Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 10, 1986, Image 82

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    2-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, May 10,1986
•n 3U -* The bam on the Arthur Astle
sls.bss.SpS? snLs.*—• -ss
Bayville K», Inc., In Norfolk, nOWtonagc-...
R2JSS Farm 8t ’ and dedication service this
™ Victor Plastow Assistant weekend - 1,16 announcement was
UM^Sfon^SS’i!uS2 mric by Arthur W. Eohlem.m,
- inheritance of the
Rnoinpos Huh oMjui nationally-known holstein bull
J5E“5£T2r SL b£ *“«■* Admiral Luci£er 13
Sun Florv Harry Lee Hoar ™w being perpetuated through his
’ newly proven son Penn State
and Miss Dorothy Stehman. Lucifer Star. Lucifer Star was
. . thkf C week a in t roduce d into service this week
Sl ® n u ?. . |t f f by the Southeastern Pennsylvania
measure that permits farmers of Breeders cooperative.
Pennsylvania to apply for a full _ HenS twtadairv bull
refund of all state taxes on gasoline tte^Dairv
and other liquid fuels. mSnfllSS Snte? oft£
- Facilities of the Lancaster „ re , g Kesearon cwiter «_tne
Poultry Exchange have been of- .fS
to^r e CoatesV^ e SlvSlSy^^hin^J
Chicken of Tomorrow Contest Sale. „ i,i en *i ca i * w j n hull calves to the
Chickens from the contest will be. sKd contacT dSr
sold without charge in the May 17 0 COntaCt 6
Be sum
The new higher-powi
more lime each appf
soil that tests to pH'
Blot Ball, Pa. (717) 354-4
Gap, Pa. (717)442
Wasp May Be
South American wasp, smaller
than a pinhead, is an “ace in the
hole” for helping the potato in
dustry cut its losses to a revenous
beetle, a U.S. Department of
Agriculture scientist says.
Robert F. W. Schroder, an en
tomologist with USDA’s
Agricultural Research Service, is
relying on a combination of the
wasp, a fungus, a growth
regulator, and a bacterium to
control the Colorado potato beetle,
a pest that robs U.S. potato, tomato
and eggplant farmers of about $l5O
million each year.
Schroder is turning to the wasp
and the other controls because, he
said, “the beetle is becoming
resistant to most insecticides.”
Without any control, he added, this
pest can totally destroy these
“Hie wasp is our ace in the hole
because none of the native
biological controls tested reduce
the beetle population below harm
ful levels,” said Schroder, based at
the agency’s Beneficial Insects
Laboratory in Beltsville, Md. Also,
he said, the wasp kills the beetles
but does not attack any beneficial
insects and is not harmful to
humans or animals.
Strength, Durability and Beauty!
• High tensile galvanized steel panels • Five major ribs ( V «" height) • 36” coverage
• Anti-siphon feature • Warranted Ceramic Siliconized Polyester Paint System
• 12 colors in galvalume, plain or painted
Imperial Rib is custom-out to
the inch to fill your needs in
lengths up to 45 feet, reducing
or eliminating end laps. You
get a tighter, stronger, more
attractive building.
Anil Siphoning
; Now Stocking Pressure Treated Lumber
2x6...10’ Thru 16’
Call For Current Prices
Limited Time Only
* fv
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/» ...
Complete Pole And
Other Buildings
Key to Potato
“Scientists from overseas are
contacting us for quantities of the
wasp to protect potato and
eggplant fields,” he said. “The
wasp has potential to control the
Colorado potato beetle world
Currently, Canada, Italy,
U.S.S.R. and the Netherlands are
rearing wasps to establish colonies
for research on mass-releasing the
wasp as a biocontrol. Several other
countries, including Yugoslavia,
are also interested in using the
wasp, he said.
Schroder got the wasp from
Benjamin Puttier, an ARS en
tomologist. Puttier discovered it in
1980 in South America with the help
of Colombian entomologists; the
wasp was named and described by
Eric E. Grissell of the Systematic
Entomology Laboratory at Belts
By using the wasp alone or with
other biological organisms, plus
small amounts of chemical in
secticides a strategy known as
integrated pest management
farmers can increase yields and
reduce pesticide use.
Potato Seminar
DENVER, Colo. - “Managing
Nematode Problems,” “Micro
Tuber Production,” “Marketing
and Contracting of Certified Seed
Potatoes” and over 18 articles on
every aspect of the seed potato
industry have recently been
published in the Fourth Annual
North American Seed Potato
Seminar Proceedings.'
The 76-page book contains
Imperial Rib’s %” rib with anti-siphon feature creates a
break in the siphoning action that gives you a weather-tight
structure when installation is performed to manufacturer’s
VH ‘- J
Beetle Control
In three years of field and
laboratory studies, Schroder and
colleagues found that, on potatoes,
the parasitic female wasp kills aii
average of half of the beetle eggs in
which she lays her eggs.
On those beetles that survive
Schroder applies the fungus
Beauvaria; the growth regulating
hormone, alsystin, which prevents
insects from moulting; or the
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.
He said the tests also show the
wasp provided 95 to 100 percent
control of the beetle on eggplants.
Wasps could replace up to 15 ap
plications of insecticide on
eggplant fields to control the
beetle, he added.
Schroder is still conducting field
tests on the wasp’s effect on
Colorado potato beetles that infest
tomatoes. “I expect the same
results on tomatoes as with the
eggplants,” he said.
Ongoing studies are being
conducted with Rutgers Univer
sity, the New Jersey Department
of Agriculture, and the Virginia
Truck and Ornamentals Research
Book Available
photographs, charts and papers
presented by speakers at the 1965
Seed Potato Seminar, Dec. 5-7, at
the Westin Hotel in Denver.
The book is available for $3O plus
an additional $2 charge for orders
placed outside of the United States.
To order, send payment with your
request to: The Potato Foundation,
4685 Peoria St., Suite 101, Denver,
CO 80239.
M\vV\\ available
I\\ \ \ Red,Tan,
ii 11 \ \\ \ Harvest Gold,
•L/ '
Green, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, White, Gray, Bronze,,
Brown & Black.
' *
Please Call Us For Prices On Your Pol
Shed Needs. We Can Supply You With Al
Materials Needed For Pole Shed Coi
struction At Very Competitive Prices.
RD 2, Box 267, East Earl, PA 17519
(717) 354-7561