HARRISBURG Outstanding conservationists who have con tributed to the conservation of Pennsylvania’s soil and water resources will be honored at the upcoming joint annual conference of the State Conservation Com mission and Pennsylvania Association of Conservation District Directors, Inc. An awards banquet will be held on the evening of October 7, at the Holiday Inn in Johnstown as part of three-day affair which runs from October 6 to 8. Each year, the Association conducts a statewide awards contest among the state’s 66 county conservation districts for Md. Soil Conservation Committee Meets ANNAPOLIS, Md. - The State Soil Conservation Committee addressed procedural modifications to the highly suc cessful Maryland Agricultural Cost Share Program, during a recent meeting in Annapolis. Rosemary Roswell of the Maryland Department of Ag’s Soil Conservation Administration announced that the updated 208 Agricultural Water Quality Plan, revised to include nutrients and chemicals, will be published in the Oct. 10, Maryland Register. Public hearings will be held Nov. 24 and 25 in Columbia and Easton, Maryland, respectively. Dr. Sarah Taylor, executive director of the Critical Areas Commissior. r updated the Com- RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT We have invested nearly 50 years of service in the farm equipment industry - forty years at our present location - dealing with several generations of friendly farm folks and neighbors. We have had an opportunity to sell our property. Yes, the rumors are true, we are retiring from our business. As we look back over the years, we need to give credit to the Lord for health, strength and guidance. We recognize the help and undemanding of family and faithful employees. We want to express appreciation to all of our customers for their patronage and friendship; for large sales with enough profit to keep the doors open but we also remember that there was real satisfaction sometimes on week-ends and holidays in getting a bolt, a chain, repair link or a belt to keep a critical machine operating. Thanks to so many customers who promptly paid statements so we could pay ours. There are so many things we'd like to say if we knew how and had adequate space. We will just say again, 'THANK YOU". If we have left any unfulfilled promises, or you remember a problem we have not dealt with, talk to us about it. SALES A SERVICE WORK DATES IK OCTOBER Oct. 6-13 We wlll aHow a 20% discount on cash sales of part* which ire fit stock Oct. 6-13 Our shop may accept some emergency service work Oct. 13-30 We must prepare for our auction Dot. 31 fHibHc euctfon of shop tools and equipment, used endnew . machinery, trucks, office equipment, parts, accessories and bins. Aiso some household goods. Watch or ask for a sftfeshEi