are managing spring inputs t maximize thei Passage of the 1985 Farm Bill is causing growers across the com belt to take a new look at production practices. With land going out of production, it’s more important than ever to get the most out of every acre you plant. In this situation, the value of your spring inputs should be measured by their effect on your net return at han vest. But how do you make that crucial business decision now? Many com growers keep detailed How some corn growers net return at harvest: computerized records of every fi farm-and everything that goes them. And they test-hybrids, f izers, insecticides, herbicides. / one goal in mind, maximizing income. On his 500 acres of com, T Juncker of Mount Vernon, Indi found that Lasso® herbicide is 01 that can help him do just that. Tom’s words: “The most obvious increase your income is to increase