Leinbach’s Hay Aifaifa, 6i.00-125.oo; Timothy, Shippensburg, PA. 91.00-132.00; Mixed Hay,, 51.00- Tnetday, Sept. 2,1986 109.00; Straw, 46.00-93.00; Com, Report Supplied by Auction 59.00-71.00; Oats, 1.45-1.85 bu. 25 loads. Rye, 2.85-3.05 bu.; Clover, 60.00. Alfalfa, 65.00-95.00; Mixed Hay, Part-nil p n xj av 56.00-82.00; Timothy, 59.00-86.50; 2., V O, Straw, 68.00-70.00; Ear Com 63.00- Westminster, MD 70.00; Mulch Hay, 39.00. „ Tuesday, Sept. 2 Report supplied by Auction Keister’s Hay 3 loads. Mlddleburg, PA 2 loads Alfalfa, fair to good, Tuesday, Sept. 2 121.00 &nd 127.00, Alf&lfs Timothy Report supplied by auction Mix* fancy, 142.50. 21 loads. Alfalfa: 79.00-92.00; Seed Barley to be sold next week. Mixed Hay: 55.00-92.00; Mulch: Howard- Hair 35.00; Straw; 62.50; 10 loads Earn LtCWdl I n<ty Com: 57.50-66.00 ; 3 loads Rye: Dewart, PA. 2.90-3.20 bu. Monday, Sept. 1,1986 _ ~ TT Report Supplied by Auction UOOd S Hay 19 loads Hay, 46.00-70.00 ; 2 loads Leola, Pa. Straw, 46.00-50.00; Wood, 26.00- Wednesday, Sept. 3,1986 34.00 per load; 2 loads Com 55.00- Report Supplied by Auction 62.00 92 loads. Seeking Profits In Commodities Trading? • Hedging • Speculating • Managed Account • Commodity Options Call Forney Longenecker, Commodities Investment Executive, tmMANJ At (717) 295-8914 BROTHERS SHEARSON wbwwEgwww, LEHMAN BROTHERS 29 E. King St. Hgg Lancaster, PA 17603 • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE 1:00 P.M. Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, Pa., 6 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britain, turn north, follow little Britain Road to Jackson Road, right. 2nd farm, OR take Rt. 222, out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Road to Little Britain Road to Jackson Road, left. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Head WHITE DIAMOND GILTS Here Now a new cross again. Large White & Landrace. first generation true F-1 gilts. Parent stock originated from Lieske Bros. Minnesota. Very productive in litter size and feed conversion. Vaccinated for Lepto, Erysiplas, Rhinitis, E'Coli, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Trucker Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE DATE OCTOBER 24, ] :00 P.M Present & Future Pork Producers EAST COAST HOG SERVICE has a few sow contracts (farrow to finish) to place! Present sow contracts At today’s prices paying *36.60 (per market hog) If you have interest in a farrow to finish sow contract (120 sows or more) please give us a call. 717-626-6566 1 -800-223-4479 (outside PA) AflBTflON FARMERS EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO. Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RD 4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday. Your hogs will be weighed and paid for immediately. • We will also accept your sows & boars. • Your cattle will be received from 12:30 to 5 P.M. We will either pay you for your cattle immediately or you may sell them dressed weight. • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check. • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day. MELVIN M. LEHMAN - Owner Danville Buying Station Phone:7l7-275-2880 Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, Sept. 2,1986 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: Steers: Mostly Steady. Good Holsteins 55.00-58.00; Medium Holsteins 38.85-44.50. Heifers- Steady to 1.00 higher. Choice- 54.00-57.00; Good 51.00- 54.00; Medium 48.00-50.25; Holsteins 46.00 & Down. Cows- Active; Mostly Steady To 1.00 Higher. High Yield 38.50-40.60; Good 36.25-38.25; Medium 34.00- 36.00; Big Middle 32.00-37.50; Shelly 31.00-Down. FAT Bulls- Mostly Steady. Medium-Good 42.50-48.85. FEEDER CATTLE; Next Tuesday, Sept. 9th We Will Have Our First Special Fall Feeder Sale. Steers (300-750 lb) 1.00 to 2.00 higher. Choice 60.0066.00; Good 55.0059.00; Medium 48.0054.00; Culls 47.00 & Down. Heifers (all weights) Mostly Steady. Choice 50.00-52.00; Good 45.00-49.00; Medium 44.00 & Down. Bulls (all weights) Choice 60.00-64.00; Good 52.0059.00; Medium 49.00 & Down. VEAL CALVES: Active 2.00 to 4.00 Higher on Back to Farm Calves. Choice 70.00-83.00; Good 60.0069.00; Medium 50.0059.00; Ught/Standard 41.00-49.00; Farm Bulls- 70.00-89.00; Few Weak/Rough 40.00 & Down. HOGS: Barrows & Gilts 2.50 lower than last week. 210-250 lbs. 58.0060.00; 2 & 4’s (All weights- Ught& heavy 49.0055.00). SOWS; Good run with Good Demand; Mostly Steady. Over 450 lb. 53.75-56.25; Under 450 48.50- 52.50 ; 2 & 3’s 45.0047.75; Boars: Heavy 42.7543.25; Light to 49.00. FEEDER PIGS; (bythehd) (25- 30 lbs. 30.00-33.00) (3545 lbs. 45.00- 51.00) (50-60 lbs. 49.00-56.00). LAMBS: Good 56.0041.00; Med. 55.00 & Down 3rd Annual Central j NY SHEEP A WOOL i FESTIVAL I SHEEP | AUCTION | AND , BUCKPASSER 1 SALE I Sat.. Sept. 13 I from 10 am-5 pm { at the Chenango County Fairgrounds, Norwich, New York. ( Sheep & wool crafts, farmers trade show.l shearing, spinning,, weaving demonstra tions, exhibits, prizes, | iamb spledies. Lots to see and do! 1 TOP PRICES FOR DOWN, CRIPPLED AND AS IS COWS, BULLS & STEERS Slaughtered Under Federal Inspection Paid On Dressed Weight Tom Mulvaney Livestock Trucking (201)454-4247 HANDLING; Warren, Hunterdon, Sussex And Somerset Counties, New Jersey INPENNA: Northampton, Bucks, Lehigh And Parts Of Carbon & Schuylkill Counties Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6, 1956-A7 few STRIKE RICH! lANCASTK FARMING CLASSIFIED \jO J If EWES: Mostly 21.00-30.00 lb. GOATS: (Lg) 42.50-56.00; (hd) Sm./Med. 17.0040.00. Next State Graded Pig Sale: Friday, Sept. 12th 1:30 P.M. Virginia Cattle Richmond, Virginia Northern, Va. Thun., Aug. 28 to Wed., Sept 3,1988 Report Supplied by VDA Head Count: 4,900 Trend: Steady to $4-W higher. STEERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 64.00-75.00; 500-700 lbs. 60.00-71.50; 700-1000 lbs. 50.00-61.50. Large 1 300-500 lbs. 64.00-70.00; 500-700 lbs. 59.2567.00; 700-1000 lbs. 60.0060.50. Small 1300600 lbs. 57.5067.50; 500- 700 lbs. 54.5061.50; 700-1000 lbs. 56.00. HEIFERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 52.0060.00; 500-700 lbs. 53.00- 56.10; 700-900 lbs. 49.0064.75. Large 1 300-500 lbs. 55.5060.50; 500-700 lbs. 55.0062.50; 700-900 lbs. 51.75- 52.00. Small 1 300600 lbs. 52.25- 56.00; 500-700 lbs. 44.0063.00. South & Southwest Va. STEERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 65.00- 500-700 lbs. 62.00-71.00; 700-900 lbs. 53.25-61.25. Large 1300- 500 lbs. 67.00-79.00; 500-700 lbs. 60.00- 700-900 lbs. 56.5049.25. Small 1300-500 lbs. 55.0046.75; 500- 700 lbs. 54.0042.00; 700-900 lbs. 55.00. HEIFERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 53.75-64.00; 500-700 lbs. 52.00- 64.25; 700-900 lbs. 44.0045.50. Large 1 300400 lbs. 55.0045.00; 500-700 lbs. 53.0049.00; 700-900 lbs. 53.00- 55.00. Small 1 300400 lbs. 50.00- 61.00; 500-700 lbs. 46.0045.00. KING’S AUCTION KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Querryville or 6 miles north of Oxford «t Sheub's Auctior House Lloyd H Kreider, Auctioneer AU-000513L No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME HAY & STRAW SALE 12:00 Noon Every Wednesday Westend of Avondale at the intersection of Baltimore Pike and Route 41. Harvey Z. Martin 215-268-3604 (Office) 215-445-5303 (Residence)
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