District 7 Make It With Wool Contest WILKES-BARRE - The District 7 Make It With Wool Contest will be held Oct. 4,1986 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pomeroy’s Com munity Room, Pomeroy’s Wyoming Mall, Wilkes-Barre. Any youth 10 to 21 years of age is in vited to participate in the contest. Youth ages 14 to 21 can enter a suit, dress or coat. Youth 10 to 13 years of age can enter a vest, UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. & LIQUIDATION SALES, INC. STORE HOURS: Mon thruFn 9am to 9 p m Saturday 9am to 5 p m Opening Sundays Starting Oct. sth -12 Noon To SPM LANE RECLINERS [dating for manufacturer Refused ;rom dealers and cancellations R40%-75% OFF RETAIL : Reg. Ret. $600.00 to J $1,500.00 QUEEN & FULL SIZE SLEEPERS (Similar) 3 PC. END TABLE SETS Big Set! Solid Pine w/Formica Reg. OUR CASH # PRICE $98.95 Cocktail & (2) End Tables REFRIGERATORS SPECIAL PURCHASE - MATTRESS &BOXSPRINGS...LEADER BEDDING SINGLE...Reg. Ret. $539.95 DOUBLE...Reg. Ret. $639.90- QUEEN...Reg. Ret. $799.90 50 -19” Color TV’s...Reg. Ret. $509.95 10 -13” Color TV’s...Reg. Ret. $469.95 9” Color Remote TV...Reg. Ret. $629.95 Spalding Kro-Flite Golf 8a115... (1) Dozen LANE RECLINERS.. .LIQUIDATING, REFUSED FROM DEALERS & CANCELLATIONS 40% to 75% OFF RETAIL Reg. Retail $600.00 to $1,500.00 SWIVEL ROCKERS...Different Colors... Reg. Ret. $369.95 $119.95 We Have A Large Assortment Of Household Furnishings, Dining Rooms, Living Rooms, Gun Cabinets, Waterbeds, Bars, Desks, Bedroom Suites, Wall Units, Also Many Small Items, Glassware, Alarm Clocks, Knife Sets, Tools, Etc. No Refunds... No Exchanges... Cash & Carry...DUE TO A RASH OF BAD CHECKS WE NOW ONLY ACCEPT VISA, CHOICE, MASTERCARD & DISCOVERY, OR CASH, CERTIFIED CHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, CASHIERS CHECKS!! Due to the FACT THAT WE SAVE THE BUYERS SO MtJCH MONEY WE CAN NOT AFFORD THESE LOSSES!' Not Responsible For Typographical Errors pants, skirt, sweater, jumper, poncho, shirt or dress. The article must be sewn by the contestant. The fabric can be loomed, knitted or felted fabric or yarn of 100 percent wool or a minumum of 60 percent wool and no more than 40 percent synthetic fiber. The winners in the senior, junior and pre-teen categories get an expense paid trip to the state LANCASTER 3019 Hempland Rd Lancaster, PA 717-397-6241- “Furniture Manufacturer Went Bankrupt” Liauidatinc!!! Reg. Ret. $289.95-11429.95 OUR CASH PRICE $329.95-1359.95 12 Cubic Ft. 2 left handed 17 right handed Reg. Ret. $489.95 OUR CASH PRICE $279.95 6 PC. PINE GROUPS With Party Ottoman In Antron Nylon Reg. Ret. $1099.95 OUR ncr CASH PRICE...S6*>tJ.«JD Full Size (Almost Identical) YORK CARLISLE 4585 West Market St 1880 Harrisburg Pike York, PA Carlisle, PA 717-792-3502 717-249-5718 (Carlisle Pike) 180 BUNK BEDSw/Safety Rails, Ladders and Bunkies. Also Breaks Down To ffiPC rju y-7 Twin Beds. Dark Pine Finish r , fit. -Tj Reg. Retail Price $609.95 Vdte-aegSii OUR CASH PRICE ? $175.00 '■i SEEING IS BELIEVING-A REAL STEAL! 3 Pc. END TABLE SETS Cocktail with (2) End Tables Reg. Ret. 5 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITES Hardwood Reg. Ret $639 95 3 PC. LIVING ROOM OUR CASH £l9O QC PRICE WALL UNIT “CLOSEOUTS” All Three Pieces 71” High Reg. Retail $379.95 OUR CASH PRICE $149.95 Matching pair of lamps and shades s3s CASH PRICE COIUMIIA AVI +-UNCASTII It )0 fAKCIft ROHIiitTOWN ciNiitvnu 1 f nil M i*tt \v] tfyj I; 1 competition, Dec. 19 and 20,1986 at Sommerset, PA to coincide with the Keystone Shepard Symposium. Each contestant will receive a yard of wool from the Scranton Fabric Center. For more information and entry blanks contact Jackie Cook, Extension