A2O-Lancaster Famine, Saturday, February 22,1986 BY BARBARA MILLER Staff Correspondent JERMYN - Vowing that “I would do it again,” George SheypuH of Shey-land Holsteins in Lackawanna County, explained the evolution of his embryo transplant operation. They are now collecting from excellent cows with records over 24,000 pound of milk. In 1982 George and Paul Sheypuk again led the state in dairy production with 23,511 pounds of milk and 881 pounds of fat. One year later the brothers sold their herd, except for young stock, and “vacationed” for a short time. Then with occasional selective additions from outside their herd, they began rebuilding their houseswleirprizeanimais 16 Stmd * “» <- «« LIB. FARMSTEAD® II GARAGE SHOP - STORAGE - GARAGE Prices Do Not Relate To Pictures Shown SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FROM BUTLER BUTLER MFG. CO. I Attn P E Hess P 0 Bo* 337, Oxford, PA 19363 ■ ASK ABOUT OUR NEW DEALER PROGRAM FOR 1986 MAIL IN COUPON TODAY ■Name —Address aCounty |City _ | Phone (Include area code) operation in 1984. This time the focus was placed on selling em bryos from a few top individuals. The Sheypuks have been very successful in their new venture. Last year they exported or im planted approximately 200 em bryos from a few top individuals. Walebe Christe ET, a Bell daughter out of Quietcove Matt Cinderella, is the Sheypuks’ highest index cow. This index is currently 1736 M, .09%, 80F and $233. She classified VG 86 as a two year and had a record of 24,968 M, 1090 F with a 4.4 percent test in 313 days. George says he is even prouder of their second highest index cow, Shey-land Valiant Athene, because she is homegrown. Her index stands at 1307 M, .16%, 76F and OR State Shey-land Holsteins are embryo trans FREE COLOR Full Line Of Insulation, Roll or Board See Your Butler Agri-Builder For All Your Insulation Needs I ! ■ IF® $203. Born January 5,1982, Athene classified EX 90 as a junior three year-old. She is currently working on a record as a three-year-old of 26.473 M, 1253 F with a 4.7 percent test. Athene’s dam is Shey-land Elevation Allure who classified EX 91. A good cow index is important to George. “Maybe you’re not cow index oriented,” he says, “but it’s today’s market.” Although he’s aware of changes now to pounds of protein and butterfat, George says farmers will have to work at what the market demands. They began flushing cows two years prior to the sale, according to George, and decided to become serious about selling embryos because, “It was the wave of the future.” Paul, however, is a bit more cautious, and is still reserving judgement on the changeover. “I don’t know yet,” he says, “I’ll know better in a couple years. ’ ’ George and Paid started far ming 30 years ago at ages IS and 13 respectively. The youngest of five children, they eventually pur chased the farm from their father. Through hard work, they expanded and improved the herd until it became one of the highest producing in the state. The work is divided so that George represents the farm at sales, conventions and in farm groups while Paul stays home and takes care of things. According to George, Parkmont Glendell Joell, the first cow they purchased after their sale, has given them the highest number of embryos. To date they have ob- 30’x40’xl2’ FARMSTEDII w/Galvalume walls, galvalume roof, endwall w/16’x9’ slide door 30’x40’xl2’ AG MASTER w/Galvalume walls, galvalume roof, endwall w/16’x9’ slide door on other size buildings GRANT’S CONSTRUCTION C&M SALES INC CO., INC. R D #l, Box 76A RD HI Honesdale,PA 18431 Buffalo Mills, PA 15534 PH 717-253-1612 PH 814-842-6540 MYERS BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. RD #l, Box 161 Clear Spring, MD 21722 PH 301-582-4200 tained 125 embryos from Joell benefit from an extra calf but, he whose index is 911 M, .46 adds, nonsurgical implants are $136 with a 51 percent cheaper, repeatability. She classified EX 91 To aid in selecting hulls the 2E and has a record in 365 days of Sheypuks use the Holstein 27,130 M, 1133 F with a 4.2 percent Association’s Red Book as a guide, test. At present they are using Rotate, The majority of their embryos, Mark and Ned Boy, but George’s George says, are surgically im- favorite is Rotate. planted. With surgical im- “Rotate is on top of the heap, plantation, George says he can He’s a high milk and test bull...we Paul, left, and George proudly stand with the ribbons and trophies their herd has accumulated. AG-MASTER 2:12 OR NAZARETH BUILDING TRI-COUNTY SYSTEMS, INC. AGRI-SYSTEMS 3367 Gun Club Rd RD#l,Boxss Nazareth, PA 18064 Swedesboro, NJ 08085 PH 215-837-7700 PH 609-467 3174 no BUT < WE WA BUSI TALK ■ ■■■ THEN yc WHERE GOMPF CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 1841 Jerry’s Road Street. MD 21154 PH 301-692-5350 MATTSON ENTERP* 1605 Mt Holly Ro® Burlington, NJ 0801* PH 609-386 1603 • Prices Mas Van Prom