AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6,1986 OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC SEPT. 8-14,1986 Hate to mention you might get a drenchin'. U S Senator Huey P Long shot and killed by Dr Carl A Weiss in Baton Rouge, La , Sept 8, 1935 First quarter of the moon Sept 11 (Thurs ) President Gerald R Ford granted a "full, free, and absolute pardon" to former president Richard M Nixon, Sept 8,1974 Average length of days for the week 12 hours, 41 minutes Hurricane Carla hit Texas coast, causing 45 deaths and $3OO million in damage, Sept 11, 1961 Newspaperman and cntic H L Mencken bom in Baltimore, Md , Sept 12, 1880 Soviet Union launched Luna 2, the first spacecraft to land on the moon Sept 12 1959 Words are wise men's counters hut the currency of tools Home Hints To remove a broken light bulb trom the socket turn otf the power press a thick dr\ sponge into the jagged base and turn carefulK OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Full week of ram and warm temperatures Greater New York-New Jersey: Week begins with showers and cool temperatures midweek showery and warm, end ot weex cloudy and cool Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins with showers and mild temperatures, mid week clear and warm, end of week showers (All Rights Reserved Yankee Publishing Incorporated Dublin NH 03444) Frederick Livestock Monday, Sept. 1,1986 BUTCHER COWS: $l.OO higher. Good 38.00-40.00; Standard & Utility 33.00-37.00; Canners 28.00- 32.00; Shelly 30.00-Down. BULLS: G00d43.00-43.75. STEERS: Good 51.00-55.00; Standard 47.00-50.00. BUTCHER HOGS; Steady prices. 220-245 lbs. 61.00-62.00 ; 250- 265 lbs. 60.00-61.00 ; 300-350 lbs. 52.00-54.00. SOWS; 300-600 lbs. 50.00-55.25. VEAL CALVES: Mostly steady prices. Good-Choice 61.00-64.00; Standard 55.00-60.00; Stocky & Thin 47.00-54.00; Light Calves 36.00-43.00; Weak & Rough 35.00 Down. CALVES RETURNING TO ATTENTION Dairy Buyout Farmers Get the most for your herd Go direct - Farm to Packer Any size herd - all weights and grades of cows Trucking provided Paperwork handled quickly and efficiently TAYLOR PACKING CO., INC THE Compared with last week’s close: Slaughter steers closed 1.00 iiigher with heifers closing 1.00 to 1.50 Bulk of receipts Monday with stockyards personnel issuing market report. No cows or bulls reported. Supply mainly good to average choice slaughter steers and heifers with 5 percent cows estimated receipts this week a boot 1500 as compared with actual receipts of 1979 last week and 1814 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4, mostly 3, 1050-1250 lbs. 60.00- 61.00, load 61.50; 975-1050 lbs. 58.00- 60.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3, 1000-1200 lbs. 57.00-60.00. Good 2-3, 900-1100 lbs. 53.00-58.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 24, mostly 3, 950-1150 lbs. 58.50-60.00, load 60.50-61.00 ; 875-950 lbs. 57.00-58.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3, 900-1000 lbs. 56.00-58.00. Good 2-3,800-1000 lbs. 51.00-56.00. Leola Produce Auction Leola, PA FARM: Very active and steady. _ 2,1986 Holstein Heifers 90-120 lbs. 41.00- . Report SupplledbyAuction zussHSiSSJr 1 lu|2So£ ATTLE: Ugh ' C ? b M S ' 15-.5 STEERS: Choice 59.00-61.50; Cantalopes: .45-.751g. ea., .15-.45 Good 53.00-58.00; Medium 46.00- 52.00. Ask the Old Farmer: 1 have a very old painting that needs repair How can 1 remove the canvas from the wooden frame that holds or rather stretches the canvas without tearing the canvas’ D M South Hampton N H Don t remove the tanvas from the woodin franu Instead pad the area under the picture with maga zines to keep it from sireh lung and then make your repairs HEIFERS; Good 45.00-50.00; Medium 40.00-44.00. BULLS: Choice 49.00-53.00; Medium 44.00-48.00. DAIRY COWS: 365.00-550.00. SPRINGING HEIFERS: 365.00- 550.00. PIGS & SHOATS; Strong demand. BY THE HEAD: few 25 lbs., 32.00 ; 30-60 lbs. 39.00-45.00. BY