■2O-Uncasttr Fanning, Saturday, December 2s, 1985 EBENSBURG - With the fading daylight hours comes the sniffles, sneezes and coughs of the “cold and flu season.” If you’re won dering whether to dose up on orange juice, you might consider the likelihood that some winter ailments may directly result from the “sick building syndrome.” Researchers and health officials are becoming increasingly aware of a relationship between recurring health problems and the quality of the air inside our homes and workplaces. Symptoms in clude chronic headaches, dry and sore throats, fatigue, drowsiness, eye irritations and even nausea. Some groups of people are more likely to suffer ill effects from the pollutants common to “sick buildings.” Newborn infants and young children, the elderly, and individuals who suffer from chronic respiratory difficulties are more susceptible. Dr. Phyllis A. Bamer, extension home environment specialist at the Pennsylvania State University, says the problems can become especially acute when we weatherize our homes to keep out the winter cold. “Poor ventilation, especially in tightly sealed homes, compounds the problem,” says Barner. “For a healthy en vironment you need to ensure that at least half the air in your house is exchanged each hour.” Bamer says that getting this air exchange can be as simple as opening the upper portion of a window for about five minutes once or twice a day. A one inch opening at the top of the window will let accumulated moisture and stale air escape. If the occupants are suffering severe symptoms, Bamer suggests this method GENUINE MAYSVILLE COTTON TOBACCO TWINE 40 lb. Test Kraft Tobacco Paper Also Available! Genuine Moysville Tobacco Twine And Kraft Paper Is Available At The Following Dealers: AGWAY DANIELS FARM STORE FARMERS SUPPLY Ephrata Leola Lancaster AGWAY New Holland AGWAY BOMBERGER’S STORE LAPP SHARPENING SERVICE VALLEY ROAD Quarryville Elm RD 2, Myerstown WOODWORKING. RD 3, Quarryville AGWAY BRANDT FARM SUPPLY JACOB LANDIS Salunga Is your home suffering from "sick building syndrome?" several times a day and, weather permitting, opening more than one window to create a cross-draft. Although some indoor pollutants result from the geographic location of the house, most are related to conditions within the residence. Some of the culprits are poorly vented wood, coal or kerosene stoves; tobacco smoke; fireplaces, household cleaners, solvents, sprays and pesticides; tmd building materials and fabrics. A urea formaldehyde resin is used as an adhesive in many building products including par ticle board, paneling, cabinetry and furniture pieces. Urea for maldehyde is also used to treat textiles used in the home, such as carpets, draperies and upholstery fabrics. The formaldehyde in these products seeps into the air for approximately the first six months after installation. After this initial “off-gassing” period, the formaldehyde usually “goes underground” and produces less of the irritating gases. However, says Barner, certain conditions such as the combination Direct Marketing DOVER, DE - The Delaware Direct Marketing Association and Delaware Cooperative Extension Service will cosponsor a half-day direct marketing conference January 10 at the Frear Federal Building in Dover. The meeting will start at 9 a.m. and end at noon. The theme of the conference will be “Selling Your Product in 1986.” The keynote speaker will be Rutgers University agricultural marketing specialist Fred Perkins with a talk on merchandising EBY’S GEN. STORE AARON S. GROFF & SON C.W. SENSENCH & SONS J.B. ZIMMERMAN Martindale Hinkletown RD 3, Ephrata Strasburg Elizabethtown of high heat and humidity can trigger the formaldehyde vapors to come out of their dormancy and begin off-gasing again. In these cases, the second bout of off gassing can produce more con centrated pollutants than the first. Barner says that the for- maldehyde can ue sealed off” by using low-permeability paints. Chemical cleaners such as am monia can be professionally ap plied to neutralize off-gassing. Particle board subflooring can be covered with a seamless, resilient flooring material. When building or remodeling, Barner recommends substituting gypsum board or exterior grade plywood for particle board; wallpaper or paint for paneling; and carpet and fabrics that haven’t been treated with the for maldehyde. Bamer also offers two other tips that aren’t tried and true, but show promise at combatting health problems caused by indoor air pollution. First, scheume one of the daily “open-window” treatments directly before retiring to bed. This Conference Set practices for garden centers. Other presentations will cover product pricing, promotional ideas and consumer trends. Deadline for registration is December 31. A fee of $lO will be charged. Make checks payable to the University of Delaware and send them to; Extension Crops Marketing Specialist Carl Ger man, Townsend Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19717-1303. For further information call German at (302) 451-2511. 100% COTTON GUARANTEED 2400’ PER 10 LB BALL APPROX. 150 FT.-LB. BREAK STRENGTH No Other Twine Can Meet All These Standards! Lititz ensures that you start out with a fresh supply of air for the hours that you are inactive. In addition, try hanging some spider plants near windows or other well-lighted areas. Researchers at the National Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration recently reported that Toy Club sponsors auction This rare Sheppard Diesel toy tractor will be one of several valuable and antique farm toys to be sold at the New Year Day's auction sponsored by the Back-East Farm Toy Collector's Club. The sale will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Paradise Fire Hall, Paradise, and items will be available for preview starting at 12:30 p.m. The sale “will allow collectors and others to sell their duplicate or unwanted items and also to but those desired items they want for their collections," said Club President Dave Nolt. CHRIST BEILER Paradise ★ Distributed By Bomberger’s Store, Inc. ★ houseplants, especially spider plants, virtually eliminated urea formaldehyde off-gasses and other pollutants in closed areas like space stations. The findings showed that eight to 15 plants were highly effective in an area equivalent to an 1,800 square foot energy efficient home. J.B. ZIMMERMAN Blue Ball W.L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS Intercourse