-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 18,1986 80 AGWAY DAIRY MEETING A highly qualified individual working on farms in South Eastern Pennsylvania, Allan will discuss both dry cow and heifer management. Dr. Braund will discuss Agway's commitment to dairy research and development and the many major results that make Agway the tech nolocical leader in dairy nutrition ‘oday. GOOD 'N PLENTY RESTAURANT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1986 l NEW HOLLAND AGWAY 717-394-4626 SALUNGA AGWAY 717-898-2248 QUARRYVILLE AGWAY 717-786-2126 CALL BEFORE JANUARY 99 'N j|||| 10 AM - MEETING BEGINS LUNCH - FAMILY STYLE mr%n dcccd\#a p vKBAStIm w V Allan Cornman Regional Dairy Specialist Agway Inc Graduate of Penn State University MS Degree Virginia Polytechmcal Institute Dr. Darwin G. Braund Director, Dairy & Livestock Research & Development. Agway Inc Graduate, Penn State University. M S University of Wisconsin Ph D Michigan State University Directs all dairy and livestock research and development for Agway, Inc James J. Pullins Manager Feed Sales Distribution Services, Agway, Inc. Working for people who work the land Dr LewellynS Mix Director, Farm Management Research & Development, Agway Inc Graduate Cornell University PhD University of Minnesota Co Author of three editions of Profitable Dairy Management Author of numerous articles on Dairy Herd and Farm Management Author of Dairy Update column in Agway Cooperator Chairman of New York Holstein Milk Marketing Committee Dr. Kendall L. Dolge Manager of Nutrition and Quality Assurance, Agway, Inc Graduated from University of Connecticut MS University of Connecticut Ph D Cornell University Member American Dairy Science Association Member American Society of Animal Science Member Board of Directors Eastern Federation of Feed Manufacturers Dr Mix will discuss many key factors of profitable dairy management while he presents an update of the dairy situation. Dr Dolge will present Agway's Feed line up to you in a way that will be both challenging and thought pro voking. A.