Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 08, 1984, Image 31

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    discusses the merits of his firm’s new line of Hog Chows.
Formerly Serviced By Terre Hill Silo Co.
Reliable Feeding
Patz silo unloaders help you
feed on schedule all year
round Both the Model
RD 820 ring-drive unloader
and Model 988 surface
drive unloader feature a
double-hook gathering
chain with hardened steel
cutters and claws that cut
through frozen and packed
silage to deliver a steady
flow of silage day after day.
• Spring-tensioned power
cutter keeps silo walls
free of silage buildup.
• Preset depth-of-cut
control makes feeding
truly automatic
See us today for details on
how Patz silo unloaders
take the chore out of
feeding time
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We are setup to
serve you with a
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equipment and have
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Our service men have
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We are anxious
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call us today!
Strong as Steel
608 Evergreen Road
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 274-5333
ST. LOUIS, Mo. In a con
lerence at Checkerboard Square in
St. Louis on Wednesday, the
Ralston Purina Company an
nounced a new high energy hog
chow that Purina researchers
claim will set new feed conversion
standards for the industry.
Marketed under the brand name
High Octane Hog Chow 2.6, the new
chow is claimed to yield a pound of
weight gam for every 2.6 pounds of
teed consumed.
The 3.0 barrier ha been blown
to a shambles," said Purma's
swine research director Dr. Bud
Harmon, who noted that breaking
the three-pound conversion rate
has been a goal that has eluded the
country’s top hog producers.
Though a complete H.O. 2.6
ration has been available since the
Patz Gutter Cleaner
Gutter Cleaners
Patz makes gutter
cleaners you can depend on
year after year. The proven
one-piece forged steel
hook-and-eye link lets you
adjust chain length or
replace links and ffltes by
hand, without tools. And
steel flites feature wear
shoes that withstand rug
ged wear.
Thinking of stacking
manure? Consider a Patz
Tripod Supported Stacker
or a Swinging Slide Stacker.
One motor and reducer run
both the gutter cleaner and
the stacker for economical
See us today for more in
formation on the Patz way
to more reliable gutter
cleaner performance.
Purina unveils Hog
Chow breakthrough
A panel of Purina experts responded to questions from
members of the agricultural press at Checkerboard Square
on Wednesday. From left are Dr. Bud Harmon, Dr. Ray
Washam and division vice president Brock Lutz.
Lancaster Farwin*, Saturday, Dacawbar t, IM4-A3I
spring of the year, recent
technological breakthroughs have
permitted the company to market
the product in concentrate form,
thereby permitting producers to
use their own grain in formulating
The key to the product’s high
level of available energy is its 16
percent fat content, more than
twice the amount of fat contained
in the company’s current leading
hog feed.
"Previously you’d have to pump
a product like this," noted Har
mon, adding that H.O. 2.6's one
eighth inch pellet size incorporates
well with grams with no separation
problems. "Studies have shown
that adding fat in the ration won't
increase the fat cover on pigs if
other nutrients are adjusted ac
cordingly," said the researcher.
The new supplement is a multi
purpose feed for use in the growing
and finishing phases, as well as in
starting, farrowing and lactatmg
According to Harmon, H.O. 2.6
yields a nine percent improvement
in feed efficiency and a four per
cent improvement in weight gain
during the growing-finishing
period, when compared to the most
efficient feeds currently on the
In experiments during the
starter phase at the company's
research center, Purina resear
chers noted a 10 percent increase
in weight gain as well as a nine
percent improvement in feed ef
ficiency with the firm’s H.O. 2.6
Fast Start Chow.
"This translates to two days less
time in the nursery, or heavier pigs
leaving the nursery in the same
time period," said Punna’s
manager of swine technical ser
vices, Dr. Ray Washam.
"This new product represents a
great step forward in improving
the performance of pigs in the
nursery," said Washam, who
added that only five death losses
were recorded among the 957 pigs
on test.
According to product manager
Dr. Bill Ragland, the cost of H.O.
2.6 products has been running
about six percent above that of the
firm's current line of hog chows for
midwest hog producers.
"But we feel the product stands
on its own quite well," said
Ragland, citing the feed's im
provement in conversion rate and
the producer s ability to move
more animals through his facility
in a shorter period of time.
Harmon said that the company 's
new line of H.O. 2.6 products is the
culmination of years of study at the
turn’s Gray Summit Research
Farm located west of St. Louis.
With its five-man team of
researchers, and the capacity to
individually feed and evaluate
nearly 500 pigs, Purina claims to
operate the largest swine nutrition
research facility in the U.S.