A3O-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, Dacember 8,1984 SYRACUSE, NY - At NEDCO’s urging and highlighting a major shift in the milk supply and utilization that has taken place in the New York-New Jersey milk marketing area this past year, Thomas Wilson, Federal Milk Marketing Administrator has announced a minimum Class I-A (market fluid) utilization per formance standard for handlers to meet, who operate pool plants and pool bulk tank units under the order. The announcement came late on Nov. 29. The 10 percent Minimum Order ‘call provision” will apply for the month of December, 1984 and will assure that all handlers, whose milk is pooled under the Order, will do their full share in meeting all consumer fluid milk needs. This minimum shipping standard of 10 percent, in the best judgement of the Administrator, will supply those needs during this period of seasonally short milk supply. The "call provision” follows a special meeting held by the Ad ministrator on Nov. 20 in Syracuse, mainly at the request of NEDCO along with some other handlers. That meeting was called for the express purpose of considering what the minimum Class I ship ping percentage should be for the period November through January, 1985. The special “call provision” authorized in the Federal Milk Order is seldom used, as ordinarily market fluid needs are regularly met. The last time it was invoked was in the 1950’5. The 10 percent minimum call applies only for December at this time, with a possible follow-up minimum percentage to be announced later for the month of January, 1985. None was set for November, as most of the month had already elapsed. Fluid bottled milk sales within the defined marketing area (Class I-A), currently makes up close to 45 percent of all market milk in the Order 2 pool. However, that amount was found by the Ad ministrator to be supplied by too few of the market’s milk handlers. He determined others needed to WOOD/COAL STOVES AND INSERTS Let Our Pest Experience Save You Pollers In Heating Costs • COLUMBIAN COOK STOVE PARTS AVAILABLE • BUCKET A DAY STOVES Put This Combination Together • FUELMISER... • RETROFIT Over 50% CATALYTIC Of Stack BURNERS... Temperature Solves The Reclaimed Cresote Problem On Wood Burners CONTACT HIESTAND’S SUPPLY CO, RD.#l, Marietta, PA (717)426-1921 SEE OUR DISPLAY BETWEEN MAYTOWN AND BAINBRIDGE - MON.-FRI. 9-5; SAT. 10-2 (EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT) Northeast milk handling changed furnish supplemental fluid milk it they wished to quality for the market uniform blend price, which is a weighted average value of milk used for fluid bottling (Class I) and for manufacturing (Class II) purposes. Use in Class I carries a higher value in the blend price for participants. NEDCO Chief Executive Officer, Robert C. Forsythe, stated that NEDCO had requested the Ad- NEWARK, Del. - Municipal sewage must be treated to remove contaminants and pollutants before discharge into the en viroment. The residue from this process is a dilute suspension of solids called sludge, which con tains nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) and organic matter of potential use in crop production. However, sludge invariably contains measurable amounts of heavy metals, toxic organics and disease-causing microorganisrfts and so must be used cautiously to avoid injuring plants, contaminating the food chain, or polluting the en vironment. Researchers and extension specialists at the University of ■* On Any Make Forage Wagon mimstrator take this action because the Cooperative found it increasingly difficult to meet all its fluid needs, even with outside purchases. He cited the need for greater participation by other handlers and cooperatives to satisfy market fluid requirements He added that NEDCO had gone far beyone the 45 percent market Class I average use percentage in meeting these needs. Sludge guideline booklet available Delaware have prepared a 12-page booklet, “Guidelines for Sludge Utilization on Agricultural Land,” which is designed to help reduce the risks involved in sludge ap plication to cropland. The publication discusses the general advantages, limitations and potential problems related to land disposal of sludge. It also contains sections on the production and properties of sewage sludge, sludge application methods, and regulations governing sludge use in Delaware. One large section contains general recommendations ac companied by tables showing: the maximum cumulative sludge metal applications for different heavy metals and soil types; the nitrogen DOES YOUR FORAGE WAGON L<»dK LIKE THIS? A VERY SPECIAL WINTER FIX NOW THRU W ij / RE-CYCLE IT TO LOOK LIKE THIS Bottom, Sides And Tail A jTsSToo 5 OUO • Uv Guaranteed Terms Available FE Don’t store your Sperry New Holland baler, Speedrower® windrower, Haybine® mower- conditioner or pull-type forage harvester until you’ve asked about our ’B4 Winter Fix Special. Now’s the time to schedule your equipment for servicing while you can get special Winter Fix rates on repairs. So beat the spring rush and take advantage of our ■ The snort supply situation has come about largelj as a result of tjae effect of the farmer funded milk diversion and promotion programs put in place last year by dairy farmers to improve the nation's supply-demand balance in dairy," said Forsythe. “The market experience has completely turned around within the year,' he said. When the Nov. 20 meeting was annoum™' 1 tho lyiaricot a^. supplying capabilities of sludge after the first year; and the relative accumulation of heavy metals in edible plant parts of different crops. Another section tells how to calculate sludge ap plication rater on nitrogen York sheep The York County Sheep Producers wiU be conducting an educational Sheep Producers Meeting on Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the 4-H Center near Bair Station. The meeting is open to the public for those who are interested in sheep and wool production. The speakers for the evening will . 15th mimstrator explained at that time that "handlers regulated under the Order are unwilling to supply sufficient quantities of bulk farm milk for the (lass I fluid market." Forsythe noted that "we are very gratified that the Market Administrator has taken this action in the public interest to fully guarantee an adequate supply of pure and wholesome milk to consumers.’ or heavy metal content. Copies of this booklet are available free from county ex tension offices in Newark (451- 2506), Dover (736-1448) and Georgetown (856-5250). meeting set be Ur. Tom Drake, Penn State Extension Veterinarian, updating the sheep herd health and Dr. Pat Whittaker will join him in discussing the herd health problem. Sidney Bosworth, Penn State Agronomist, will discuss planning your sheep pasture from beginning to end. The meeting is open to the public free of charge. < c Let Us Re-Cycle Your Forage Wagon With Premium Qualit Factory Spec Parts. ’B4 Winter Fix Special
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