D34-Lancaster Fanning Saturday December 8,1984 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ol each week s publication SAT. MAR. 2 -9 AM Public Auction of the 21st Annual Consignment Sale of Bart Fire Co. Selling hay, straw, farm equip., fur niture, quilts & antiques. LOCATED: at Bart Fire Hall. Georgetown, PA. Local Auctioneers. MON. MARCH 4 - Public Auction •of Farm Equip ment. Located 1 mile south of Richland off Milbach Road. Paul Z & Eva B. Martin, Owners. Paul E. Martin and John O. Stauffer, Auctioneers. FRI. MAR. 8 - Farm machinery, Holstein dairy heifers. 5 miles north of Bloomsburg, PA, Columbia Co. Glen & Betty Bowman, owners. Fraley Auction Company. FRI. MAR. 8 - 9 AM Farm Equipment. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , Auctioneers. SAT MARCH 9 9 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Household Goods, Antiques located 2 miles Northeast of Bern ville off Shartlesville Road, 1 mile to first farm on left, 4 miles South of Shartlesville, 4 miles south of Berks County. Sale by Wilbur and Pauline Hartranft, Owners; Paul Snyder and Alvin Horning, Auc tioneers SAT. MARCH 9 - 8:30 AM Public Auction Annual Consignment Sale of the Gordonville Fire Co. Selling Farm Equipment, | AUCTIONEER’S DIRECTORY NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your ad vertisement by 4 P.M. Tuesday of each week's publication. KLINE 4 KREIDER AUCTIONEERS COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE farms & residential PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER , AUCTIONEER REALTOR AUCTIONEER 717 733 1006 717 786 3394 717 569 8701 Livestock, Household Goods, Quilts and An tiques. Located at the Gordonville Fire Hall, Gordonville. PA Gor donville Fire Co. Sales Committee. Owners Ron Funk & Local Auctioneers. TUES. MARCH 12 - Farm Equip, and tools. Paul Garman, Owner. Located Denver, PA. Nevin Martin and Lewis Groff, Auc tioneers. FRI. MAR. 15 - 5 PM Tractor and Truck Sale. Kempton Community Center inside Northern Berks Co. Russell Henry 215-756-6511. SAT. MAR. 16 - 9 AM. Farm Eq. & small items. Kempton Community Center, Northern Berks Co. 12 Auctioneers. Russell Henry 215-756- 6511. TUES. MARCH 19 - Public Consignment Auction in Kirkwood, PA. Lancaster County. Hay, Straw and Gram, Horses and Mules, Farm Machinery, small items, Tools, Groceries. Fruits and Vegetables and Dry Goods. For ad vertising arrangement, write today. King's Auction, R 1, Box 329, Kirkwood, PA 17536. FRI MAR. 22 - 10 AM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 23 - Public Auction of Farm Eq. located west of Millersville along Rt. 999. Ernest & Anna Mary Lefever, Owners. Paul E. Martin J C.H. WOLGEMUTH RD#2 MANHEIM PA AUCTIONEER Member of COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE CALL 717 665 5664 and John D. Stauffer, Auctioneers. FRI. MAR. 29-9 AM Farm Equipment. New Holland Sales Stables. Inc , Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 30 ■ 5 PM Public Auction of the 3rd Annual Lancaster Farm Toy Auction, Show & Sale Located at the Lancaster Treadway Inn, Rt. 30 and Oregon Pike, Rt- 272, Lancaster, PA. Wally Hooker, Auctioneer APRIL FRI APR. 19 - 9 AM Farm Equipement. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc . Auctioneers. SAT APRIL 20, 1985 - Public Aucbon of the 19th Annual Colonial Charolais Spring Sale. Located at the Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, MD. Sponsored by the Colonial Charolais Assoc. Buzz Garey, Manager. TUES. APRIL 23 - Public Consignment Auction in Kirkwood. PA. Lancaster County. Hay, Straw and Gram. Horses and Mules, Farm Machinery, small items, Tools, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables and Dry Goods. For ad vertising arrangement, write today. King's Auction, R 1, Box 329, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. MAY FRI MAY 3 - 7 PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 18 - 10 AM Grade Heifer. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 24 - 9 AM Farm Equipment. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., Auctioneers. I DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Also Crippled & Down Cattle MARLIN S. IRWIN Quarryville, PA PH; 717-786-3016 250-350 HEAD SPECIAL HORSE SALE WORK HORSES-MULES & DRIVING HORSES FRIDAY JANUARY 4,1985 Tack 9:00 A.M. Sale 10:00 A.M AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC 12 Miles East of Lan caster, Pa. just off Rt. 23, New Holland, Pa. * 2 Load Work Horses and Mules consigned by Ward Wright. * 30 Head Work Horses from Canada consigned by Frank Carper. * 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Tom Collins. * 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Jap Steelman. * 1 Load Work Horses consigned by Jim Howard. * 1 Load Work Horses and Driving Horses consigned by Bud Leonard. • 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Clayton Waterbury. * 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Jonas , Beiler. * 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Reuben G. Stoltzfus. * 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Elam B. Stoltzfus. * 1 Load Driving Horses consigned by Levi B. Stoltzfus. Plus many more consignments by sale time. information confc Abe Diffenbach, Mgr 717-354-4341 717-397-5538 Next Horse Sale Fri. Jan. 18 SAT. JUNE 8 - 10 AM Registered Heifer. