AZMancastor Famine, Saturday, Dacambar 22,1984 MIFFLINTOWN - James C. Graham of Port Royal, owns the high DHIA herd in Juniata County for the 61st year of official testing. His 34 registered Holsteins produced 19,036 pounds of milk, 735 pounds of fat and 608 pounds of protein. Four cows in Graham's herd also completed their lactations with ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Middle Atlantic Order Market Ad ministrator Joseph D. Shine today announced a November base milk price of $14.23 per hundredweight and an excess milk price of $12.70. The weighted average November price was $14.24 and the butterfat _—— I HHHKM6OF EFJ ! | BUHDMG? I T 't* * ■ 4r (. J | READ LANCASTER FARMING'S ! I ADVERTISING TO FIND ALL I ■ YOUR NEEDS! J High Pressure Washing & Disinfecting Barns & Poultry Houses I Aaron Z. Nolt LRD 1, Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-4231 Graham dominates Juniata DHIA more than 850 pounds of butterfat or 23,000 pounds of milk. Four other dairymen had herds with year-end averages over 700 lbs. butterfat: Barry E. Lucas, Millerstown; Marvin E. Pontius, Millerstown; Mark L. Zook, Mifflin; and James L. Swartz, Port Royal. Gerald Hart of Mifflintown had Order 4 milk $14.23 for November differential for the month was 18.2 cents. The weighted average milk price was up 20 cents from October and was 28 - cents above last November’s average price. Both the November base milk price and the weighted average price were at record-high levels. The advertising withholding rate, .which is deducted from the base and excess milk prices but not the weighted average price is 10 cents a hun dredweight in November, com pared with 14 cents a year earlier. Mr. Shine said that pooled milk the greavesi increase in butterfat production in Juniata County. He received a plaque for an increase of 75 pounds fat. Also honored was Ronald Fauth for achieving the greatest increase in milk production of 1812 pounds. Herdsman for the Fauth herd, Earl Ocker, accepted the award plaque. Seven herds exceeded 600 pounds , y f ponntv 4 Marvin receipts totaled 468.9 million pounds during November, a decrease of over 22 million pounds from a year earlier. The average daily delivery per producer of 2,337 pounds was down 17 pounds or 0.7 percent from November 1983. Class I producer milk totaled 249.1 million pounds and accounted for 53.14 percent of total producer milk receipts during the month. Last November Class I producer milk totaled 243.4 million pounds and the Class I utilization averaged 49.55 percent. Base milk accounted Pontius, James Swartz, Mark Zook, James Graham, Daryl and Delbert Brubaker, Barry Lucus, and Rick and Ralph Saner. The highest individual cow for tat was owned by James H. Speer Jr. of Blairs Mills. Babs, a grade Holstein, completed her lactation with 1227 pounds fat and 26,035 pounds milk. for 94.15 percent of total producer milk receipts in November com pared with 92.34 percent a year ago. The market average butterfat test of producer was 3.74 percent in November 1984, down sharply from the 3.87 percent market test last November. Middle Atlantic Order handlers reported Class I in-area milk sales of 207.1 million pounds during November, an increase of 0.3 percent from a year earlier, after adjustment to eliminate variation due to calendar composition. Herd owners with cows com pleting lactations with 1000 plus pounds of fat were: James Speer Jr., Norman Love, Marvin Pon tius, Barry Lucas, Mark Zook, Larry and David Noss, William Peoples, Grand Hope Farm, Harold Shearer, and Glen Simonton. The lowest somatic cell count herd was that of Keith Coddington, Port Royal, with a count of 125,000. Other herds under 200,000 count were Russell Dressier, Barry Lucas, Iskcon Farm, Glenn and Shirley Graham, S.F. Metz, and l,eonard Queitzsch. In the Juniata County DHIA, supervisor Harvey Fettig has completed 21 years of service, while qualifying for the award of merit during 17 of those years. Fettig was also one of the three Pa. DHIA supervisors to earn the 1984 Distinguished Service Award. To further honor Fettig for receiving the award, the Juniata County directors presented him with a new spin-cast fishing reel, to complement his favorite hobby.