs. Holsteins 50.8558.25, few Utility and Standard 42.25-47.50. Few Choice slaughter heifers 49.75- 51.50, Good 45.5047.25, one 50.00, Standard 39.35-45.50, few Utility and Low Standard 38.25-40.25. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 37.75-39.75, Cutter and Boning Utility 34.0058.00, few 39.25, Canner and Low Cutter 32.00 33.85, few down to 30.25, few Shells down to 21.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 46.0050.50, few Standard 43.75-46.85, few Utility 40.5041.25. Yield Grade No. 1, 1285-1860 lbs. slaughter bulls 46.75-49.75. CALVES 231. One Choice vealer 75.00, few Good 72.0075.00, Stan dard & Good 90115 lbs. 52.0058.00, 75-85 lbs. 47.0053.00, Utility 5550 lbs. 38.0045.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90135 lbs. 70.00112, mostly 80.00110.00, few 85-95 lbs. 58.0070.00, few HoMein Heifers 90 100 lbs. 58.00-83.00. Few Beef cross bulls and heifers 70100 lbs. 57.00 61.00, HOGS 223. (Supply included 55 sows). US No. 1-2 210230 lbs. 53.85- 54.25, 1-3 215-255 lbs. 53.25-54.00, lew 2-3 205-240 lbs. 53.5053.75. US 1- 3 335-485 lbs. sows 43.00-45.50, few 46.50, 500700 lbs. 44.5047.75, in dividual 48.00, few Medium 290420 lbs. 40.0042.00. Boars 42.5(M3.00, light weights 40.00-44.00. FEEDER PIGS 32. US No. 1-3 40 60 lbs. feeder pigs 80.0090.00 - per hundredweight. SHEEP 12. Choice 80115 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 52.00-57.00, one Good 55 lbs. 49.00. One Slaughter ewe 25.00. GOATS 0. No Market Test. Farmers Livestock Auction Duncans ville, Pa. Oct. 6,1986 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 194. STEERS: H. Choice & Prime 58.75-60.25; Choice 56.00- Good 51.00-55.75; Standard 40.00-48.75. HEIFERS: Choice 56.00-57.75; Good 50.00-53.75. COWS; Utility & Commercial 36.50-39.75; Cutters 32.50-36.00; Canner & Low Cutter 25.00-32.75. BULLOCKS: Good & Choice 45 00-48.75. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 139.50 46.75. FEEDER CATTLE; Steers Good 50.00-56.50; Standard 38.50 47.50; Bulls Good 46.50-53.50; Standard 35.00-44.50; Heifers Good 44.00- Standard 32.50-43.00. CALVES 229. Prime None; Choice 72.50-84.00; Good 60.00 72.00; Standard & Good 50.00-64.00; 90-110 lbs. 52.5062.00; 65-90 lbs. 42.00- Holstein Bulls 90-130 lbs. 82.50-110.00; Holstein Heifers 90-130 lbs. 56.0067.50. HOGS 49. US No. 1-2 210-250 lbs. 50.0051.50; US No. 1-3 195-245 lbs. 47.5050.25. SOWS; US No. 1-3 45.00-49.75; Boars 39.0041.50. H h K K S 3 sa Did Your Cows Eat Their Wormer Last Year? PURINA TOP-16 WORMER m We still use the same Palatability Proven Carrier that we have used for years. A wormer won't work if they won't eat it. m X m x m h u ★ Trademark Ralston Purina Company XEHOHHHSE2 FEEDER PIGS 14. US No. 1-3 20 35 lbs. 17.0032.50 per head; 15 35- 50 lbs. 40.0046.00 per head. SHEEP 11. Slaughter lambs Good 85-95 lbs. 60.0063.50; SI. Ewes 16.0025.00. 4 Loads of Hay Mixed 61.0078.00 per ton; 3 loads of Straw 49.0055.00 per ton. New Wilmington Livestock Auction New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, Oct 6,1986 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 209. Compared with last Monday’s market: Slaughter Cows strong to .50 higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 56.0057.50, Good 51.2555.25, Standard 45.00 50.75, few Utility 40.0043.75. One Choice slaughter heifer 55.25, one Good 52.00, Standard 40.0045.75. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 36.7559.50, one 42.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 33.0038.00, Canner and Low Cutter 28.5053.50, Shells down to 22.75. Few Utility slaughter bullocks 38.0041.75. Yield Grade No. 11270 1910 lbs. slaughter bulls 43.0047.00, few Yield Grade No. 21325-1785 lbs. 39.25-41.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Few Medium Frame No. 1 510665 Products ialii KEYSTONE MILLS —Sewu R.D.3 Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 354-4616 FEEDER PIGS 49. US No. 2-3 30- 45 lbs. feeder pigs 21.00*29.00 all per head. mimtt 1/dauttuM —Siftet !594- 1975, Route 336 Romulus, NY 14541 (315) 549-2578 BfQBGSI lbs. feeder steers 54.00-57.00. Few Medium Frame No. 1 560-060 lbs. feeder heifers 42.5049.00, Large Frame No. 2 645-865 lbs. Holsteins 38.5044.00. CALVES 263. Few Choice vealers 82.00-95.00, few Good 69.00- 82.00, Standard and Good 90-125 lbs. 48.00-59.00, 6045 lbs. 40.00- 48.00, Utility 50-105 lbs. 25.0040.00. Good and Choice 180-360 lbs. slaughter calves 50.00-65.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 85-90 lbs. 54.00-59.00, 95-130 lbs. 64.00-70.00, few 75.00-86.00. Holstein Heifers 90- 120 lbs. 56.00-57.00. HOGS 300. Barrows and gilts $2.50 to $3.25 lower. Several lots US No. 1-2 240 & 250 lbs. 50.50 & 51.00,1- 3 215-250 lbs. 48.0049.75, 2-3 215-260 lbs. 46.7548.00, No. 1-3 195-215 lbs. 43.7547.85. Sows $2 to $4 lower. US No. 1-3 300410 lbs. sows 43.0048.00. Boars 37.5043.25. SHEEP 87. High Choice and Prime 90-105 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 60.00-70.50, Choice and Prime 60-85 lbs. 68.00-78.00, small lot 82.00, Good and Choice 50-75 lbs. feeder lambs 55.00-70.00. Slaughter ewes 12.00-28.00. GOATS 14. 18.00-51.00 per head. le! Peoi ★ * Net With All Discounts
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