_ Australia is expected to export which at 21 bushels pei acre is the ivheat exports about 560 million bushels of wheat lowest of the top 5 exporters Australian fanners benefit from ” ” in the current 1984/85 marketmg Researchers are exploring cen tral selling agency, the (Continued trom Page El 6) year, over 80 percent of its 680 improved wheat varieties better Australian me £ The ment, elected in 1983, reduced the million bushel crop. In 1970, ex- suited to Australian growing board has helped Australian wheat export tax on wheat from 25 to 18 ports were 350 million bushels, conditions. So™® V . exports to more than double in the percent of the export price. Currently, says USDA economist great potential for lugh-yie g, past two decades. Sales are made “For wheat, Argentina’s Allen Johnson, Australia sits at low-protein varieties for livestoc directly to government purchasing greatest production increases will fourth place in world wheat ex- feed, according to Johnson, o authorities as well as through come from fertilizer use and in- ports. . supplement this technology, pnva t e traders. In 1983/84, export creased yields,” says Hazera. Australia has one major wheat farmers are becoming better was limited by handling Given the balancing act that the farming problem; Rainfall is managers. Because of the critical an( j transportation problems, government must perform to in- minimal and highly variable from moisture problem, it is vital that M oreoverj Johnson says, the crease output and generate year to year, which results m large fields be planted quicWy and board’s potential to increase ex revenues and the growth of swings in output. Australia s harvested immediately after the por t s an( j i on g.term selling soybean area, Argentine wheat parched climate limits the wheat crop has ripened to reduce loss. arran g e ments depends on world exports are not expected to in- producing areas, and irrigation is Thus, tight management combined pr i C es and competition, crease dramatically. not a viable alternative. The and with large efficient machinery is TotheNorthV Down Under: Australia climate also holds down yield, necessary, he adds. Canada %, QUALITY WORK AT OUR END | MEANS QUALITY WORK AT YOURS. || \ I i $ J> A Idajfyl M mttn/h A JW££JtO£ ’connunr Carlisle, PA PETERMAN FARM EQUIPMENT 717-249-5338 Chambersburg, PA CLUGSTON IMPLEMENTING. 717-263-4103 Harrisburg, PA HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT I & SUPPLY CO. & SON INC. I 717-564-3031 717-734-3682 , rrf f<««((««(«««(« ( ««M «««(««««(«(«««««(«««««««««««««««««««««<«««« < ««« < « << « < ' << « <<<<<<<<<(<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,<<<<<<<<<<<<<( “ (<<<« “ <<<<<<(<<< ““ <<<<<<<<<<<