Pennfield Dairy News #545 HEIFER GROWER WITH RUMENSIN* Andrew and Lamar Miller, Manheim, Pa., operate a dairy farm with 73 milking Holsteins which finished 1984 DHIA year with 16,821 lbs. milk and 652 lbs. butterfat. The Millers first heard about Pennfield’s #545 Heifer Grower Concentrate with Rumensin when they attended the Penn- r SPECIAL OFFER-DEC. 17 TO FEB. 15 1 . I FREE WITH 10 5 FREE WITH 49 G*t£tat»lb.B»«ofi(s4sHeiferGrower Get Five 50 lh. Bags of <645 Heifer Grower 58 lb. Bags of 1546. of #545 ■; ■<■ x'-'A / ' y ' , f * ---^ field Dairy Management Meeting in December, 1983. Two features of this new product were most important: 1. You feed only 1 lb. of pur chased feed per head per day - the rest of the daily diet is made up of homegrown forages - this saves feed ss. 2. With only feeding 1 lb. of #545 Grower per SAVES FEED $ $ $ Andrew and Lamar Miller head per day, it takes less time and labor to feed the heifers. Having fed #545 since it became available in December, 1983, Andrew and Lamar are well pleased with the growth rate of their heifers. Our goal of our first calf heifers is to freshen at 24 months of age, and it’s important that they have a For More Information - Call Toll Free From PA 1-800-732-0467 pennfield feeds Quality - Performance - Service big frame and be well red pellet is a special feed, developed. Good growth performance A helpful safety feature of ant * saving feed doUars are Pennfield’s #545 is that the ff^„ re .® so ” s to ee< * P enn^ pellets are really red in color, #545 Heifer Grower and they come in a special brown colored 50 lb. bag. Since Rumensin' can only be fed to growing heifers, Pennfield has made it easy to remember that From MD & DE 1-800-233-0202 ***** Trademark of Elanco Products Company