Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 20, 1985, Image 56

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    Bl24jncMtar Farming, Saturday,
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Mierodim cooking
Are you trying to get back in
shape for the coining summer?
Diets are hard to keep, but your
microwave can make it easier!
Here are some hints for using your
microwave for low-fat, low-calorie
cooking and an Oriental-style, low
calorie dinner. Look for The Micro
Way next week for more low
calorie recipes.
Foods such as vegetables, fish
and poultry can be steamed easily
in the microwave. They won’t stick
and don’t need added fat for
cooking. Fats such as butter,
margarine and oils have about 100
calories per tablespoon. In
stead of the fats, use one or two
tablespoons water for steaming.
Put foods in a closed container or
cover with plastic wrap.
Cook skinned chicken parts in a
closed container for 10 minutes per
pound on medium high (70,7).
Arrange with thicker parts to the
outside and the biggest pieces in
the comers of the dish. Let stand at
least 5 minutes to finish cooking.
The meat will be juicy and tender,
but very pale looking. If more color
is desired, sprinkle with herbs,
paprika, or 1 teaspoon Kitchen
Bouquet mixed with 1 teaspoon
Comptato Walls Cargo
Many Modals To Choota From
R.D. 3, Muddy Creek Church Rd.
(Across From Zinn’s Diner, Rt. 272)
water, wine or lemon juice before
Vegetables steamed in a
microwave have a better flavor as
well as a higher vitamin content
than those boiled on a stove. They
taste good with less butter or other
high-calorie topping.
For quick, low-calorie meals
from fresh ingredients, “stir fry”
in the microwave in a closed
casserole. The foods will steam
quickly instead of cooking in oil in
a frying pan. For best results, have
all ingredients sliced thinly or
chopped evenly. Cook those that
take longest to get tender first, and
add the quick cooking ones part
way through. See the Beef and
Snow Pease recipe below for the
technique. Prepare sauces
separately, so the meat and
vegetables do not overcook and
Microwaving meat extracts
more fat from the meat than
cooking it on the range. For lowest
fat content, cook the meat on a
rack (like a bacon cooker or
roasting rack) so the fats can dram
away. Brown ground beef in a
plastic colander over a plate. It
will drain as it cooks. Use high
Model HM-96
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power for ground meats, but use
medium (50,5) for roasts to avoid
toughening the edges.
Since leftovers taste good when
reheated in the microwave, you
won’t be tempted to “use up’’ that
last serving. Better yet, since foods
can be cooked so quickly, cook only
as much as you need for one
meal- with no leftovers to nibble.
Soften sandwich spreads like
butter or margarine slightly, then
you can spread it thinner more
If you replace sugar in recipes
with sugar substitutes, the cooking
time may increase slightly. Some
sugar substitutes break down
during long cooking, and are best
added after cooking. Check the
label of the brand you use. In many
recipes, you can use a sugar
substitute for as much as half the
sugar and not notice the dif
Serve this Oriental style meal
with chop sticks for fun. You can’t
gobble it down with the chopsticks,
that’s for sure!
Beef and Snow Peas
1 cup uncooked brown rice
2 Mz cups water
Mi pound “thin-sliced” round
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small onion
1 carrot*
1 tablespoon water
1 6-ounce package frozen snow
1 beef bouillon cube
Mi cup water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon sugar
Cook rice conventionally as
suggested on the box using 1 cup
raw nee and 2 Mz cups water. Do
not add salt to the rice because the
soy sauce adds enough saltiness to
the meal. (If you have not used
brown rice before, it takes longer
to cook than white rice-almost 1
hour. However, it has fewer
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calories and takes longer to digest
so you are not hungry so quickly!)
Prepare beef and snow peas while
the rice cooks.
Put bouillon cube and water in a
2-cup glass measure and cook on
high for 2 minutes. Set aside.
Trim meat of all fat and gristle.
Slice meat very thinly, so you have
“shreds” or pieces about Vi” x V«”
x 2”. Put meat in a small bowl and
stir in garlic and soy sauce. Set
aside to marinate a few minutes.
Chop onion, and slice carrot
diagonally, very thinly. Put onion,
carrot and 1 tablespoon water in a
2 quart casserole. Cook, covered,
on high for 3 minutes until almost
Add meat, including any juices
in bowl, to the onions and carrots.
Remove frozen snowpeas from
package and break apart if
possible. Add to casserole with
meat and cover. Cook on high for 4
minutes, stirring once after 2
minutes, until the meat is almost
done and the snowpeas are hot.
Drain any juice from the
casserole into the 2 cup measure
with the bouillon. Then set
casserole aside, covered, to stand 5
minutes. Stir cornstarch and sugar
into bouillon, stirring until the
cornstarch dissoves. Cook on high
for 2-3 minutes, stirring every
Berks Sheep
and Lamb Club
The Berks County 4-H Sheep and
Lamb Club met April 8 at the 4-H
Center in Leesport.
After a business meeting, Greg
Snyder, manager of Wey Farms,
Dryville, demonstrated sheep
shearing and tying fleece. Mrs.
Wade of Ewesful Spinnings, Oley,
demonstrated dying wool with
natural and processed dyes.
The next meeting will be at Peter
Bros. Meat Market in Lenhart
sville on May 13.
minute until the sauce boils and
Pour sauce over meat and
vegetables, stirring to combine.
Serve immediately, on top of rice.
Makes 4 servings with 310 calories
each, when served on cup brown
rice. The Beef and Snow Peas have
175 calories per serving, without
any rice.
•Tip; For a fancier meal, use one
&-ounce can water chestnuts and 4
whrnonis, instead
ounces .
of sliced carrot, in. ishrooms
and water chestnuts and add > . i
snowpeas, not with the onion (cook
onion alone). Increase the cooking
time in Step 4 to 5-0 minutes and
stir twice. The calorie count will
change to about 320 calories per
serving on brown rice.
Note; The cooking times above
are for microwaves with 600-700
Watts of power. For 500-600 W, add
10 seconds per minute; for 400-500
W, add 20 seconds per minute.
Copyright 1985, Lam Bloomer
(Continued from Page BIO)
No Evidence For Myth
The hom, persistently believed
by some people to be a powerful
aphrodisiac despite lack of
medical evidence, sells for $6OO an
ounce in Southeast Asia, according
to the World Wildlife Fund, which
has joined in efforts to save the
That’s plenty of incentive to keep
the poachers active. As a result,
rhinos of all species, in both Asia
and Africa, are on the endangered
Shrestha may not care about the
future of the one-horned
rhinoceros, but the world’s con
servationists do.
Unless strong measures are
taken, and soon, they fear the rhino
will share the status of another
single-homed animal, the unicorn: