88-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Fabruary 16,1985 Cook’s 1f % Question V / Comer Ll- QUESTION - Emma Sue Martin, New Holland, would like a recipe for a coffee cake that has a pie filling center and is made with yeast. She would also like a recipe for custard filling for doughnuts. QUESTION - Louise Baer, Newville, would like a recipe for Swedish meatballs with a sauce or gravy. QUESTION - Mrs. Roland Rader, Holmes, would like a recipe for rich pan pudding. QUESTION - Mrs Rose Martin, Ephrata, would like a recipe for peach tapioca using canned peaches She would also like a recipe for whole wheat pancakes like you get at a pancake house CORRECTION - In last week’s Cook's Question Corner we printed an Instant Hot Chocolate recipe from Mary Click of Howard Mary wrote this week to say she omitted an ingredient in her recipe Below is the corrected recipe Instant Hot Chocolate 1 20-quart box powdered milk 11/?I 1 /? box Nestle's Quick IVz pounds lOx sugar 1 large jar creamoro 1 tablespoon instant coffee Serve 'A cup mix in a mug of hot water UNI-LIFE PROGRAMS NUTRITIONAL HEALTH FOOD PRODUCTS WITH ALL NATURAL HERBS N A. far v WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM Reg. 534.00 SPECIAL $29.95 + s2.ooShipping Guaranteed you lose up to 10-29 pounds excess weight first 30 days or your money back. Helps cleanse the system, curb the appetite, and supply all the nutrition needed to maintain vitality and energy while losing weight without hunger pains. Cut food bills in half by replacing 60 meals (2 a day @ about 50*) Eat one regular meal a day of your favorite foods. IT IS SAFE, SIMPLE, EASY AND TASTES GOOD Other health programs to slow down aging, fight disease increase energy and alertness, keep you healthy and live longer. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER WEIGHT CONTROL AND HEALTH PROGRAM SEND ONLY $59.00 “1° SttisheHon Sutnnfeed Or Your Monty Book For testimonials concerning various health programs or how to get Uni- Life Products at a discount, or information on a free 30 day weight control program, or for professional health counselling contact IVAN & ESTHER MARTIN Nutritional Consultants 522 Prescott Road, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 - DISTRIBUTOR INQUIRIES INVITED - Increase your earnings with a Uni-Life Distributorship. Only $lO.OO to start. Phone 1 717 ) 866-4928 or 866-4555 Candy (Continued from Page B 6) OLD FASHIONED FUDGE 2 cups sugar % cup milk 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate or Vs cup cocoa 2 tablespoons corn syrup V* teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 teaspoon vanilla M> cup coarsely chopped nuts Butter loaf pan, 9x5x3 inches. In 2-quart saucepan, mix sugar, milk, chocolate, corn syrup and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted and sugar is dissolved. Cook, stirring occasionally, to 234°F. on candy thermometer (or until small amount of mixture dropped into very cold water forms a soft ball which flattens when removed from water.) Remove from heat; add butter. Cool mixture to 120°F. without stirring. (Bottom of pan will be lukewarm.) Add vanilla; beat vigorously 5 to 10 minutes with wooden spoon, until candy is thick and no longer glossy. (Mixture will hold its shape when dropped from a spoon.) Quickly stir in nuts. Spread evenly in pan. Cool until firm. Cut into 1-inch squares. Makes 32 squares. For Pecan Roll: Do not butter pan; substitute 1 cup brown sugar (packed) for 1 cup of the granulated sugar and omit chocolate. Shape candy into 12- mch roll; roll in l i cup finely chopped pecans. Wrap; chill until firm. Cut into 1 4-inch slices. Makes 48 slices It meets the changing needs of most soils and supplies the ratio of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash ..to maintain a favorable plant-nutrient balance for top grain and forage production. Pelleted UNIPEL 21-7-14 is an ideal fertilizer for the grower who wants a Uniform Single Application of a complete fertilizer on corn in Spring or Fall It’s especially good for programming high yield corn for gram, or for silage, and for corn/soybean rotations, tiitfi Let’s talk about it llPTUil Come in and see us soon. FERTILIZERS Helping the WorM Grow Better MEDIA - If you cook for only one or two, you have plenty of company. Statistics show that more than half the households in the United States now consist of one or two persons. But even though singles and twosomes now outnumber families with two parents and one or more children, most cookbooks and supermarkets still seem to be geared to the needs of larger households. For many singles, the solution is to grab a burger at a local fast food restaurant, pop a TV dinner into the oven, or cook one big meal and eat leftovers the rest of the week. QUEEN ANNE FUDGE Put in large bowl: 1 stick oleo IM> cups peanut butter * 4 cup milk Cook in microwave for 4 minutes on medium high. Remove from heat and stir in the following; 1 pound powdered sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup chopped nuts Put in a buttered 9x9x2-inch dish. 4 1 2 cups (1 pound) confectioner’s sugar *4 cup cocoa (unsweetened) 1 cup margarine, melted (*2 pound) 1 4 cup peanut butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Stir together confectioner’s sugar and cocoa. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Spread into a buttered 8 or 9-inch square pan. Refrigerate until set. Cut into small squares and enjoy. Shirley Keeny New Freedom P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA Cooking for two is not difficult Cookie Rhodes Elysburg NO-FUSS FUDGE TMs ORTHO CHEVRON and design UNIPEL Reg US Pat Oft CHVS7B 8B While these approaches are fine occasionally, a steady diet of such foods can be both expensive and boring to the palate. Cooking for one or two is not difficult, and may offer some advantages not open to larger families. With only yourself and perhaps one other person to please, you have more freedom to ex periment with new foods, flavors, and recipes. Eating schedules can be more flexible when you do not have to consider several other people in the household. In the supermarket, small cans and packages generally cost more per unit. However, a family-sized package is no bargain if it goes stale before it’s used up. singles and twosomes can use some family-sized food items to their advantage. For instance, buy regular sizes of bread, rolls, and pastries and keep them in the freezer. Remove portions as needed. Buy frozen vegetables in plastic bags whenever possible. That way it’s easier to remove the amount needed for a meal. Buy several cookbooks for one or two, and clip receipes that can be decreased successfully. Don’t be afraid to speak up when packages of meat, cheese, and produce are in large sizes. Ask the grocer to repackage what you need into smaller por tions. Most are happy to please their customers. ©GIGANTIC SELECTION Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS rti zer PH: 717-299-2571