' vjtt » x a IXF SIIiBmr m mrnm You've got your share of problems raising burley tobacco. But cutworm damage doesn't have to be one of them when you use LORSBAfi • insecticides the only Insec ticides that effectively control cutworms in buriey tobacco. You'll like the way LORSBAn insecticides stop cutworm damage fast and effectively. But what you'll like even better is their application flexibility, LORSBAfi • 15Q and LORSBAfi* 4E are formulated to fit the way you farm so there's no need for special application equip ment or extra trips across your field. For six years, LORSBAfi insecticides have proven their ability to control cutworms. Fact is, you can't buy a better insecticide for prevention of cutworm damage. This year, don't let cutworms get started in your tobacco. For unparalleled protection and application flexibility, use LORSBAfi 15Q Granular or LORSBAfi 4E Liquid Insecticides. Regardless of the Insecticide you choose, ALWAYS READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE AMD ALWAYS CAREFULLY FOLLOW ALL LABEL DIRECTIONS AMD PRECAUTIONS for safe use. •Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company Where they fit, nothing works better. Jt your tobacco cut worm damage. *{t-V v'* k % v v ' '' ' ' *^toktr £sj 5k t, KVv V* *«■ * insecticides: LORSBAN* insecticides fit the way yon apply Insecticides. 1. LORSBAN 4E plus herbicides impregnated on dry fertilizer, broadcast spread and double disced. 2. LORSBAN 4E plus other insecticides, herbicides and soil fungicides, broadcast sprayed and double disced. 3. LORSBAN ISO broadcast spread and double disced. 4. LORSBAN 15Q bulk-blended with other granular insecticides and dry fertilizer, broadcast spread and double disced.