"I compared prices." The results you may achieve with your Harvestore' System depend primarily upon your management skills and may vary from successful results achieved by others Any application to a particular farming operation requires the advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of good management, weather and other conditions present at the individual location SUB-STATIONS SERVING YOU FROM New Enterprise, PA Newville, PA 814-766-2364 717-776-3397 Kenßupp,Mgr. Maynard McCullough, Mgr. “I spend a little more for a pre-owned Harvestore® System from Penn Jersey and got a lot more for my money! ” ...a full NEW STRUCTURE WARRANTY and the expertise of an authorized, experienced company with the back-up of A. O. Smith Harvestore Products, Inc. PRE-OWNED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS 2028 E with Auger Unloader 6,360 bu. cap. * 2-2033 E’s with Auger Unloaders 7,520 bu. cap.* 2038 E with Spartan™ Unloader 8,690 bu. cap.* 2-2042’s with Auger Unloaders 9,850 bu. cap. * * Grain capacity with 5% compaction. 2050 with Hercules™ Unloader 2r2060 , s with Goliath™ Unloaders 2070 with Hercules Unloader 2080 with Goliath Unloader * Alfalfa haylage at 45% moisture. ALL DIMENSIONS NOMINAL "We care about your business I" AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 2023 E with Auger Unloader ALL-PURPOSE SLURRYSTORE® SYSTEMS GRAIN ONLY 4219 E 194,401 gal. cap. 7014 E 387,914 gal. cap. 6223 E 520,174 gal. cap. Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr. 5,1 l iu. cap. 190 T. cap.* 240 T. cap.* 295 T. cap.* 345 T. cap.*