THE LB.: 65-70 lbs. 47.00-59.00; 1 lot of 10,85 lbs., 76.00 FARMERS SAVE /'K Fertilizer Dollars! V * I * Use poultry manure or «- * ' \ mushroom soil nI J September Special ¥ Lancaster C 0... *lO per ton jjVM.H. Martin Co. 215-267-6400 Union Co *l5 per ton Lewisburg 717-524-2952 Blair Co *l6 per ton Martinsburg 814-793-2464 Delivered On Your Farm P.O. Box 188 Wyalusing, PA 18853 717-746-1309 Peoria Cattle Thursday, Sept. 4,1986 Report Supplied by USDA ATTENTION FARMERS The New Way To Market Your Livestock HATFIELD 0 MOYER PACKING CO. PACKING CO. Will Receive Hogs Will Receive Cattle At The BLAIR-BEDFORD BUYING STATION RD 1 Martmsburg. Pa MONDAYS • Hogs BAMto 11 ;30 AM Cattle & Calves 8 AM to 3 PM THURSDAYS- Cattle & Calves 8 AM to 3 PM • No commission or yardage fees deducted from check • Livestock weighed and paid for immediately • You may call our office sale day for prices DALE R. HOOVER - Owner Business 814-793-3077 Residence 814-793-2657 SWINE PRODUCTION SALES AND SERVICE Complete Feeding Programs and Services Feeding Programs to Meet Your Individual Needs Computerized Record Keeping System Providing Veterinarian Service PA. Toll Free 1 -800-468-5524 sm. &rnd. ea. Com: 1.50-2.80 doz. Cucumbers: 4.00-9.0011/9 bu. Eggplant: 4.00-8.0011/9 bu. Indian Com: .50-.85 lg.; .65-. BS sm. Lima Beans: 14.00-18.0011/9 bu. Nectarines; 7.50-10.00 % bu. Peaches: 4.50-6.25 bu. Pears: (Bartlett) 4.50-6.00 Ms bu. Peppers: Red sm. & md. 2.50- 4.00 11/9 bu.; red lg. 4.50-7 501 1/9 bu.; green 6.0041.50 lg. i 1/9 bu.; green 3.00-5.50 sm., md. Plums: 6.50-8.50 Vi bu. Potatoes: 4.00-5.00 50 lb.; .75 10 Red Beets: 2.50-6.00 bunch 15 ct Squash: (Pattypan) 4.00-8.50 sm M> bu.; (yellow) sm., md. 3.50-6.50 Mibu. String Beans: 12.00-20.00 1 1/9 bu. (green); 8.00-18.00 1 1/9 bu. (yellow). Tomatoes: 8.00-14.00 lg. 25 lb.; 4.00-7.50 sm. & md. 25 lb.; 4.004.50 12 pt. flat cherry. Watermelon: 1.00-1.501 g ea.; .50- ,90sm.,md. ea. Zucchini; Green 5.00-9.00 Vz bu. PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRI, SEPT. 12 1:30 P.M. AT Carlisle LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Exit 12 0« 1-81 (717)249-4511 or Evenings Jim, 249-2359 419 W. High Street Elizabethtown, PA Developing Individual 1 Financial Programs Joliet Weekly Thursday, Sept. 4 Report supplied by USDA Sales this week 650; last week 416; a year ago 1,331. Trading moderate. Slaughter steers and heifers 1.50 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1100-1250# 61.50-62.50, load 63.00; mixed good and choice 2-3 1050-1200# 60.00-61.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-4 950-1100# 60.00-61.00, mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1050# 57 50-59.50 r , f THINKING OF I j BUILDING 7 , | ! READ LANCASTER FARMIKi I ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I | YOUR NEEDS! j F & S OF VIRGINIA HAY AUCTION NEW MARKET, VA EVERY TUESDAY STARTING SEPT. 9 at 11:30 A.M. Will continue on a weekly basis and open to everyone to buy & sell Drought Stricken area in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley Horse Country, Dairy & Beef Cattle Country. 3% Commission will be charged to the sellers. Auction will be conducted at the F & S Auto Auction, located on Rt. 11 North, 2 miles North of New Market, VA and 3 miles South of Mount Jackson, VA. Our policy is cash, certified check or bank approved letter. For more information call: 703-740-8005 or 703-298-9187 Green Dragon v Livestock Sales ft* I Location; Ephrata RD 4. 1 mile N. on North State St, Ephrata. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb 11:00 A M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week. 1:00 P.M.-Dairy Sale. 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit fromJsank. Supplying Farm Fresh Feeder Pigs Marketing and Hedging Marketing of Genesis Breeding Stock Direct Dial (717) 367-1525 Services
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