Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Monday, October 7 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts 1.00 higher, instances 1.50 higher; sows 1,00-2.00 .higher, instances 3.00 higher on 500-650 lb. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-245 lb. 46.00-47.00, few 47.00 47 75. US 1 210-245 lb. 48.0048.50. US 1-3 200-265 lb. 45.0046.00. SOWS: US 1-2 350-500 lb. 33.00 35.00, few 35.00-36.00. US 1-3 500650 lb. 35.5038.00, few 38.0039.00. Tuesday, October 8 Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to Monday small supply barrows and gilts fully steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-240 lb. 46.5047.50. US 1 Few 210- 2401 b. 48.0048.50. Wednesday, October 9 HOGS; Compared to Monday barrows and gilts 1.00-1.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-250 lb. 47.7548.75. US 1 210-250 lb. 49.00-50.00. US 1-3 210-265 lb. 46.0047.50. US 2-3 One lot 210 lb. 45.10. New Holland Feeder Pigs New Holland, Pa. Wednesday, October 9 Report supplied by Auction Today 724 Last Wednesday 1097 Last Year TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs mostly steady, instances 5.00 lower. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 54 head 20-29 lbs. 80.00- 87.00; 113 head 30-39 lbs. 73.00- 83.00; 147 head 40-49 lbs. 64.00- 74.00; 75 head 50-59 lbs. 65.00-69.00; 50 head 54-58 lbs. 74.00-76.00; 101 head 60-75 lbs. 64.00-72.00. US 2-3: 65 head 30-35 lbs. 62.00- 71.00; 56 head4o-65 lbs. 59.00-68.00. Vintage Hogs Vintage Sales Stables Saturday, Oct. 5 Report Supplied by Auction BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2, 217-244 $45.00-46.50; US 2-3 207-248 $44.00-45.00. BOARS' 240 $32 00; Heavyweight 665 lb., $30.00. SOWS: 300-600532-37.00. ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Financing of Feeder Cattle is available to All Qualified Buyers Contact us for further information FEEDER PIG SALE Every Tuesday, Starting at 1:00 P.M. PLEASE NOTE: All pigs to be graded MUST BE here by 11:30 A.M. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables Monday, October 7 Report supplied by auction Today 1112 Last Monday 1031 Last Year 1435 TREND; Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts 1.001.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 210245 lb. 45.5046.50, One lot 46.75. US 1 210250 lb. 47.5048.75. US 1-3 200260 lb. 43.7545.00. US 2-3 One lot 230 lb. 42.85. Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Saturday, October 5 Report supplied by auction 1,100 head. US 1: 210-260 lbs. 47.0048.25, a few to 49.00-50.00; US 1&2 : 200-240 lbs. 46.0046.75; US 1&3; 210-240 lbs. 45.0045.75; US 2&4 : 210-260 lbs. 44.0044.75. Sows; All weights 33.00-36.25, New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables Report supplied by auction 1,111 head: 50 cents to $1 higher. Wholesale: 44.0046.25. Retail: 46.5048.50. Sows: 33.00-38.00. Boars; 28.00-31.00. Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, October 8 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Tuesday small supply feeder pigs fully steady, instances 5.00 higher on 40-50 lb. weights. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2; 54 head 27-39 lbs. 79.00- 84.00; 142 head 40-49 lbs. 68.00- 82.50; 54 head 50-59 lbs. 62.00-68.00. Peoria Hogs Thursday, October 10 Report supplied by USDA 3200. Barrows & gilts moderate, 50-1.00 lower. BARROWS & GILTS; US 1-2 220- 250 lb. 45.00-45.50. US 1-3 220-250 lb. 44.50-45.00. SOWS; Weak-1.00 lower. (15%) US 1-2 350-500 lb. 37.00-37.50. US 1-3 500650 lb. 39.00-40.00. BOARS: Over 350 lb. 34.50; under 350 lb. 33.50-34.00. Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 Monday, October 7 Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, October 10 Report supplied by USDA 600 - Barrows & gilts moderately active,7s lowef, instances 1.00 off. BARROWS & GILTS: US 1-3 220- 260 lb. 45.50-46.00. US 2-3 Couple lots 250-270 lb. 45.00-45.25. SOWS: Not fully established, few early sales about steady. (7%) US 1-3 Package 600 lb. 38.00, Lot 650 lb. 43.00. BOARS; Few 200-250 lb. 32.00, St. Louis Hogs Thursday, October 10 Report supplied by USDA 3500. Barrows & gilts fairly active, unevenly 50 lower. BARROWS & GILTS; US 1-2 220- 260 lb. 45.25-45.50 ; 210-220 lb. 45.00- 45.25. US 1-3 200-260 lb. 44.00-45.00; 260-270 lb. Few 44.50-45.00. SOWS: Under 500 lb. mostly steady-50 lower; over 500 lb. mostly steady. (About 8%) US 1-2 300-500 lb. 37.00. US 1-3 Over 500 lb. 39.50-41.50. BOARS: Over 300 lb. 34.00; under 300 lb. 34.50-35.00. Joliet Cattle Thursday, October 10 Report Supplied by USDA CATTLE: Friday through Wednesday’s salable receipts 1200, five days last week 1518, a year ago 1306. Slaughter Steers ended the week 3.00 to 3.50 higher compared with Wednesday of last week. Slaughter heifers ended the week 2.50 to 3.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1100-1350# 56.50-58.50 Monday, 59.50-61.00 Wednesday. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1050-1250# 56.00-57.50 on Monday. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 925-1100# 55.25-57.00 on Monday. Mixed good and choice 2-3 850-1050# 54.00-55.50 on Monday, 56.00-56.25 Wednesday. (Continued from Page A 2) 70.00- few 90.00-97.00; high good and low choice 160-325 lb 55.00- 110-160 lb 48.0fr65.00, SO HO lb 42.00-53.00 with uncertified 34.00- few uncertified 60-80 lb 25.00- SLAUGHTER CALVES: Choice 250-485 lb 45.00-57.00; good 250-450 lb 35.00-45.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 95-120 lb holstem bulls 58.00-78.00, several small frame 90-110 lb 42.00- ,60.00; few 90-120 lb holstem heifers 68.00-70.00. Pepartwmrts l-ai m Calendar Classified Ads Livestock Latest Business News Mailbox Markets Public Sales Otiff SE Holstein Seminar Lebanon Co Holstein Banquet Dairy Marketing Tioga County DHIA Lycoming County DH l a McKean County DHI« Huntingdon County DHIA Sulbra County DHIA Mifflin County DHIA Week To Date (Est.) 527,000 Same Pd. Lt. Wk. (Est.) 517,000 Same Pd. Lt. Yr. (Act) 564,000 Nov, Dec, Jan.‘B6 Mar.‘B6 May‘B6 July‘B6 Aug. ‘B6 Sept.‘B6 2.33% 2.88 3 /4 5.36% 144.10 Trends - Corn - Weaker; Wheat - Weaker; Soybeans - Weaker; Soybean Meal - Weaker. Mo. Oct. Nov. Dec. Feb. 86’ Apr. 86’ May 86’ June 86’ July 86’ Aug. 86’ 59.97 42.80 Trends - Cattle - Sideways; Hogs - Sideways. _fc fit this Four Sections AlO 824 C 9 D 2 D 6 D 25 D3O Lancaster Fanainc, Saturday, October 12,1985-A3 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock CALVES HOGS SHEEP CATTLE Chicago Grain Futures (Closing Bids as of Thursday, Oct. 10) Soybean Wheat Soybeans Meal Corn 3.03 3 /4 2.24% 2.36% 3.10 3.04% 2.42% 2.85% 2.44 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, Oct. 10) Chicago Chicago NY Maine Cattle Hogs Potatoes 61.40 63.42 61.22 61.32 62.20 issue Horn tnd Youth Homestead Notes Home on the Range Cook's Question Corner Kid's Korner Family Living Farm Women Farm Women News Columns Now is the Time Ida’s Notebook The Micro Way On Being a Farm Wife Back Home Have You Heard 7 Forest on Fowl Faim Talk Brocket’s Ag Advice The Dairy Business 1,258,000 89,000 52,000 1,265,000 93,000 53,000 1,317,000 100,000 46,000 5.05% 5.18% 5.31% 5.41 5.47% 45.10 2.05 44.90 43.52 39 85 2.53 42.85 43.72 14L60 142.20 143.00 144.10 146.00 145.00