The best numbers for your bottom line. One way to get better numbers on your bottom line is to plant the best numbers you can in the spring. Which is why farmers are planting more acres to Pioneer® brand bsj^|M 3744 Performance wise, 3744 is tough to beat. Besides outyielding the com petition by a wide margin over the last three years, 3744 usually dries down faster. It has excellent root and stalk strength, resists Northern, Southern and Carbonum Leaf Blights, and does well under higher populations and higher management or irrigation. Living, Learning & Planting PIONEER. BRAND SEEDS | ® PIONEER* brand products art sold subject to ths terms and conditions of sate which ars part of tha labeling and sate documents. Pioneer la a brand name; numbara Identify varieties. •Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., Dae Moines, lowa, U.S.A. itfTkr.- V" /r £V* iiv > '"jfr. ' 4 ' > ' -XiC r>SrW 3352 This newcomer has already proven itself as the yield leader for its matu rity. Over the last three years in this area, 3352 holds a significant yield advantage against competitive hy brids. Now, that kind of performance speaks for itself. But besides yields, 3352 has very good emergence and early vigor along with excellent stay green and leaf disease resistance against Northern and Southern Leaf Blights, Eyespot and Gray Leafspot. This hybrid is going to surprise a lot of folks. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. hybrids every year. They know Pioneer hybrids, developed from exclusive lines, are their best chance at bigger yields and better numbers. ~$T- A'^f* *.T PIONEER. BRAND-SEED CORN ml 3378 A leading hybrid with the ability to deliver big, hefty yields in poor growing seasons as well as good growing seasons. 3378 owes much of this success to its hearty agron omic traits like outstanding plant health, superb standability, fast emergence, strong drought tolerance and ears that “flex” to accommo date growing conditions. With so much going for it, it’s not hard to see why 3378 is a lot of growers’ favor ite corn. Plant some and you’ll be convinced too. -f s s^. Ik '' ' ■
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