Bl2’Lancas,ter Farming, Saturday, September 20,1986 Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser Everything has a story behind it. As I sit here to write, the constant loud ticking of the Grandfather’s clock almost falls on deaf ears. One can become so accustomed to the sound that it blends into the background. But when it strikes every 15 minutes, you know it is still working. After doing its job faithfully for 15 years, ever since our son made it in high school, this spring it became balky and only ran sometimes. So, I took it away to be cleaned and oiled. This time I really got my money’s worth as it reminds me constantly that it is still running. And when our electricity goes off, we really appreciate it as we reset our four electric clocks. It has a reassuring “tick-tock.” Next to the tall clock is my pine desk. It was purchased a few years ago in Berks County on a farm set way back from the road. It’s age is Bradley Is National Proficiency Winner Mark Bradley, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley, Elizabethtown, was recently named a national proficiency award finalist in FFA competition. Mark’s agricultural elec trification proficiency project was among 116 nationwide accepted by the national FFA. He has already won the regional and national cash awards. If he is the national winner, he will receive a cash/travel award to help cover recorded on the bottom of a small drawer May 17, 1830, together with its maker and-the original purchaser. But the most in teresting feature to me is the cost which is listed as 3 pounds, 6 shillings and 2M> pence. On the opposite side of the clock sits a Windsor-type chair. Twenty years ago I saw a similar one sell at my great aunt’s sale. The auctioneer chanted two, three, four, four-fifty and I almost bid but discovered later that he meant $450. The chair that I have was destined to be refimshed as a 4-H project until I got it home and had bright light to really see it. It had the original paint and a black design painted on the legs. Even though it sat in my parent’s house, I’d never noticed that as they believed in using only 25 watt bulbs as they felt that larger ones used too much electricity. expenses to the national con vention in Kansas City in November. National winners will receive cash awards, plaques and the opportunity to participate in the FFA International Travel Seminar program and to travel abroad on an educational tour. Mark is employed by John Fullerton, Inc., electrical con tractors and plans to enter the Electronics Institute in Harrisburg beginning in October. Black-Footed Ferrets (Continued from Page Bll) searching for ferrets for eight years when he learned that a Meeteetse ranch dog had killed one. It was the first ferret found >O-- \ Ilf" I . J M 1 qm Flex-Auger Systems, PVC Tubing. 2”, 3", 4" & 5" Diameter Systems 4 CARDINAL § HEAVY DUTY PORTABLE AUGERS Galvanized or MJM Augers Painted. i caS, a fT» rmm r J ntiir r uni ir 11 r POLYETHYLENE GRAIN AUGER HOPPER SALE Small Hopper For 4” Augers Plastic Hopper For 6” & B”Augers Big Daddy Hopper since a South vamshed in 1974. The ferret is a casualty of a large-scale eradication campaign against the prairie dog, long considered a pest by ranchers. In the late 1800 s prairie dogs were estimated to number more than 5 billion, capable of sustaining tens Mp GSI GRAIN BINS 7 AND ACCESSORIES 1 | Jk' ' " mk •1— • GSI % 4 1 : I T ° * $ a 150 Ton Wmm I GSI 1 FEED BINS From | 2Vz Ton >ss - \J' I *“ " Cwrvtd n V< A*er [ 1 M (inlmt Tube j J I 11, ■ ** * Dakota group CARDINAL 6”no” W TOP DRIVE PORTABU AUGERS Top Drive - Extra-duty roller chain “ with hardened tooth sprockets, sealed and relubncatable, self-aligning ball bearings The entire top drive mechanism is enclosed with galvanized steel cover for safety and / weather protection Double roller chain // drive as shown is used only on 71’8” Model \ Galvanized Tubing k GRAIN AND HAY MOISTURE TESTER NEW LOW COST AERATION SYSTEM Ideal For All Types Of Flat Storage Facilities The Grain-Aire™ protective screen maximizes air flow. This durable material features 30 percent open area to allow for unrestricted airflow This woven polypropylene screen $29.95 prevents restriction of the $42 95 'perforations and maximizes airflow by providing 360° $79.95 aeration of thousands of ferrets. Since 1900, prairie dogs have been reduced by 99 percent in some states. Now, federal money $250,000 for the first year is being spent on a desperate effort to save them. “People have failed to provide a natural habitat for the black-footed ferret,” Seal says. ; INSTOCK: B"xs2’, B"xs7' GRO *35 Also Available HAY OR SILAGE PROBE (Tht 2 in 1 Tesftrj ADS GRAIN fotroct Drtvo or iolt Drhrt PoworUnH *Md Lovoll Switch ft l Reg... 5259.95 SALE $199.95