n-LmcMttr Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 14,1985 Cook’s Question Comer If you are looking for a recipe but can't seem to find it anywhere, send your recipe request to Cook's Question Corner, care of Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 366, Lititz, Pa. 17543. There's no need to send a SASE. If we receive an answer to your question, we will publish it as soon as possible. Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the same address. QUESTION - Helen M. Nicholas, Riegelsville, would like recipe for a soft honey cookie. QUESTION - Joanne Heeres, Stewartsville, N.J., would like recipes for cookies that use almond paste. ANSWER - Mrs. Hank Velkoff, Warriors Mark, requested a recipe for butter cake with a thin melted buttery topping Thanks go to Karen Wisler for the following recipe Butter Cake 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt V? teaspoon soda 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 4 unbeaten eggs 1 cup buttermilk or 2 teaspoons vanilla sour milk Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and soda Cream butter and sugar together; blend in the unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Combine buttermilk and vanilla; add alternately with the sifted dry ingredients to creamed mixture, begmmhg and ending with dry ingredients. Blend well after each addition Turn batter into a 10-mch tube pan, greased on the bottom Bake at 325°F. for 60 to 65 minutes or until cake springs back when touched in center Run spatula along ed<’ i c i of pan Prick cake with fork Pour hot Butter Sauce oyer cake. Cool before removing from pan Just before serving, sprinkle with confectioner's sugar 1 cup sugar Vz cup butter Combine in saucepan the sugar, water and butter Heat until butter is melted, do not boil. Add vanilla Superhopper M.H. EBY, INC. RO. Box 127 Tf 1 • r « t 9 * Butter Sauce % cup water 1 tablespoon vanilla BUY A 1986 TIMPTE LIGHTWEIGHT GRAIN HOPPER NOW Blue Ball, PA 17506 (717) 354-4971 * ? f I * Holiday desserts (Continued from Page B 6) CHRISTMAS WREATH CAKE 116-ounce package angel food cake mix Vz cup butter 2 cups confectioners sugar legg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract V* teaspoon brandy extract Vt teaspoon nutmeg 1 to 2 tablespoons milk 1 cup whipping cream 1 tablespoon confectioners sugar Vz teaspoon vanilla extract Green colored coconut Maraschino cherries Make cake according to package directions. Cool completely. Cut cake into 3 layers. Cream butter in small mixing bowl. Beat in 2 cups sugar, egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla and brandy extract, nutmeg and milk. Spread 2 ' 3 cup filling between cake layers. Whip cream until almost stiff; add 1 tablespoon sugar and Vz teaspoon vanilla and beat until stiff. Frost top and sides of cake; chill. Just before serving sprinkle coconut on top of cake to resemble a wreath and decorate with cherries. TIRE SALE Winter's On The Way... Feel Secure Steel Belted Radial M & S SIZE P155/80/Rl3 P165/80/Rl3 PlB5/75R13 P195/75R14 P205/75R14 P215/75R14 P205/75R15 P215/75R15 P225/75R15 P235/75R15 Revenger RV Radial Ice Studs For $lO.OO Per Tire * Free Tubeless Valves * Free Mounting & Balancing * Alignment By Ar lintment Onl: Note; * to make colored.coconut, simply place shredded coconut in container with tight-fitting cover. Add a few drops of food coloring for the color desired. Shake to combine. Spread colored coconut on waxed paper to dry. To store, keep in container with tight fitting cover; store in refrigerator. FESTIVE COCONUT CREAM PUFF Cream Puff: 1 cup water Vz cup butter IV: teaspoons sugar 1 cup all-purpose flour 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Filling: 1 5-ounce package instant toasted coconut pudding and pie filling mix 2 cups milk 1 cup heavy cream 2 medium bananas, sliced 11/2l l /2 cups frozen strawberries, thawed and coarsely chopped or 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries Preheat oven to 400°F. On large greased and floured baking sheet, draw circle, using the bottom of 9- inch pie plate as guide. To make cream puffs, in COMPUTER BALANCE AVAILABLE I^ \ Jafson ? 7_ v Warranty v *p Pflssang gf S • 2 Steel Belts • Polyester Cords • Pinned For Studs COST $46.00 •1.00 17.50 $54.00 il.oo $64.00 NO TAX NO TAX 1.77 2.22 4.34 1.40 NO TAX 1.28 medium saucepan H»«»g water, butter to a boi. Blend in flour, sti&Wkirapidly until mix ture leaver pan. md forms a ball. Remove from heat. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until well mixed. Stir in vanilla. Drop V 4 cup mixture on circle on baking sheet; repeat with remaining batter, placing puffs side-by-side to form ring. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until puffed and golden. Turn off oven; let stand in oven 10 minutes. Remove ring from baking sheet; cool on wire rack in draft-free place. For filling, in medium bowl, combine instant pudding mix, milk and heavy cream. Beat at medium speed of electric mixer for four minutes; beat at high speed for an additional one minute. Chill one hour. Carefully cut cooked cream puff ring horizontally in half; set top aside. Mix bananas into prepared pudding, spoon into bottom of ring; top with strawberries. Replace top; sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar. If desired, fill center of ring with fruit pieces. Chill until ready to serve. Fiberglass Belted M&S SIZE P165/80813 PlB5/80813 P195/75814 P205/75814 P215/75814 P215/75815 P225/75815 P235/75815 Steel Belted Metric Radial !Rl2 IRI3 IRI3 IRI4 IRI4 COST 14.00 19.00 19.00 11.00 $43.00 16.00 19.00 COST 11.50 12.00 10.50 12.50 149.00