Home Economist, Wayne County 717-253-5970 Ext. 114. Sofa, Loveseat, Chair OUR CASH PRICE $589.95 OUR CASH PRICE $189.95...5PEC1AL $159.95 $269.95.. .SPECIAL $199.95 $349.90.. .SPECIAL $269.95 5209.95 5169.00 5259.95 57.50 UNCUIA MIICNT tiAmc uchis Lwwb—* KIAVUNDI-) Onbei a farm -And o bazar There they hang, in their crowning glory, along the back wall of the basement. Red, blue, green, brown, navy. An occasional white one saved for “good.” Periodically, I’ll fish one from a basement corner, or off a kitchen chair, or from the barn office, carry it in, and relieve it of the patina achieved by rubbing into the fabric cow hair, manure, grease, sticky haylage, corn dust and fly spray. Hats. Every farmer it seems has his favorite. And hats - I figure - are a lot like tennis shoes: the more “broke in” they get, the better they fit. Frankly, don’t spread it around, but some of ‘em get pretty ratty looking. Fact is, it’s probably against the law to wear some of the hats I’ve washed in my tenure as a farm wife. ‘Er, at least it probablv would be in a place called Rock Springs, Wyoming. Y’see, there’s a law there that forbids wearing a hat when milking cows which “would scare a timid person.” Some of the hats that I’ve crossed paths with would scare a courageous person. That way-out piece of legislation is just one of the many goofy regulations on the books around the country focused on in a book called LOONY LAWS, by Robert W. Pelton, and published by Walker and Co. And some of the dairy-related regulations might send all us dairymen into the lockup if they were enforced in our neigh borhoods. For instance, there’s an anti mooing law in DeQuincy, LA, prohibiting cows from mooing before 8 a.m. or after 4 p.m. On the other hand, in Kidderville, NH, cows are not allowed to moo within 300 feet of a residence. Combine those with a regulation from Colby, KS, and we’d be in real trouble. There, no cow is allowed It >0 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 13,1956-B5 Joyce B out at night without a bell. No doubt to help track down the culprit who’s been mooing at midnight just 100 feet from a residence. On the other hand, in West Union, Ohio, any cow found wandering around after sunset can be picked up and auctioned off. (This farm could be in big trouble on that one.) Don’t take a cow into your hotel room in Bourbon, MS, on a Sabbath day. And don’t drive it down the city streets of Upperville, VA, on a Sabbath, either. We can presume that if you do either on a Tuesday, you might escape arrest. Of course, you can ride a cow down the street - presumably any day - in Bowman, ND, as long as you don’t do it "in a violent manner.” But don’t drive one down the street in White Fish, MO, if you’re wearing a mask, because that’s illegal. Then, again, you aren't allowed to ride a cow at all in Lowes Crossroads, DE, if you’re a woman wearing shorts, who weighs more than 200 pounds. Now I say, is that discriminatory or what? And here’s where you can’t keep cows: in the bathtub of your backyard in Orwell, VT; or in your apartment in Sturgis, SD; or in a bakery in Rosette, Utah. To say nothing of the ordinance in White Horse, NM, against walking behind a cow without holding a conversation with it. One wonders what the topics of con versation would be... what does a cow like to converse about. Obviously, there have been lots of laws passed that, at the time, met some serious need in the community. It would no doubt make for fascinating reading to research some of the incidents that led to the passages of these loony laws. On the other hand, maybe it’s better if we just don’t know.
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