Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 27, 1985, Image 50

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    Treat yourself to chocolate
Chocolate the very word is
conducive to spinning tales of love,
to stimulating the senses. Even the
Aztec emperor Montezuma drank
chocolate from his golden
ceremonial goblet. It was called
chocolatl, a lukewarm drink mixed
with beer or wine and seasoned
with pepper.
Hernando Cortez first tasted this
pleasurable drink in 1519 and
brought cocoa back to Spain. The
Spanish added sugar and other
flavorings to the rich-tasting
beverage. But it wasn’t until 1847
that the first piece of chocolate was
Soon chocolate became the
delectable ingredient in all types of
desserts, and today people
everywhere enjoy indulging in this
tasty treat.
2 cups unsifted flour
2, 3 cup cocoa
teaspoons baking soda
l 4 teaspoon baking powder
l cups sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup mayonnaise
IMj cups water
Mix first 4 ingredients; set aside.
In large bowl with mixer at high
speed, beat next three ingredients
3 minutes or until light and fluffy.
At low speed, beat m mayonnaise.
Add flour mixture in 4 additions,
alternating with water, beginning
and ending with flour. Pour in 2 9-
inch greased and floured pans or a
9x13x2-inch pan. Bake at 350°F. for
30 to 35 minutes or until toothpick
comes out clean.
Genevieve Voneida
cup cnsco or butter
v 2 cup cocoa
teaspoon salt
Vs cup milk
1 1/ 2 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups lOx sugar or enough to make
spreading consistency. Very good
not sickening sweet.
Genevieve Voneida
2 eggs
'-2 cup unsifted flour
Ms cup sugar
1; 2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3 /4 cup margarine, melted and
16-ounce package semi-sweet bits
1 cup chopped walnuts
19-mch unbaked pie shell
Preheat oven to 325°F. In large
bowl, beat eggs until foamy; beat
in flour, sugar and brown sugar
until well-blended. Blend in melted
margarine. Stir in semi-sweet bits
and walnuts. Pour into pie shell.
Bake 1 hour. Serve warm.
Mollie Fanton Tressler
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below please
share them with us You can send your recipes to Sue
Keene at Lancaster Farming, P 0 Box 366, Lititz, PA
4 Organ Meats
11 International Foods
18 Pastry
Home On The Range
2 squares unsweetened chocolate
1 envelope gelatin
3 tablespoons cold water
1 2 cup confectioner’s sugar
1 cup milk
3 4 cup granulated sugar
V 4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups cream
Soften gelatin in the cold water.
Melt chocolate slowly and add
granulated sugar. Scald milk and
stir in the chocolate mixture, bring
to boiling point and remove from
heat. Add gelatin and stir until
dissolved. Add other ingredients
except cream. Chill till partly set,
then beat the mixture. Beat the
cream and add to the chocolate
mixture and whip together and
Verna M. Reiff
2 cups chocolate wafer crumbs
1 2 cup margarine, melted
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
cup cold water
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese,
1 teaspoon vanilla
17-ounce jar marshmallow creme
1 8-ounce container whipped
topping, thawed
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces,
Combine crumbs and
margarine; press onto bottom of 9-
mch spnngform pan. Chill. Soften
gelatin in water, stir over low heat
until dissolved. Combine cream
cheese and vanilla, mixing until
well blended. Gradually add
gelatin, mixing until blended. Beat
in marshmallow creme, fold in 2
cups whipped topping. Fold
chocolate into 2 cups gelatin
mixture Pour remaining gelatin
mixture over crust; carefully
spoon on chocolate mixture. Chill
until firm. Top with remaining
whipped topping.
6 squares (1 ounce each) semi
sweet chocolate OR 1 6-ounce
package semi-sweet chocolate
1 cup vanilla ice cream, softened
3 4 cup sugar
V- cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 to 2 tablespoons creme de menthe
Melt chocolate over low heat in
heavy saucepan. Add ice
cream, sugar and butter. Cook,
stirring constantly, about 5
minutes or until mixture is
thickened. Stir in vanilla and
creme de menthe, if desired.
Transfer to fondue pot over low
heat. Suggested dippers: Cubes of
angel food or pound cake, apples,
pear, bananas; Swiss, Gouda and
cream cheese. Yield- 2 cups.
