Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 13, 1986, Image 14
Al4-Lancastor Farming, Saturday, September 13,1986 Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, Sept. 10 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 3:30 P.M. report, fresh pork loins 14-22 lbs. generally steady, 22/up lbs. $4.00 lower; Skd. Hams steady to $4.00 higher; Sdls bellies 12-16 lbs. steady to $l.OO lower. Trade slow to moderate for light to moderate demand and offerings. U.S. no. 2 175 lb. pork carcass cutout value declined .44 to an estimated 80.13 per/cwt. Sales reported on 28 loads of fresh pork cuts, and 2 loads of trimmings and boneless processing pork. Fresh Pork Cuts FOB Omaha Basis Loins, Regular, Fresh 14-18 lbs. 9 Ids. 114.00-123.00, M 114.00-117.00. 18-22 lbs. 3 Ids. 120.00. 22/Up PL 116.00. Tenderloins, 2/Bag PLS 295.00-325.00. Picnics, Regular 4-8 lbs. 62.00 A. 8/Up 62.00-63.50 A. Boston Butts 4-8 lbs. 3 Ids. 90.00-91.00, Spareribs, Fresh 1.5- lbs. PLS 129.00-132.00. 3.5- PL 110.00. 5.5/Up 64.00 E. Spareribs, Frozen 1.5-3.5 3 Ids. 139.00-147.00. 5.5/Up 64.00 E. Loin Backribs 1.5/DN 320.00 A. Hams, Skinned Fresh 14-17 lbs. 94.50 A. 17-20 lbs. 6 Ids. 96.00-97.00. 20-26 lbs. 2% Ids. 92.00-95.50. 26-32 lbs. 93.00 D. 32/Up lbs. 93.00 D. Hams, Skinned, Frozen 17-20 lbs. 4 Ids. 100.00 TIS. Bellies, Sdls, Skin On, Fresh 10-12 lbs. PL 77.00. 12-14 lbs. 3 Ids. 82.00-84.00, M 82.00. 14-16 lbs. 3 Ids. 82.00-84.00, M 82.00. 16-18 lbs. m Ids. 78.50-81.00 18-20 lbs. PL 78.00. 20-25 lbs. PL 77.00. Bellies, Sdls, SUn On, Frozen 12-14 lbs. 83.50 A. 14-16 lbs. 84.00-85.00 D. 16-18 lbs. 82.00 B. Pork Trimmings/ Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) Combo 42% Fresh PL 55.50. Boxed Frozen 50.00 A. Combo 72% Fresh 92.00-96.00, M 92.00 A. Blademeat Boxed 88% Frozen 116.00 E. Picnic Cushion Meat Combo 92% Fresh 1 Id. 118.50, Bnls Picnic Combo 72% Fresh 96.00 C. ' Skinned Jowls Combo Fresh 51.50 C. Cured and Processed Meats Hams, Smoked, Skinned, Water Added 16-19 lbs. 101.00-114.00. 19-23 lbs. 98.00-112.00. Picnics, Smoked, Water Added 4-7 lbs. 71.00-80.00. Bacon, Sliced, Vac. Pack 1 lb. pkg. 160.00-199.00 ABCDE After Market Quotes Represents Days Since Last Actual Reported Sales. Quotes After 5 Days Will Be Dropped. St. Louis Cattle September 11,1986 Report Supplied by USDA FEEDERS: Around 800 head. Feeder steers steady to mostly 2.00 higher, instances 3.00 higher on over 800 lbs. Feeder Heifers uneven, steady to 2.00 lower, most decline on weights over 600 lbs. Holsteins scarce. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame 1: 300-500 lbs. 65.00-70.00, gaunt cross breds 420-460 lbs. 71.50- 72.50 ; 500-600 lbs. 64.00-69.25; 600- 700 lbs. 63.0087.00; 700-800 lbs. 60.00-64.75 ; 800-1000 lbs. 57.50-61.25, package gaunt 840 lbs. 64.00. FEEDER BULLS: Medium Frame 1; 400-700 lbs. 55.50-60.75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1: 300500 lbs. 56.00-60.50, gaunt 418 lbs. 63.50 ; 500-700 lbs. 54.0059.50, package gaunt 520 lbs. 60.00; 700-9501b5. 