ikhk^V 1 m : ymm „ LORSBAN* 4E. , Best cutworm control since toxaphene. Field tests prove it. If you thought toxaphene worked well for controlling cutworm problems in no-till corn, you'll be impressed with the way LORSBAN* 4E insecticide performs. As re sults of extensive field testing prove, LORSBATi 4E works as well as, or better than toxaphene in controlling both cutworm and true armyworm in no-till corn. Where it fits, nothing works better. Simply tank mix LORSBATI 4E insecticide with your herbicides and liquid fertilizers and apply prior to crop emergence. LORSBAN 4E provides effective, economical control of both cutworm and armyworm. What's more, it keeps on protecting fields for several weeks after application, even in fields with exposed soil. Reduce the chance of yield loss in your no-till com. Tteat with LORSBATI 4E, for the best control of cutworm and armyworm since toxaphene. For more information, call the Pest Con trol Hotline for LORSBAN insecticides toll free. Dial 1-800-258-CHEM. Regardless of the insecticide you choose, ALWAYS READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE AMD ALWAYS CAREFULLY FOLLOW ALL LABEL DIRECTIOMS AMD PRECAUTIOMS for safe use. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON 1 LORSBAN* 4E vs. toxaphene LORSBAM 4E Better than toxaphene As good as toxaphene Poorer than toxaphene (0%) 'Based on 34 (12 acre) plots in Virginia and Maryland •Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company % of grower responses 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (20%) (80%)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers