Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 08, 1984, Image 38

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    A3B-L*ncaster Farming, Saturday, Dtcembar 8,1984
Red Rose DHIA
(Continued from Page Al)
A number of workshops will be
run throughout the winter to aid
dairymen in better management,
including understanding records,
genetics improvement, dairy
reproduction, and financial
As well as comments by Shirk,
the DHIA members also heard
reports from county manager Jay
Mylin, and state DHIA directors
Bob Kindig and Ellis Denlinger.
The highlight of the meeting was
the presentation of numerous
production and superior per
formance awards.
Two Red Rose supervisors won
state DHIA awards this year.
Harold Probst received the 1984
Superior Supervisor Award, and
Tom Garrett was given the
jy -
Ayrshire herd award to Harold Shelly.
John and Susan Howard receive the trophy for the highest
milk, fat, and protein herd averages in Lancaster County from
OHIA vice-president Jim Kreider. The top averages were
23,441 lbs. milk, 861 lbs. fat, and 761 lbs. protein.
Left to right are Jay Risser, Patti Johnson, and Maurice Welk, who received their $3OO
Red Rose Superior Service Awards a.t Tuesday’s banquet.
Hollmger Award for excellence in
packaging samples. Garrett also
serves as president of the Pa.
DHIA Supervisors’ Association.
Nine of Lancaster County’s 18
supervisors received the $3OO Red
Rose Superior Service Award.
Thomas Garrett, Dwight Houser,
Wilbur Houser, Patti Johnson,
James Lehman, Harold Lin
decamp, Harold Probst, Jay
Risser, and Maurice Welk were the
award winners. They had to meet
the criteria of mailing samples
promptly, making few errors,
testing close to the centering date,
attending supervisor conferences,
and receiving a favorable response
from the ' DHIA members they
Another supervisor award given
this year rewarded the DHIA
its the high milk
Supervisors receiving the $3OO Red Rose Superior Service Award were, front row from
left, Wilbur Houser, James Lehman, and Harold Probsb Back from left are Dwight
Houser, Thomas Garrett, and H 'ld Lind
tester who signed up the most new
herds during the year. Jonas
Miller received a $lOO check for
starting seven herds out of a total
of 22 new herds in the county.
Production honors iftere
bestowed upon several dairy
families. John and Susan Howard,
Willow Street, with their herd of 40
registered Holsteins, claimed the
highest average in the milk, fat,
and protein categories. The out
standing herd averages were
23,441 pounds milk, 861 pounds, and
761 pounds protein.
High milk averages for the other
breeds were also recogmzed.
Winners were: Robert W. Ulrich,
Jersey; Harold G. Shelly, Ayr
shire; Kerry and Deborah Boyd,
Brown Swiss; Kenneth and
Thelma Garber, Guernsey; and
Elam K. Stoltzfus, Mixed.
This year 51 herds in the Red
Rose DHIA had over 700 pounds of
fat. In 1983 only 34 herds topped 700
pounds. In addition, 54 herds
achieved averages of over 600
pounds protein.
During the business meeting six
new directors were announced.
They were; Kenneth Rutt, Jim
Kreider, Phams Hurst, Robert
Gochenaur, David DeLong, and
Richard Brenhaman. In the Red
Rose DHIA, one director serves
from each of the 18 supervisor
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Two Red Rose supervisors received state DHIA awards this
year. Left is Harold Probst, winner of the Superior Supervisor
Award, and right stands Tom Garrett recipient of the
Hollin' Awards -ellenf-*' 'kaging sample'
As part of a special Red Rose DHIA promotional program,
supervisor Jonas Miller, left, receives a $lOO check for
starting the most new herds from Jay Landis.
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