A32-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, June 7,1986 Grange Testifies Against Market Manipulation WASHINGTON, D.C. - In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee here today, Mark C. Nestlen, Legislative Representative for the National Grange, warned Congress that farmers are likely to be victimized by price reductions caused by market manipulation in the agriculture marketing system and that failure to permit farmers to sue in those circumstances causes a grave injustice. Nestlen’s remarks were in support of the proposed Antitrust Improvement Act of 1986, which will, in part, provide for indirect seller suits to be brought by State Attorneys General on behalf of farmers and ranchers who produce and sell agricultural products. The legislation is in response to the 1977 Supreme Court decision in Illinois Brick which prohibits all but the direct buyer or seller to sue for damages that have been passed on due to anticompetitive activities. “This decision unfairly affects farmers because it fails to recognize the unique competitive structure of the food and fiber system,” said the Grange spokesman. The perfectly com petitive farmer is sandwiched between an imperfectly-structured input market and an oligopolistic out-put market. Nestlen said, “In short, agricultural producers have little control over the prices they pay or the prices they receive while non-agricultural industries have varying degrees of market power and, within limits, the capacity to adjust their prices.” While the Grange accuses no one of price fixing or market manipulation, Nestlen described how the food manufacturing in dustry could act collusively in its pricing. He said, “This legislation will maintain the strict standards of proof and the procedures of antitrust litigation and indicts no one for antitrust offenses.” Nestlen concluded, “Simply, the farmer would have his day in court if the producer and the Attorney General feel that there has been a violation.” Cumberland Word Growers Seek Queen Candidate CARLISLE The Cumberland Cooperative Sheep and Wool Growers are seeking a candidate to sponsor in the Pennsylvania Lamb and Wool Queen Contest, held annually in conjunction with the Keystone International Livestock Exposition. To qualify, the candidate must be a young lady who has reached her 17th birthday by Oct. 1, 1986, and not have reached her 23rd birthday by that date. For an entry blank, contact Donna Duncan, 49 “E' 1 Street, Carlisle, Pa. 17013; phone, 717-243- 8069. All entries must be received by July 15,1986. ZELLER ENVIRONMENTAL PEST CONTROL SERVICE Elizabethville, PA Serving all of agricultural, residential and commercial needs for pest control. No Job too large or too small. Reasonable Rates Prompt, Efficient Service. Toll Free In PA 1-800-551-3964 Local Dialing 717-362-3860 VA NT PALE w Trailer Mounted Mixer/Feeder FULL LINE OF VAN DALE 4 AUGER MIXERS • Trailer • Truck Mount • Stationery • Seven Sizes From 100 cu. ft. to 500 cu. ft. • Smaller Augers & Unique Mixing Design Gives Less Wear And Longer Life Than Most TMR Mixers ■ m uebler K&S INC. M m Sales & Service Ourag lenders know Sides Because at Common £ wealth, we’ve always lf known that south central Y^^ ll Pennsylvania can only be as strong as its agn- . . lence. cultural economy LOITIIIIOnWeaIth So our commitment to D^ n l/ farming continues with I lallUl Idl Dell UV our pledge to support the agricultural commu nity in every way possible ’Ni lr THE MIXER FEEDER LINE • WE STOCK FULL LINE OF PARTS AND COMPLETE SERVICE * • WE BUY TRADE & SELL MOST COMPETITIVE BRANDS • WE HAVE REBUILT MIXERS FOR SALE (■ _VAW DALE Stationary Mixar (717) 284-3111 R.l - Quarryville, PA To be a good ag lend er, you have to know farming as well as you know banking And that’s the tough criterion every Commonwealth National ag lender must Truck Mounted Mixar/Feedar Hmiil To-K t S INC Rl. Qurryviil*. PA 17566 I CM INTERESTED I □ FICKESSILO □ MAGNUM SILO UNLOADER I □ MAONA-MATIC 360 UNLOADER | □ REDTOPWATERERS | □ VAN DALE MIXER FEEDERS I □ VAN DALE LIQUID MANURE SYSTEM ' j UEBLER GAS POWERED TMRU-BLEND™ { □ UEBLER GAS OR ELECTRIC FORAGE CARTS I (CompM* Line) [ □ VAUGHAN CHOPPER MANURE PUMPS ) NAME [address [CITY Iwwiwi And that means hav ing ag lenders in place throughout our marketing area. Ag lenders who know both sides of your fence Count on Commonwealth A A Melton Bank a "ii 7l~: STATE Member FOIC V r~~- T""