Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 15, 1985, Image 44

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    84-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 15,1985
The Causes And
Solutions Of Lint
Washing large loads of clothing
that have not been sorted may
seem like a timesaver. But is it
really? Consider the time it takes
to rewash or brush lint from a pair
of dark slacks. Linting occurred
because those slacks were not
washed properly.
Lintmg can easily be avoided by
following a few simple steps. First,
take the time to sort clothes. Do not
think only of color, stopping after
putting darks in one pile, lights in
another. Also, separate garments
that shed lint from those that at
tract it. Lint producers include
bath towels, sweaters, flannel and
chenille items. And very new or old
clothes tend to shed the most. Lint
receivers include synthetic,
permanent press and corduroy
The next step is to use enough
detergent. A sufficient amount is
necessary to hold the hnt in
suspension until it is flushed out
with the dirty wash water. Read
the instructions on the detergent
package and adjust the amount
according to your needs. Use more
detergent for larger loads, heavy
soil, harder water, cooler wash
temperatures or larger capacity
Avoid overloading the washer.
Overloading causes unncessary
fabric abrasion that increases
linting. Furthermore, too big a
load does not wash or rinse
properly. Clothes must have room
(Clamp Molds Pictured In June 'B4 "Country Living")
'•3* ' j
Make butter special, or use to decorate your country kitchen
Made of easy-care boxwood and ashwood.
Butter Si
L 2580; 11/?"I 1 /?" diam. (flower 0n1y)...
L2580A: 2" diam. (flower 0n1y)....
L 2582: Round Dish Mold 4 3 /4 M diam
Clamp Molds w/fluted sides
L 2584; 10" long
L2585: 8Vz" long
L2586:6" long
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Have You
By Dorig Thomag
Laneagter Extengion
Home Economigt
to circulate in the washer. He
certain to select the correct water
level for the size of each load.
Drying clothes in a dryer also
helps to remove lint from clothes.
The excess lint gathers on the lint
screen. Do not let clothes overdry,
particularly synthetics. A build-up
of static electricity occurs that
attracts lint. And like the washer, a
dryer should not be overloaded.
Clothes need room to tumble so
that lint is removed and collected
on the lint screen.
An essential routine of laun
dering is the cleaning of the lint
filter on the washer and the lint
screen on the dryer after each use.
Other suggestions for avoiding
Imt include shaking garments
before washing; emptying pockets
of contents, especially tissues;
turning down cuffs to brush away
lint and dirt; turning clothes that
attract hnt inside out before
washing; and using'fabric softener
to reduce static electricity.
Save Energy In
Your Kitchen
Keep your kitchen cool with
energy conservation. Eliminate
those cooking practices that let hot
air escape into the kitchen.
To save energy, adjust the oven
racks before you turn on the oven
heat. When basting meat, take the
roast out of the oven and shut the
door and then baste.
Keep your kitchen cool by
making the most of your oven
while it is on. Plan meals that can
•£* »
Another conservation technique
is to start foods on high and then
reduce the temperature once
boiling begins. With electric
ranges you can turn the burner off
a few minutes before the food is
finished cooking and the remaining
heat will continue to cook the food.
Of course, one of the best ways to
stop the fuel bills from rising is to
keep your oven and range in good
working order.
•10* plus 1.00 P/H
•11* plus 1.00 P/H
•14* plus 1.50 P/H
•19* plus 2.00 P/H
Listen up dieters - a new dairy dessert
ITHACA, NY - There’s a new
kid on the block of ice with frozen
yogurt, frozen tofu, ice milk, and
other frozen desserts.
Developed recently in a Cornell
University laboratory, the new
frozen dairy dessert-as yet un
named and unavailable-is
remarkable for what it doesn’t
have: half the calories of ice milk
and 70 percent the calories of ice
It does have, however, as much
taste, texture, nutritional value,
and stability as ice milk, says
Douglas Goff who developed the
tasty, low-calorie recipe. Goff is a
doctoral candidate in the
Department of Food Science in the
New York State College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences at
Two new food ingredients -
polydextrose and aspartame-have
made the creamy concoction
be cooked completely in your oven,
or double a recipe and freeze half
for later.
Oven peckers are energy
wasters. Do not open your oven
door to check on things. Instead
use your timer, thermometer, and
oven window to do that.
With surface cooking, the way to
save energy is to use pans that fit
the burners. For example, do not
put a 5-mch pan on a 10-inch
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with half the calories of ice milk
possible. Polydextrose is a star
chlike compound that is used as a
bulking agent in puddings, baked
goods, candy, salad dressings, and
gum. Most of it is indigestible,
passing through the human body
with only a little of it absorbed.
Aspartame, a sweetener 200
times more potent than table
sugar, is a popular low-calorie
sweetener used in soft drinks,
powdered drink mixes, cereals,
gum, and gelatin desserts. It has
not yet been approved by the Food
and Drug Administration for use in
frozen desserts, however.
By blending polydextrose and
aspartame, Goff was able to
develop a sweet, smooth, and
creamy frozen dairy dessert with
only two percent butterfat, com
pared with ice milk which may be
two to seven percent fat but
usually is about four to five percent
fat, and ice cream, which is 10 to 20
percent fat.
Goff’s dessert also has only 44
calories per serving, compared
with 100 calories in ice milk and 135
calories in ice cream.
That’s a boon to millions of
health and calorie-conscious
Americans. With 30 percent of
middle-aged women and 15 percent
of the middle-aged men considered
obese (more than 20 percent over
their desired weight), many
consumers are turning to foods
that are “light” or calorie reduced.
Such a tasty low-cal, low-fat
frozen dairy dessert also would
benefit the millions of Americans
who are trying to cut down on the
amount of fat, particularly
saturated fats, that they consume
in their diets as recommended by
The Solanco Community 4-H
Club met recently at the Hoffman
Building in Quarryville.
Two demonstrations were given.
One, from Pet Care, told the
members how to take care of a pet
goat. The other, from Sewing,
SC 32-16” or 26”
15 Gallon s.s. Tank
Handles 50 or more head of cattle
Brass Bob valve, Model B (500 watt) heat unit
RD 4, East Farmersville Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522
Solanco 4~H Club
HCI4-26” , |
Horse & Cattle Waterer ' / a
5 gallon s s tank, with Brass Bob valve Ideal for / //
fence line use Model A (250 watt) heat unit 28” /
long by 14” wide
(Lancaster County)
the National Academy of Sciences.
“Light is in vogue and weight
watching is serious business,” Goff
Nevertheless, ice cream, which
uses about 10 percent of the
nation’s milk output, is one of the
country’s most popular desserts
We consume almost 18 pounds of it
a year - more than any other
nation on earth. In fact, it is the
third most common item in our
supermarket baskets. As more
consumers have been trying lower
calorie alternatives, ice milks,
frozen yogurts, and dietary frozen
desserts have become increasingly
common. Soon, they may have
another dessert to choose from.
“Although not as creamy as ice
cream, our 35 experienced taste
panelists rated our dessert as good
as a nationally available, very
successful ice milk,” says Goff.
“In fact, except for the calories
and fat, the product is very similar
to ice milk.”
Several commercial firms have
adapted Goff’s recipe for their own
low-calorie dairy frozen dessert,
but none have yet been able to
market their products because
they are waiting for FDA approval
of aspartame in frozen desserts.
Goff expects, however, that ap
proval will come within the next
few months.
“Within a month of approval,
these products should be
available,” Goff says. “Hopefully,
they will be on the market by the
end of the year.”
Goff is a graduate student
workmg with William Jordan,
professor of food science and an ice
cream specialist at Cornell.
demonstrated the proper ac
cessories and posture for modeling
a finished sewing project.
Fred Stauffer and Jim Lefever,
kite enthusiasts., showed the 4-Hers
many different types of kite string
and kites, and gave safety tips for
flying a kite.