4* „ - -if -' Jt* A ■ •"s. » - .•» •sJiIF When you’ve got a lot of trash sitting on your field, you need a herbicide strong enough to fight its way through. Like Dual. Conservation tillage demands Dual. No herbicide fits the requirements of conservation tillage like Dual. Dual’s more active chemistry allows it to sit on the trash for weeks waiting for rain, without losing effectiveness. And when rain does come, Dual needs very little of it to wash off trash and activate, because it’s highly soluble. Concentrated to work harder, last longer. Dual is concentrated to get into the soil and stay put. Even after heavy rainfall, I*-# r * it won’t leach out. Instead, it stays close to the surface where it’s most effective against germinating weeds and grasses. So your crop will have less competition for water and nutrients during the impor tant early growth stage. /\nd Dual breaks down more slowly so it lasts two to four weeks longer than other herbicides. It stops the late germinating weeds and grasses that occur in the cooler soils under conservation tillage trash. These times demand low cost per acre. Because Dual is concentrated, you can apply it at low pint rates, not quarts like other herbicides And it’s versatile enough to be used on corn and soybeans, or to be incorporated or applied over the-top at the same low rate In short, no herbicide offers you more performance and versatility for the money in conser vation tillage. So try the one whose advantages are sinking in on more and more farms. Dual from Ciba-Geigy LONGER LASHWI DUAL Made Like No Other Herbicide lb Perform Like No Other Herbicide. isii ■L