Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 18, 1986, Image 11

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hlmesUtolhesejlfcii Need Hie Best
Grass Control Rrlbur Monty
The best farmers keep finding ways
to be successful, no matter what file
times bring. They do it by choosing the
crop inputs that give them the most
return on their investment For the best
grass control, that choice is Dual®
Concentrated to work harder, last longer.
Dual is a concentrated, more active
chemical that needs very little rain to
activate. And once it gets into the soil, it
stays close to the surface where it’s most
effective against germinating weeds and
grasses. So your crop will have less com-
©1985 Ciba-Ceigy Agricultural Division PO Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419
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IWlhlum * #p6|*etlo»l* of ample foreign gram suppltet
- - t Ink* report »t«te« potential gram prodac
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difficulties m « work,
rising population growth ,
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petition for water and nutrients during
Hie important early growth stage.
And Dual breaks down more
slowly so it gives you two to four weeks
longer control than other herbicides.
Dual does more. You use less.
Because Dual is concentrated, you
can use it at low pint rates, not quarts
like other herbicides. It’s also versatile
enough to be used on com and soybeans
and with conventional or conservation
tillage practices. It can even be incorpo
rated or applied over-the-top at the
same low rates. And Dual does it all
eign farmers are
ce competitors
JA of
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go t« Brazil, Argentina, •
other countries. Now. the w
value of the dollar is hurting >
• exports and encouraging for*- .
more grain
the embargo*
process. tfi» >
weather But h» explain* that country la
facing » good harvett this year. USDA
project* Rtmla'* IMS grain production
could be 15 percent above tan year**
harvest and that could reduce the Rattan**
import need* by 655 million bu*hai«
Wl§Nt* OiPHASCUES, kammr. *•«
th* Soviet Union it subject to mvmm ttrtutt
i« tb* weather and a turn for the wort* *2)
cannot he puled out
I St)\ !«• r* M*r> >. M*V BWUtsIMHS
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with tolerance to your crop.
These times demand low cost per acre.
When you consider Dualfc low pint
rates and its performance and versa
tility, you’ll find that no herbicide
offers you more control for the money
per acre than Dual. And that’s the kind JHy
of certainty you need in uncertain
times. Dual from Ciba-Geigy.
reaaon So>.*r
the heart bu«
m in UK ai»i
during the lav
hi* factor.” «v»
manager of Con
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Farmer Today
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