D26-Lancaster Farming Saturday, March 15,1986 HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania farmers had 1,960,000 cattle and calves on hand on January 1, ac cording to the Pennsylvania Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, unchanged from the January 1, 1985 level. The state’s calf crop for 1985 was 840,000, up one percent from the 1984 crop. All cows that have calved at 937,000 was one percent more than a year ago. Milk cow numbers at 747,000 was up two percent from January 1,1986 Beef cows at 190,000 were unchanged from a year ago Milk cow replacement heifers 500 pounds and over at 290,000 were six per cent below last year and beef cow replacement heifers at 37,000 were 10 percent below last year. Other heifers 500 pounds and over at 49,000 were up 14 percent Steers in the same weight category at 225,000 were down two percent and bulls at 29,000 were down 12 percent from 1985. All calves under 500 pounds at 393,000 were up four percent from last year. There were 46,000 Pennsylvania farmers who had cattle and 21,000 operations with milk cows during 1985. Beef cows, at 33.6 million, are five percent below January 1,1985, the lowest since 1966. Milk cows, at 11.2 million, are up three percent from January 1, 1985 and the highest since 1975. Other class estimates on January 1, and the changes from last year and two years ago, respectively, are as follows - All heifers 500 pounds and over 18 0 million down, two percent and three percent Beef replacement heifers, 5.15 million, down seven percent and 17 percent Milk replacement heifers, 4.76 million, virtually unchanged and up five percent Other heifers, 8 09 (ufe) *l# (ufe) Nr haiiiv dauicd IrMIH V 1 W WVliiPk ini omr stress pack mm cow mm IT CONTAINS: • Zinc Methionine • Vitamin E • Niacin • Vitamin A and D • CDL • Choline • Kelp • B Vitamins • DOS - Lactobacillus acidophilus • Amylase, protease and cellulase enzymes IT DOTS NOT CONTAIN: Any drugs - so there is no fear of drug residues! THE ABOVE NUTRIENTS: • Increase Milk Production • Increase Appetite • Increase Conception Rate • Increase Feed Efficiency • Decrease Somatic Cell Counts • Make Your Average (SCC) Cow A Top Cow • Decrease Foot-Rot Problem Two ounces of DAIRY POWER daily add enough power to your average cow. Ask by name - UAS DAIRY POWER. Do not settle for substitutes! ffVk AARON S. GROFF & SON FARM 4 DAIRY STORE ' * RD3, iphort*, FA 17S»