Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 13, 1986, Image 16

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    Al6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 13,1986
Good’s Hay
Leola, Pa.
Wednesday, Sept. 10,1986
Report Supplied by Auction
Alfalfa 51.00-144.00; Timothy
83.00- Mixed Hay 55.00-
129.00; Straw 48.00-102.00; Com
61.00- 1 load Canary Grass
79.00 ; 2 loas Oats 1.50 & 1.75 bu.; 1
Central U.S.
Beef Report
Wednesday, Sept. 10
Report supplied by USDA
Compared to Tuesday’s 3:30
P.M. report, choice 3 $l.OO higher,
good uneven, generally steady
late. Holstein type and choice 4 not
established. Processor demand
light, packer-processor demand
good early, light late. Trading
fairly slow after the early
moderate to active pace. Supplies
12 loads of steer carcasses and 21
loads of heifer carasses traded to
Sales reported on 62 loads of
steer and heifer carcasses.
Steer Carcasses:
(22 Loads Reported)
FOB Omaha Basis
600-900 lbs. 9 Ids. range 92.00,
latest est. mkt. 92.00.
Choice 4
600-900 lbs. latest est. mkt 76.00-
77.00 D.
Good 1-3
600-900 lbs. 13 Ids. range 85.00-
88.00, latest estb. mkt. 85.00-86.00.
Holstein Type-
Choice 1-3
600-900 lbs. latest est. mkt. 87.50
Good 1-3
600-900 lbs. latest est. mkt. 81.50
Heifer Carcasses
(40 Loads Reported)
FOB Omaha Basis
Choice 3
550-800 lbs. 21 Ids. range 92.00,
latest estb. mkt. 92.00.
500-550 lbs. 2 Ids. range 89.00-
90.00, latest estb. mkt. 89.00-90.00.
400-500 lbs. 2 Ids. range 88.00-
89.00, latest estb. mkt. 88.00-89.00.
Choice 4
500-800 lbs. latest est. mkt. 76.00-
77.00 D.
Good 1-3
550-700 lbs. 13 Ids. range 85.00-
88.00, latest estb. mkt. 85.00-86.00.
400-550 lbs. 2 Ids. range 76.00-
78.00, latest est. mkt. 76.00-78.00.
Steer Carcasses
FOB Amarillo Basis
Choice 4
600-900 lbs. latest est. mkt. 76.50
Heifer Carcasses
FOB Amarillo Basis
Choice 4
500-800 lbs. latest est. mkt. 76.50
,oer and Heifer
Primal Cuts
(5 loads reported)
In Store Special
—August & September—
Key-Aid Distributors
and Pitman Moore
Offer You A FREE
pair of 1300
Work Rubbers High Top
(an $B.lO Value) Workßuboers
When You Buy 12
,r “ Levasole Soluble Pig Wormer
Ibvbsolb* j
1 $0 Oft
Key-Aid Distributors
, ~ 225 Wood Corner Rd.
1 Lititz, PA 17543
' 717/738-4241
FOB Omaha Basis
Choice 3
Heifer Hinds
119-167 lbs. latest est. mkt. 103.00
Front Quarters
131-183 lbs. 5 Ids. range 82.00-
83.00, latest est. mkt. 82.00-83.00.
Cow and Bull Caracasses
(5 Loads Reported)
Midwest: Market not well tested,
few heavy cutters mostly $l.OO
higher. Demand moderate on
limited offerings.
Sales In The Midwest Production
FOB Omaha Basis
Util, Bng 1-3 400/Up# 66.00 D.
500/Up# 68.00 C.
Cutter 1-2 350/Up# 72.00-73.25 A.
400/Up# 3 Ids. 76.00.
Bull 1-2 600/Up# 2 Ids. 79.00.
Sales in Eastern Texas and
Oklahoma Production Areas:
FOB Plant
Util, Brkg 2-4 450/Up lbs. 62.50-
64.00 D.
Util, Bng 1-3 400/Up lbs. 68.00-
69.00 A.
Cutter 1-2 350/Up# 74.00-75.00 A.
Bull 1-2 600/Up lbs. 79.00-81.00 A.
Boneless Processing Beef
Beef Trimmings
(140 Lds. Reported)
FOB Omaha Basis
90% Chem Lean 18 Ids. fresh
102.00-104.00,3 Ids. frozen 104.00.
85% Chem Lean 6 Ids. fresh 95.00-
75% Chem Lean 4 Ids. fresh 83.50,
frozen 82.00-83.00 A.
65% Chem Lean 4 Ids. fresh 75.00-
50% Chem Lean 46 Ids. fresh
58.00- M 61.00, frozen 9 Ids.
