Al6-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, February 15,1986 . | I j .• ' PFA’s ‘Friends’group names directors Livestock market ana auction news **,.**,*-,*<*-« and Leon Wilkinson, Chester county dairyman. Appointed to represent ag related businesses are; Dean Carey, president of Knouse Foods Cooperative; Richard Croner, chairman of Agway, Inc.; Richard Denison, manager of PFA’s Farm Management Services; and Art Smith, executive director of the Pennsylvania Farm and Power Equipment Dealers Association. Citizen representatives on the board are: Art Davis, Maurice K. Goddard Chair professor in Forestry and Environmental Resource Management, Penn State University: Ron Smith, president of CCNB Bank, N.A.; Dr. Lamartine Hood, incoming Dean of the College of Agriculture, Penn State University; and W. Dixon Stroud, philanthropist and founder of the Stroud Water Laboratory associated with the Academy of Natural Sciences. The remaining members of the board of directors will be an nounced later. Weekly Summary Harrisburg, PA Friday, February 14 Report supplied by PDA 15 Livestock Markets CATTLE: 4808. Compared with 5523 head last week and 4944 head a year ago. Steers and heifers uneven; extremes .75 to 1.00 lower; cows weak to 1.50 lower; bullocks not fully tested; bulls steady to 1.00 lower; few High Choice & Prime No. 2-4, 60.25-62.25; Choice 56.50- 61.25; Good 52.00-57.50; Standard 43.75-52.00; Choice heifers 53.00- 58.00; Good 49.00-54.00; Standard 42.00-48.50; Breaking Utility & Commercial cows 36.00-39.50; Cutter & Boning 34.00-37.50; Canner & Cutter 28.00-34.75; shells 20.00; few Choice bullocks 51.75- 55.00; few Good 46.25-51.75; few Standard 43.75-48.50; YG No. 1, 1000-1950 lb. bulls 43.0048.75; No. 2, 900-1500 lb. 38.0044.00. FEEDER CATTLE; Steers Med. No. 1,350-650 lb. heifers Med. No. 1, 350-700 lb. 43.00-51.00; bulls Med. No. 1, 400-700 lb. 50.00- 60.00. CALVES; 3452. Compared with 3528 head last week and 3864 head a year ago. Steady to 5.00 higher; Choice 84.00-100.00; Good 72.00- 85.00; 110-130 lb. 58.00-71.00 ; 90-110 lb. 45.00-56.00 ; 65-85 lb. 38.00-50.00; Holstein bulls 90-130 lb. 52.00- 128.00; few heifers 90-140 lb. 51.00- 78.00. HOGS: 6202. Compared with 5818 head last week and 6382 head a year ago. Mostly steady; spots .50 lower; No. 1-2, 210-245 lb. 45.50- 48.00; No. 1-3, 215-250 lb. 44.50- 46.25; No. 2-3, 215-255 lb. 43.00- 45.50; No. 2-4, 230-285 lb. 42.00- 44.50; few No. 1-3,140-190 lb. 33.00- 40.00; sows steady to 1.00 higher; No. 1-1, 300-575 lb. 34.00-39.75; No. 2-3, 300-650 lb. 32.00-38.00; boars 26.00-32.50. FEEDER PIGS; 638. Compared with 810 head last week and 955 head a year ago. Uneven; 20-35 lb. J 9.00-30.00 ; 35-50 lb. 23.00-39.00 ; 50- 85 lb. 33.00-42.00, all per head. 3 GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES: 1277. Compared with 1635 head last week and 1993 hegd a year ago. Highly uneven; ex tremes 10.00 higher to 15.00 lower; No. 1-2, 20-30 lb. 68.00-80.00 ; 3040 lb. 71.00-108.00 ; 40-50 lb. 78.00- 100.00; 50601 b. 75.0069.00; 60651 b. 60.0064.00; No. 2-3, 4065 lb. 60.00- 76.00. SHEEP: 344. Compared with 588 head last week and 600 head a year ago. Uneven; High Choice & Prime 80-110 lb. 72.00-80.00; Choice 70-115 lb. 67.00-74.00; Good 65-100 lb. 65.00- CONTROL rrH M. RODENTS carry diseases which can endanger the health of your poultry flocks. Your business is raising them. Ours is protecting them. We Specialize In Sanitizing And Disinfecting Poultry Houses m Leesport Livestock Leesport, PA Wednesday, February 12,1986 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 245. SUPPLY IN CLUDED 35 FEEDER CATTLE. Compared with last week’s market; Slaughter cows steady to strong. High Choice & Prime 1200- 1600 lbs. steers 57.25-59, one 60.85, Choice 1000-1340 lb. 54.50-58,25, Good 48.10-55.75; Good & Choice 1250-1550 lbs. holsteins 47.25-53.00, Standard 43.7549.50. Few Choice 1050-1225 lbs. heifers 53.60-56.75, few Good 40-53.25. