Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 12, 1985, Image 49

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Ida Risser Qj|B^A
Recently I had the opportunity to
read a page from a Philadelphia
newspaper dated September 18,
1832. Just why old things have such
a fascination for me, I’m not sure.
Maybe it is because I have a vivid
imagination and can visualize life
in olden times. Anyway, I’d like to
share with you some of the ad
vertisements that were printed in
this 1832 newspaper.
There was a long list of ships
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 12,19*5-19
arriving in port with various other ships were sailing to far
commodities for sale. Among these gg places and advertised for
were items such as: 10 hhds. Sugar freight and passengers to haul.
House Molasses, Venitian gome packet ships were sailing to
Carpeting Bordeoux Brandy, 50 New <£ leanSi s “ ThomasTßicb
ton Jumatta Pig Iron, 560 cases mo nd, North Carolina and Maine,
boots and shoes, 40,000 cocoa nuts, Even the names of the schooners
49 cases of fresh prunes, 3° casks were interesting, gome names
cheese, 40 bbls. white beans, 21 do. were Archer, North Star, Mer-
Porto Rico Sugars and tierces of cator> Emma( Rebecca H yer,
whale ou. Enterprise and Charlotte.