1 cup butter or margarine, sof
I*2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
13/4l 3 /4 cups all-purpose flour
li 2 teaspoon salt
2 cups coarsely chopped nuts
2 squares unsweetened chocolate,
melted and cooled
Velvety Chocolate Frosting
Cream first three ingredients
together until light and fluffy. Add
eggs one at a time, beating well
after each. Add flour and salt and
mix until blended. Stir in nuts.
Divide batter in half and add
chocolate to one half. Drop batter
alternately by heaping
teaspoonfuls into greased 13x9x2-
mch pan lined on bottom with
waxed paper. Press down with
spoon to smooth top and run knife
through batter several times to give
marbled effect. Bake in moderate
oven, 350°F., about 45 minutes.
Turn out on cake rack and peel off
paper. When cold, spread with
Velvety Chocolate Frosting
2*4 cups confectioner’s sugar
4 squares unsweetened chocolate,
4 egg yolks
1 4 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
Add *4 cup hot water and the
sugar to chocolate, and mix well.
Add egg yolks one at a time,
beating well after each. Slowly add
butter, then vanilla and beat until
Mrs. David Blank
1 cup sugar
1 2 cup cocoa
I '2 tablespoon flour
l 4 teaspoon salt
1 cup water
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix all dry ingredients, add
water and butter. Let come to a
boil, remove from fire and add
vanilla. Add a few marshmallows
and stir to thicken. Tastes good on
ice cream.
Genevieve Voueida
Triple Choc
Chocolate Angel Food Cake
Chocolate Fluff (below)
Chocolate Triangles (below) or
dark chocolate covered thin mints
Bake Chocolate Angel Food Cake
as directed. Remove cake from
pan. Split cake to make 3 layers.
Fill each layer with 1 cup
Chocolate Fluff; frost cake with
remaining frosting. Decorate with
Chocolate Triangles. Refrigerate
any remaining cake.
Chocolate Angel Food Cake
IVz cups powdered sugar
3/ 4 cup cake flour
v» cup cocoa
IV 2 cups egg whites, about 12
1W teaspoons cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar
v 4 teaspoon salt
1 ‘'2 teaspoons vanilla
Heat oven to 375°F. Mix
powdered sugar, flour dnd cocoa.
Beat egg whites and cream of
tartar in large bowl on medium
speed until foamy. Beat in
granulated sugar on high speed, 2
tablespoons at a time; continue
beating until stiff and glossy. Add
salt and vanilla with the last ad
dition of sugar. Do not underbeat.
Sprinkle flour mixture, V 4 cup at
a time, over meringue, folding in
just until flour mixture disappears.
This week’s featured recipe comes from Lancaster County Dairy
Princess Judy Miller. Judy is already gearing up for June Dairy
Month with a cow coloring contest for all Lancaster County kids
age three to eight. To enter, kids should color in the cow on page
810 and send it to Judy.
The recipe Judy shares this week is a good one for those hot days
that have already arrived and offers a good way to use the fresh
strawberries that will soon be in season.
Strawberry Cooler
Vanilla or strawberry ice cream (vary according to taste)
* 2 cup milk
1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen, drained)
* 2 teaspoon vanilla
In a blender, pour in milk and slowly add strawberries. Blend 30
seconds. Add vanilla; blend another 30 seconds. Add ice cream, one
scoop at a time, until shake reaches desired consistency. Pour into
two tall, frosty glasses and garnish with fresh mint and
strawberries. Makes 2 servings.
ike can be a triply sweet success
Featured Recipe
Push batter into ungreased tube
pan, 10x4 inches. Cut gently
through the batter with a metal
Bake until cracks feel dry and
top springs back when touched
lightly, 30 to 45 minutes. Invert pan
on heatproof funnel; let hang until
cake is cold.
' Chocolate Fluff
3 cups chilled whipping cream
IMj cups powdered sugar
3 /4 cup cocoa
*4 teaspoon salt
Beat all ingredients in chilled
bowl until stiff.
Chocolate Triangles
Heat 1 bar (4 ounces) sweet
cooking chocolate over low heat
until melted. Spread over outside
bottom of square pan, BxBx2 in
ches. Refrigerate until firm, bring
to room temperature. Cut into
squares, cut squares diagonally
into halves for triangles.
Refrigerate until ready to use.
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