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 36.50-39, few 40.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 35.25-37.50, few 38.10, Canner & Low Cutter 31.60-34.75, Shells down to 27.75. Few High Good & Choice slaughter bullocks 53.35-55, few Good 48.75-51.75, few Standard 44.2548.50. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1275-1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 47.75-51.75, few #2 850-1000 lbs. 38.2544.10. FEEDER CATTLE: Medium Frame #1 (few) 500-550 lbs. steers 57-58.50; Few Medium Frame #1 450-500 lbs. 48- 49.50; Few Medium Frame #1 500- 700 lbs. bulls 50.00-55.00. CALVES 181. Vealers sl-$4 higher. Few Choice 96.00-105, few Good 73.00-91, few Standard & Good 110-125 lbs. 55.00-71, 90-105 Lancaster, PI 3913721 Lewistmn, PA 24M903 State College, PA 237-7607 I- . , I 2020Hor*««hoeRd*Una»t«r,PA | | - »u hi i A Imomomca'mw *****<** lbs. 50-55.50, few 72.00, 70-90 lbs. 46.00- few 53.00, few Utility 90- 115 lbs. 47.00-60, 60-85 lbs. 30.0042. FARM CALVES; Holstein Bulls 90- 135 lbs. 95.00-125, some down 60.00; few Holstein Heifers 100-120 lbs. 61.00- Few Beef Cross Bulls and Heifers 100-120 lbs. 65.00-103.00. HOGS 329. Barrows and gilts $1 to $2.50 lower. Few Lots No. 1-2 220- 255 lbs. 45.5048, No. 2-3 205-260 lbs. 42.2549, mostly 43.7545.25, one lot No. 1-3 200 lbs. at 41.75. Sows steady to 75 cents lower. US No. 1-3 290-730 lbs. sows 34.50-37.25, few 38.00. Few Boars 33.00-36.00. FEEDER PIGS 60. Few US No. 1-3 25-30 lbs. feeder pigs 60.00-66, few 55-60 lbs. 72.00-75 - all per hundredweight. SHEEP 12. Few Choice 60-85 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 78.00-89, one 35 lbs. New Crop Lamb at 130.00 and few 115 lbs. at 61.00- 66.00. Few Slaughter sheep 18.00- 28. GOATS 13: Medium & Large 30.0044.00 per head. Paul Nissley and Gary Forry Magnum - Grand Champion 1984 PA P.F.G.C. Trials -10.2 Ton Yield Has Won More State Trials The Last Five Years Than Any Other Alfalfa. Fast Regrowth - More Leaves Per Plant - Very Persistent fi# felN* time * olf^lwr&fcidwlor Full SoH Test S^vi«S Here’s what a satisfied grow A 9crri/a Xcmcu>te/i. Pa . CAMP HILL - The In corporators of the Pennsylvania Friends of Agriculture have an nounced the appointment of 14 members to its Board of Directors. The charitable foundation is being established by the Penn sylvania Farmers’ Association (PFA) to provide an opportunity for farmers and concerned citizens who wish to contribute to projects designed to improve the future of agriculture in Pennsylvania. Joseph Johns of Davidsville, a former member of PFA’s State Board of Directors, was selected to chair the board which will include a total of 18 directors - six each representing agriculture, ag related businesses, and citizens. Dr. Robert Marshak, Dean of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine, will serve as vice-chairman. Named to the board to represent agriculture are; Keith Eckel, president of PFA; Penrose Hallowell, former Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture: Ken • It took less time to plant I got a quick start with hydrow seeding Magnum I used Furadan and got good insect control I had excellent yield for first year Quick service was provided I would recommend hydrow seeding with liquid fluid fertilizer Suppliers Of Other Alfalfa Seeds Big Ten - Magnum Plus - Epic Edge Also Dealing In Paymaster Seeds »w.rtAi.i4,i' II" iiti w r Nissley Paul Rawlinsville, PA Ferry’s Ag Service Is An Authorized Dealer For Servos Seed Corp. mmCrnm. liquid FERTIUZER