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., Auctioneers. SAT. JUNE 22, 1985 - Public Auction of the Colonial World Class Sale 'B5. Located at Riverwood Farms, Powell, Ohio. Sponsored by Colonial Charolais Assoc. Buzz Garey, Manager AUGUST FRI. AUG. 2 - 9 AM Farm Equipment. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., Auctioneers. NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER FRI NOV. 8 - 9AM Farm Equipment New Holland FRI SEPT. 6 - 7 PM Sales Stables, Inc., Holstein Promobon. New Auctioneers FOR COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Call 717-786-4624 ASK FOR STEVE OR ANNA. AUCTIONEER STEVE PETERSHEIM Box 152 Bart PA 17503 Norman Kolb Daily and Livestock Sales Holland Sales Stables, Inc., Auctioneers FRI. SEPT. 13 - 9 AM 3 Farm Equipment. New j Holland Sales Stables, * Inc, Auctioneers. t GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALE p nA« « FRIDAY, DEC. 14,1984 Fall' Heifer 2 |aie .New % 1 Herd Consisting of 47 head cows &27 heifers. Holland Sales Stables, Some fresh, Spr. Bal in all stages of production Inc., Auctioneers. | including 2 Jersey, 2 Gur. - 2 short horn balance <| Holstein. Tested for Pregnancy. All animals OCTOBER | inoculated for shipping fever. WED. OCT. 30 - 9 AM f WALTER H. RISSER Dairy Show. New Holland Prop. Sales Stables. Inc. | 733-2444 * 838-4318 To be held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales Co., Rte. 340, 5 miles East of Lancaster, 5 miles West of Intercourse, Smoketown, Pa. 1 LOAD CATTLE, DAIRY COWS, AND HEIFERS OUT OF NEW ENGLAND STATES. SEVERAL OF THESE COWS MILKING 70 to 90 LBS. PER DAY A Few Examples: * Reg. 3 yr. old Pen Del Elevation Ivan due 12/5/84 to Gil-Tex-B Milk master Twin, 2 yrs. 281 dys. 13.635 M 4.1 T. 563 F. * Reg. 2 yr. old Pen Del Elevation Ivan. Her Dam’s 3 yr. record 336 dys. 19.071M3.8T732F. * Reg. 4 yr. old Round Oak Apollo Virginia, Her 3 yr. old record 331 dys. 20.847 M 3.8 T 785 F due to Gil-Tex-B Milkmaster Twin. * Reg. 2 yrs. old Chardale Arlinda Chief Jemini. * Reg. 2 yr. old Green Banks Adventuer, fresh. Her dam 4.1 and 4.6 Test. * Reg. 4 yr. old Straight Pine Elevation Pete dtr. GP 82 (4-H Project) due Dec. 27 to Stoney Lawn Paclamar Leprechaun an ABS Bootmaker Son, 3 yrs. 340 dys. 20.422 M 679 F. * Reg. cow bom 8/5/80 due 12/13/84 to Willow Cray Mag. Valiant Noel E.T. Sire-Producers Skylark Comet. Dam-Optimist daughter. Comet dtrs. averaged 16,900 milk plus 1,103 fat. Twelve (12) Ist calf heifers out of one herd dispersal, fresh, milking from 50 to 75 lbs. This is a fancy group of heifers. 2-REGISTERED RED AND WHITE HOLSTEIN BULLS IN BRATTLEBORO ASSOCIATION-2 • Reg. Big Pine Camille Rosco Red. Sire-Borhart Elevation Camille Red. Dam-Big Pine Lancelot Rusty Red 2 yrs. 11 mo. 346 dys. 20.312 M 724 F, 5 yrs. 2 mos. 312 dys. 21.425 M 720 F, 6 yrs. 2 mos. 327 dys. 21.462 M 755 F. GrDam-Big Pine Billie Rosie Red with records from over 14,000 to over 17,000. • Reg. Big Pine Arctic Bud Red. Sire-C. Ingholm Arctic. GrSire S.W.D. Valiant. Dam-Big Pine Diplomat Della. Dam’s record 2 yrs. 357 dys. 16.506 M 4.0 T 668 F 549 pro. Gr.Dam-Big Pine Billie Rosie Red. These are big strong bulls ready for service. "WE DON’T SELL QUANTITY—WE SELL QUALITY!" Sale by SMOKETOWN QUALITY DAIRY SALES, INC. GORDON & HELEN FRITZ 717-393-0930 Carl Diller- Paul Snyder, Auctioneers AU-000873-L Henry Kettering, Pedigrees Lunch by Sublette SPECIAL SALE FEATURING FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 1:00 p.m. Sharp! Telephone 302-734-2018 or 284-4541 Tele-O-Auction - 302-284-4912 • Tele-O-Auction - Bid over the telephone. * Easy to reach - Rt. 13, on South Bound Lane, approximately 10 miles South of Dover, Delaware. * Quick Service - Load & Unload. * No Dealer pigs * Pigs received after 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. * Consignors - Paid day of sale. * Veterinarian inspection on premises - Dr. Towers. * State Graded. • Pseudorabies Free State. Auctioneers-Harry Barrett - Chester Lee Carroll AUCTIONS OF ALL TYPES SPECIAL HOLSTEIN DAIRY SALE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14,1984 7:30 P.M. E.S.T.
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