York Co. daily clubs end year with awards dinner BY JOYCE BUPP Staff Correspondent YORK Members of the York County 4-H dairy clubs wrapped up a year of project books and cattle exhibiting with their annual awards dinner, on Dec. 7, at the 4- H Center. Outstanding awards were earned by several York dairy club members. Front, from left, are Alyson Duncan and Kelly Morris; second row, left, Jason Doll, Diana Lang, and Tim Warner; third row, left, Lesley King, Dana Doll, Angie Lang and Rich Bupp. York 4-H dairy fitting and showmanship awards went to, from left, Jenelle Boyer, Lesley King, Bridgette Boyer, Sue Eisenhart and Alyson Duncan. I s 5 S I s s S s 1 s 1 s i s HONDARTC I s I s s I I I i s s I 5 L J pJ"J fl. *SS£!S - s H Mon.-Fri. 9 AM • 8 PM Phone S 9AM U . r 3PM (717) 898-0100 jj 9AM 3PM "HONDA AT ITS BEST" K Uneasitr's Urgssf Honk Dtsltt - Hi* lh» Ami Wiming Honk Dttler Three members from each of the county’s trio of dairy clubs received awards for outstanding accomplishments for the year. In the Central club, Alyson Duncan was the rookie winner, with sisters Angie and Diane Lang named outstanding junior and FOLLOW THE LEADER senior members. First-year 4-H’er Kelly Morris earned the outstanding title in the Milk and Money club’s rookie category. Junior division winner was Tim Warner, and Lesley King was chosen the senior winner. Southwest club’s awards went to f'i '4 SIT DOWN ON THE JOB ... AND SMILE With the new ’B5 Big Red, working men of all types have never had it so good, ft’s powered by an all-new, lightweight 246 cc two-valve head engine that provides stronger torque, Increased reliability and an array of low maintenance features. In addition, its five-speed transmission includes a super-low Ist gear and reverse. All this, plus electric starting, shaft drive, and front and rear suspension makes Big Red the hardest working three-wheeler ever. Ftm Oetmy In Ths Ann Bridgette Boyer, left, and Lesley King are York County’s distinguished junior Holstein members for 1984. Jason Doll, in the rookie category, while junior winner was Rich Bupp, and Dana Doll took the senior category honors. Although actual competition took place during the July 4-H fair dairy roundup, five members accepted trophies for showman ship and fitting accomplishments. Junior division winners were Jenelle Boyer, showing, and Alyson Duncan, fitting. Top showman Sue Eisenhart split the intermediate class winnings with fitting winner Bridgette Boyer, and Lesley King earned home both the senior category trophies. Distinguished junior Holstein selections for the county were also announced during the presen tations, based on scrapbooks compiled by the contestants on their project animals, dairy and communtiy activities and industry knowledge. Senior winner was Lesley King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul King, Delta R 2. Bridgette Boyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyer, Biesecker Road, was the junior winner. Scrapbooks from these two members will be entered in state competition. Recognition was also extended to numerous dairy club members for their accomplishments and par- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 15,1984-821 ticipation in a variety of local, regional and state activities. Roundup champions, in the Holstein breed, were topped by C.E. Hubbard 111 with the senior and grand entry. Bridgette Boyer exhibited the junior champion, reserved senior and grand, and the champion owner/breeder animal, while her sister, Jenelle Boyer, was the reserved junior winner. Brown Swiss roundup honors, with the exception of one, went to Mike Welsh. Kenton McCleary was the exhibitor of the reserve placing junior animal. Chad Rutter copped all top places in the Guernsey breed competition, over reserved junior and grand animals owned by Kim Thomas. In the Jersey breed, senior, grand and owner/breeder champion honors went to Sue Eisenhart, with Paul Rauhauser the exhibitor of the reserve place animals. Dairymen’s contest awards were split by siblings Rich and Patty Bupp, in the junior and senior age divisions. State days dairy bowl team consisted of Bridgette Boyer, Dana Doll, Diane Lang and Tim Fit zgerald. Competing at the senior level in the regional contest were Bridgette Boyer, Diane Lang and Lela Mummert, with the junior team composed of Angie Lang, Jenelle Boyer, Rich Bupp and Tim Warner. A number of members par ticipated in dairy judging at various levels of competition. Representing the county at the Penn State spring contest were Tun Warner, Lesley King, Downa Doll and C.E. Hubbard, 111. The team of Patty Bupp, C.E. Hubbard 111 and Bridgette Boyer judged at the Delaware Valley College competition. Members of the regional and state days team were C.E. Hub bard, 111, Patty Bupp, Lesley King and Downa Doll. Two members, C.E. Hubbard, 111, and Tim Warner, took part at the All- American judging forum in late September. Peggy Klinedinst, Lesley King and Patty Bupp represented the York 4-H program at the Timonium junior dairymen’s contest. Entertainment for the evening was a demonstration on hypnosis, by Robert Bowers. MAD LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS