THE MICRO m \if LAN! BLOOMER Microwaving Mashed Potatoes When you first start using a microwave, sometimes simple cooking jobs can be a challenge. Mashed potatoes and gravy are good examples. What container? What power level? How long? And so forth. Today, we’ll take the challenge out of the potatoes. It is really easy to microwave this old favorite. Next week we’ll microwave the gravy to go on top. (But I hope you don’t save your potatoes for a whole week they’ll be cold, grey WHITE MOUNTAIN HAND CRANK PRICES ARE 'FREEZERS^ POSTPAID! FREEZERS 2Quart-$45.57 6 Quart-$65.37 10 Quart-$139.77 Keetrlc^Available SWISS POCKET WATCHES - Sale Price RRW/Q Quartz (Battery) (below) '29.9s ppd' RRWI7 jewel lever Incabloc - wind-up *39.9s ppd' •9317 jewel lever Incabloc - mini (men/ladlee) *32.95 ppd l •93/Q/C Quartz (battery) mini (man/ladiat) *28.95 ppd l USED Railroad Swiu 17J lever-lull site *22.95 ppd l (All above are (uaranteed lor 1 year Our DELWEACO brand 1 ) (All watchee come with etrap or neck chain (speedy) < RRW- Quartz Railroad design pocket watch Same screw cover case as our regular 17J watch; but now with an extremely accurate (plus or minus ONE MINUTE PER YEAR) quartz, battery operated, shock resistant, anti-magnetic, black hands and numbers, sweep second, chrome plated case Special low dram movement Battery lasts up to 3 years l Hands set the traditional way (by pulling out crown) No winding ever 1 ONE YEAR GUARANTEE. Retail' $76 00 REDUCEDTO: •29.951, Andy H. Weaver flf| Box 109 F - W. Farmington, Ohio 44491 ALL ITEMS POSTPAID’- PROMPT SHIPMENTS Phone (216) 548-8799 or 548-2231 TOLL FREE 1-800-882-8799 (OUTSIDE OHIO) and yukky by then!) The nice thing about microwaving potatoes for mashing, is that it’s quick, but the potatoes never scorch or burn dry if you are side-tracked! Here are the important things to remember when you are microwaving potatoes to be mashed: 1. Peel and cut potatoes into a uniform size. They may either be cubed in about 1-inch cubes, or sliced V4-inch thick. Cut giant potatoes in half before slicing. NORTHAMPTON FARM BUREAU CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION TATAMY, PA ★ FEED, SEED, CHEMICALS ★ LIME AND FERTILIZER CUSTOM APPLICATION ★ TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ★ SIMPLICITY LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT EASTON 215-258-2871 *4. (with Pr— Strap) 2. Don’t use as much water as you do when you boil them on the stove. If you use the full amount of water, it will take too long. I use Vi cup water for each pound of potatoes. If you use less than this, as is recommended in some microwave cookbooks, the potatoes are quite dry. This makes them difficult to mash without getting lumps. 2. Use hot tap water to save microwave time. If you use cold water, add several minutes to the cooking time. 3. Don’t add salt until after the potatoes are microwaved. Salt dehydrates root vegetables, and will make the potato pieces tough and hard to mash smoothly. 4. Microwave the potatoes, tightly covered, for 8 to 9 minutes per pound. This is longer than needed for baked potatoes, but they get very soft for mashing this way. Stir two or three times during microwaving for evenly cooked pieces. 5. Let the potatoes stand, covered, for at least 5 minutes before mashing. Don’t skip this step! Every time I’m in a hurry and do so, I get lumpy results! All the pieces should be fork tender after the standing time. 6. Mash as you would stove cooked potatoes, or follow one of the recipes below. Weighing the potatoes is the most accurate way to determine the cooking time. If you don’t have a scale, figure that one pound of potatoes is about two huge ones, four medium ones, or six or seven small potatoes. Rich and Creamy Mashed Potatoes I'M NOT L10N... The Classified Livestock Section Has least ly Selections! COAL FOR SALE Good Quality Anthracite, inthePottsvillearea. ALL SIZES Stove, Nut, Pea, Buck, Rice & Barley. Low Prices, Delivered in Trailer load lots. Call: R. Sorin & Co. Inc. 717-462-0979 or 717-462-2946 2 pounds potatoes 1 cup hot water Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 13,1986-B9 V 4 cup butter or margarine, cut in several pieces l /4 cup milk V 4 cup sour cream or 3 ounces cream cheese Vz teaspoon salt, or to taste 1. Peel potatoes, slice evenly and put in a 2 quart casserole or glass mixing bowl. Add hot water. Cover tightly with lid or plastic wrap. 2. Microwave on high for 16 to 18 minutes, stirring twice, until potatoes are tender. Let stand for 5 minutes. 3. Dram, mash, then add remaining ingredients and whip until smooth. Serves 4 to 6. These potatoes are lighter on calories, and on your food budget, since they use economical dry milk. Light Mashed Potatoes 2 pounds potatoes 1 cup hot water 3 tablespoons dry milk powder 3 tablespoons margarine, cut in pieces M> teaspoon salt Complete Fell Garden Projects NEWARK, Del. The end of summer doesn’t mark the end of home garden projects. According to Delaware State College ex tension agent Glenn Layton, fall is the ideal time for many planting and routine maintenance chores. He offers the following calendar as a guide. September: • Seed bare spots in the lawn that are larger than 6 to 8 inches in diameter. • Feed the lawn with a 12-4-8 or 16-4-8 slow-release, turf grade fertilizer. • If the lawn is suffering from a heavy buildup of thatch (dead grass), remove this as it may be restricting the air supply needed for proper root development. • Kill dandelions, plantain and other broadleaf weeds in your lawn with 2, 4-d. To control winter an nuals such as German moss, duckweed and henbit, include MCPP and Dicamba (Banvel) in the herbicide mix. Combinations of 1. Peel potatoes, slice evenly and put in a 2-quart casserole or glass mixing bowl. Add hot water. Cover tightly with lid or plastic wrap. 2. Microwave on high for 16 to 18 minutes, stirring twice, until potatoes are tender. Let stand for 3 minutes. Do not drain potatoes! Add remaining ingredients and whip until smooth. Serves 4 to 6. Tip: Mashed potatoes reheat well. If they cool down too much while mashing, spoon into 1 1/ 2 quart casserole or serving dish. Cover and microwave on high for 3 to 4 minutes (use 160°F. on tem perature probe). To reheat left over mashed potatoes, spoon cold potatoes into a ring in a casserole, cover and microwave on high for 3 minutes. Stir, recover, and repeat until potatoes are hot. The time will depend on the quantity. Use your probe (160°F.) if your oven has one. Copyright 19U, La ill Bloomer these chemicals are sold com mercially as Trimec and Trex-San. • Plant groundcovers where desired. • Prune dead and diseased limbs from trees and shrubs. • Prepare garden soil for next year by planting a cover crop. • Prune raspberry plants; remove old and diseased canes. October: • Plant Dutch bulbs in groups of the same variety and color for a pleasing mass effect. • Test soil pH for lime requirements. Lime is needed every three to four years. • Start a compost pile by alternating layers of soil, disease free plant material, fertilizer and manure. • Transplant and separate peonies to rejuvenate plants and increase their number. • Harvest winter squash, pumpkins and gourds before frost. Cure them at 75 to 80 degrees for a week, then store them at 50 to 60 degrees until ready to use.
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