50% Chem Lean 4 Ids. fresh 60.00-
60.50 Boxed.
Eastern Texas/Oklahoma
Production Areas-FOB Plant
90% Chem Lean 31 Ids. fresh
103.00- M 103.00-104'. 00,
frozen 6 Ids. 103.00-104.00.
85% Chem Lean 6 Ids. fresh 96.00-
75% Chem Lean 2 Ids. fresh 84.00,
frozen 82.00 D.
ABCDE after market quotes
represents days since last actual
market test. Quotes will be
dropped after 5 days of no test.
North Jersey
Hackettstown, NJ
Tuesday, Sept. 9
Report supplied by auction
Cows 25.00-44.50.
Easy Cows 8.00-34.00.
Heifers 25.00-51.00.
Bulls 28.00-51.75.
Steers 37.00-55.50.
Hogs 38.00-61.00.
Roasting Pigs, each 50.00-60,00.
Sows 43.5049.00.
Sheep 10.00-51.00.
Lambs, each 21.00-57.00.
Lambs, per lb. 35.00-82.00.
Goats, each 17.00-68.00.
Kids, each 14.00-42.00.
Total 1175.
Homer City, Pa.
Thursday, September 11
Report supplied by PDA
CATTLE: 276. SI. steers and
cows 1.00-1.50 higher; few High
Choice si. steers 60.50-62.00; Choice
56.00- Good 53.00-56.50;
Standard 46.00-52.00; few Utility
43.00- Choice si. heifers 54.50-
58.50; Good 51.50-55.00; Standard
44.00- few Utility 41.0044.25;
Breaking Utility & Commercial si.
cows 37.0040.50; Cutter & Boning
Utility 34.00-38.50; Canner & Low
Cutter 30.50-34.50; shells down to
20.00; YG No. 1, 1100-2000 lb. si.
bulls 44.00-52.25; few YG No. 2,900-
1400 lb. 40.0043.50.
Frame No. 1,375-650 lb. 59.00-65.00;
heifer* f '"" tsvame No. 1,350-
Our hydro seeding of alfalfa with fluid suspension fertilizer has proven
to be a very successful way to seed alfalfa. Reserve your alfalfa seeds now
for next spring to assure availability of the seed of your choice.
Alfalfa Seeds Available
APOLLO - ARMOR - ARROW • And Many Others
Fail is the time to top dress alfalfa with our high potash fluid fertilier.
With one application we can fertilize and apply Princep & other herbicides
for winter weeds in alfalfa.
Don’t overlook our prices on liquid corn starter 9-18-9-3 S. Before you
order your next years corn starter, check our low prices. Because of our
direct buying we can offer our liquid corn starter at such low cost.
Dealer - Paymaster Seed Corn
I I I M Hill" 11l I Hill
B® 8 " 15
/>• fl >\ AUGERS
550 lb. 48.00-52.50.
CALVES: 129. Few Good vealers
60.50-60.00; Standard & Good 90-120
lb. 44.00-50.00; 60-85 lb. 39.00-45.00;
few Utility 50-75 lb. 25.00-35.00.
FARM CALVES: Hoi. bulls 90-
125 lb. 60.00-85.00.
HOGS; 152. Barrows & Gilts 2.00-
2.50 lower; US No. 1-2, 210-245 lb.
60.00- No. 1-3, 210-250 lb.
59.00- No. 2-3, 215-245 lb.
58.00- few No. 2-4, 240-260 lb.
57.00- US No. 1-3, 315-550 lb.
sows 55.00-58.00; No. 2-3,350-650 lb.
52.00- boars 41.00-45.00.
1-3,35 lb. 41.00 per head.
SHEEP: 27. Few High Choice 102
lb. si. lambs 71.25; Choice 75-88 lb.
64.00-68.00; few Good & Choice 66
lb. feeder lambs 65.00; few si.
sheep 20.00-24.00.
GOATS: 5.30.00-35.00 per head.
2020 Hof* $N* M* Unowttr,
automatic farm systems
608 Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 274-5333
Cheek Oar Low Prices Before You Buy
Poultry & Egg
Hackettstown, N. J.
Tuesday, Sept. 9
Report Supplied by Auction
Heavy Fowl .15-.40.
Leghorn Fowl .02-.20.
Bantams .25-.90.
Broilers .55.
Roasters .40-.70.
Fryers .35.
Bunnies .35-.90.
Ducks .30-.50.
Rabbits .25-.80.
Pigeons 1.00-3.80.
Guineas 1.40.
Jumbo X Lge. .79-.95; Large .72-
.85; Medium .67.
Jumbo X Lge. 1.05-1.30; Large
.98-1.19; Medium .79; Small .60.
pa FiRmaCA
Grade A