51.75-55.75. Westminster Livestock Auction Hagerstown, Md. Tuesday, Sept. 9 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: Active $1 higher High Yield 39.0041.00, 2 at 42.00- Utility 35.00-38.50; Canners 32.00-35.00; Shelly 32.00- Down. Bulls: 1 High Yield 1800 lbs. 54.00; Couple Medium 39.0043.00. Fed Steers: Choice to 60.00; Low Choice Holstein Cross 1300-1600 lb. 50.00- Standard 45.00. Fed Heifers: High Choice 975 lb. 58.00- 59.50. Veal Calves- Choice Few to 74.00; Good 55.00-65.00; Stocky/Thin 38.0045.00; Killers 80- 100 lb. 37.0043.00; Weak/Rough 34.00- Farm Calves- Holstein Bulls $5. Lower. 100-125 lbs. 60.00- 73.00; 85-100 lbs. 40.00-65.00. But cher Hogs- 56 head, $.50 lower. US #l&3, 215-240 lbs., 59.00-60.10; 240- 260 lb. #2&3 55.00-59.00; 1 lot 217 lbs. 55.00. Sows- Good demand over 500 lbs. 53.75-55.00; 400-500 lbs. 48.75- 51.25: wn-400 n« 48.00-53.00; Thin ■sS EVERGREEN pglgjlTR ACTOR CO., INC. TRACTORS: JD 4030 Quad Range JO 4230, QR, Sound Guard (1) White 2-105 w/Roll Guard . .., IH 1066 Cab. Air JD 4640 Tractor, P.S. 840 Hrs.... MF 50 Gas (recently overhauled).. MH 22 w/3 pt. and 2 row cultivator 4020, Syncro Hydro Mack Skid Steer COMBINES & PICKERS; 8820 turbo hydro, auto header height, chopper, 30.5x32 tires, monitor, heater & air, reverse feeder house, wide rear axle. 6620 Side Hill, turbo hydro, heater & air, monitor, spreader. 6600 hydro, rotary screen, diesel, heater & air, chopper, US feeder house, monitor, adjustable rear axle, bin extension. 6600 gear, rotary screen, diesel, monitor, heater & air, US feeder house, bin extension. 4400 Diesel, rotary screen, high back seat, auto header height, heater & air, monitor. US feeder house, bin extension. 4400 Diesel, rotary screen, heater, monitor, US feeder house, bin extension, chopper. Ml 324 2 Row Wide 12 Row 327 bed Nl 818 combine 4R narrow head & 13' flex head. Sharp JD 300 Husker Like New (2) #343 3 Row 30" (2) #443 Corn Heads #244 Corn Head #244 Corn Head JD 300 Corn Husker 13' Gram Table (2) #444 Corn Heads 13' & 15' Flex Heads, Black Reel PLANTERS & GRAIN PRILLS: JD 20x6 Model B Plain Grain with Grass D.D JDFBB 15x7 Drill JO 8 Row 7000 30" Planter U)fBj6 Row7ooo No-Til Planter.. each $7,850 HAY MACHINES: Hesston Hydro-Swing Mower Conditioner $2,750 Hesston PTIO Mower Cond $2,350 NH 850 Round Baler . . JD #336 Baler w/#3O ejector GRAIN DRYERS; New Farm Fans ABB Auto-Batch Dryer MUST MOVE. CALL FOR PRICE. .. (Dealer Inquiries Welcome) Coming in... JO 2500 5x18" Auto Reset Plow JD782500 Plow Donahue Implement Trailer Sows 45.0048.00. Boars- 450-700 lbs. 40.7541.75. STOCK CATTLE; 50 head, good demand. Steers- Good Selection. 300-500 lb. Choice 61.00-67.00; Good 55.00- 500-700 lb. Choice 60.00- 63.00; Good 55.00-58.00; 700-900 lb. Good 50.00-57.00; 900-950 lb. Good 53.00- Heifers- 300-500 lb. Choice 55.00-58.50; Good 50.00- 55.00; 500-800 lb. Good 44.0045.00. Bulls- 200-300 lb. 55.00-61.00; 500-700 lb. Good 52.00-56.00; 2 Holsteins 850-935 lb. 41.0041.50. Lambs- 32 head. Good & Choice 95-175 lb. 59.00- Good 55.00; Choice 60- 90 lb. 65.00-71.00; Good 48.00-50.00; Few 73.00-92.00; Yearlings to 40.00. Sheep- 21.00-30.00; Few to 34.00. Goats- 46 head. Large 40.00-55.00; Medium 30.0040.00; Small 15.00- 30.00. Pigs and Shoats-157 head, IS IS higher. By The Head-15-30 lb. 31.0048.00; 3040 lb. 47.00-51.00; 50- 65 lb. 47.00-65.00. By The Lb.-1 lot 55 lb. 56.50. Next Week, Sept. 16, is a special feeder cattle sale. 30 Evergreen Rd., Lebanoi TILLAGE: JO 1010 Flat Fold Field Cultivator 18' JDBWF 14'Flex Disc JD1450 5x16 Plow AC 4x16" Slat Plow $9,750 .. $14,500 Make Offer . $10,750 .. $28,500 ... $3,250 .... $1,650 . .. $8,450 ... $4,850 4x16" Fl4sSemi-Mtd. Plow .. JD F 845 Roll Over Plow (New).. JD 1450 4-16" IH Model 470,20' Disc Oliver SB Reducible To 4B Auto Reset Semi-Mtd 16” Plow.. lARVESTERS & FORAGE EQUIPMENT: NH Super 717 Harvester NH P.U. Attachment NH 1890 Hydro Chopper w/3 Row Narrow & Pickup (Fire Damage) (1) John Deere 34 w/One Row Row Crop JD #35 Harvester, 1 row Row Crop JD #3B Harvester. . . . MISCELLANEOUS: 18.4x38 Direct Axle Dual Wheels 14.9x38 Direct Axle Dual Wheels Papec #BBO Grinder Mixer w/Molasses Attach-Sharp 14.9x26 T-rail duals JDlO' Dozer Blade 30 or 40 Series 2WD $2,650 NH 679 tandem axle spreader, hyd. endgate . $3,850 NH #9O Bale Mover NH #513 Spreader $3,950 $8,950 Ml 214 Spreader w/End Gate JO 148 Loader Best Land Rock Picker 9 Tooth Folding Anhydrous Bar $1,250 NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT AT (1) JD 21’ Model 400 Rotary Hoe with Transport SPECIAL NEW 16’ 3 BEATER ARTSWAY FORAGE WAGONS $3,450.00 each $450 $3,850 in, PA., (717) 272-4641 or Toll Free 1-800-441-4450 Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday Sept. 11,1986 Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Return to Farm Calves 55.00 88.00. Good Veal 60.00-85.00. Common Veal 34.00-59.00. Choice Steers 61.00-65.50. Good Steers 57.0062.00. Common Steers 40.00-56.00. Commercial Cows 36.00-42.00. Canners-Cutters 35.00-39.00. Shells 28.00-34.00. Choice Heifers 54.00-57.00. Good Heifers 49.00-53.00. Common Heifers 39.00-48.00. Good Feeders 60.0065.00. Common Feeders 35.00-59.00. Bulls 38.0061.00. Good Hogs 58.0060.50. Heavies 60.0060.50. Sows 48.0061.00. Roughs 39.0040.00. Lambs 50.0061.00. Eggs $.72-|.92/doz. GENERIC PRICES FOR SALE WINDOWS Galvanized frames, 6 life 32”x40" Heavy Duty, $6.00 Each. Ask For Parts Dept. 91 $3,650 $2,350 $1,950 $350 $1,450 $2,850 $1,450 $2,650 $2,250 $2,450 ..$575 $950 $2,150 $1,450 $3,950 $1,450 $1,850 $2,650 $2,975 •REEN 'OR IC.