( Public Auction Register PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT on the farm located just off route 14 (Del), take road 297 north to road 296, left Vi mile to farm. The farm is halfway between Denton, Md. and Harrington, Del... From Denton (route 313 take route 317 to Del. route 14...Fr0m Harrington route 13 take route 14 west to road 297, turn right, follow signs to sale. ALE DATE: MONDAY, DEC. 10,1984 AT 11:00 A.M. TRACTORS * COMBINES 'FARM EQUIP.'TRUCKS (2) JOHN DEERE 7700 COMBINES- Hydrostatic-Turbo-Roto screens-A/C cabs-both w/#2lB floating heads, JD 643 com head, JD 4630 TRACTOR w/duals-Power shift trans.- cab-air, JD 4020 TRACTOR w/late model side console, INT. 1066 TRACTOR, FORD 8N TRACTOR, ALLIS CHALMERS NO-TILL 15- 15” planter, Int. tool bar planter #295 8 row-30”, JD 8300 GRAIN DRILL, John Blue 400 gal. sprayer-Alum. tank-40’ booms. Miller 14’ offset disc, Case 17’ disc, Brillion 19’ cultipacker, JD 12’ roller harrow, Brillion 15’ roller harrow, White 6 bottom plows, Athens 10’ chisel plow, 3 pt. field cultivator 12’, McKee cultivator 8 row 30”, JD 20’ rotary hoe, planter frame 3 pt. w/seed box 11-18” rows, 3 pt. ditcher, Ford 2R cultivator, Rhino blade, JD #747 stalk mower, Case 6 bottom plows, Kilbrow 175 bu. grain auger wagon on 8 ton gear, 2 flat wagons, (2) Snyder 1600 gal. tanks, saddle tanks-Agrotec 200 gal., 275 gal. fuel skid tank, JD #l5B loader, (2) sets of snap on dual wheels 16.9x38 & 18.4x38, JD saddle tanks for 4WD, PTO 12KW generator, tag axle, JD loader brackets, (5) #295 Int. planter units, (2) gas 2” pumps, Snowco grain cleaner, 6 ton feed tank, scrat cher for 21’ disc, various misc. items... GRAIN TRUCKS, ETC.: 75 GMC truck tractor-t/a-13 speed-238 diesel, ‘69 Int. truck tractor-s/a-5&2, ‘66 Ford 16’ dump, 73 Chev. 16’ dump 427 cu. in. motor, ‘59 Chev. 18’ flatbed truck, 71 Chev. Blazer-4” lift kit-3” body kit -17x40 tires w/Mag wheels, ‘79 Chev. 4WD pickup, 40’ grain trailer-4’ side w/canvas, 28’ grain trailer-4’ sides w/canvas, 22’ flat trailer t/a, ‘66 Int. 18’ dump truck, grain auger 24’ w/Wisconsin engine, truck tires & wheels High pressure washer, oil stove, gas space heating stove, etc 22,500 gal. steel storage tank (nitrogen). Owners HARRY, RONALD & EUNICE W.COLLISON RD-3, Box 101, Harrington, Delaware 19952 HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. SALES MANAGERS & AUCTIONEERS GALENA, MD. 21635, phone (301) 648-5601 LUNCH A CHOICE, HAND-PICKED SELECTION OF REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Top Sires- 8 Valiant 8 Sexation 8 Bell 6 Elevation 5 Pete Sales Staff ~~ Charles Backus 315-963-7231 Jay Howes - 717-367-9236 Horace Backus - 315-963-7231 Mike Weimer - 717-652-3486 Charles C Myers - 717-898-0983 Les Hosking, Jr. - 914-355-1666 SAT. FEB. 16 - Complete Dispersal of Farm Machinery; lawn tractors 50-400 HP, 4 WO, Chisel Plows, Transport Discs, 14-24', Large Cultimulchers, Large Grain Drills & Corn ih /% MEPRY CHRISTMAS FEESER’S ( 33rd % PRODUCTION SALE FRI. DECEMBER 14,1984 1:00 P.M. on our farm 40 BOARS-HAMPS & YORKS 20 XBRED BRED GILTS 60 OPEN GILTS HAMPS & YORKS & CROSS Scan data on boars ,ST E ~ -> Boars & Gilts Have Been Sprayed & Wormed For Parasites And Vac cinated for Parvo-Virus Lepto, Erysepelas, Atrophic-Rhinitis and Pasturella. • SOUND PRODUCTION • SOUND CUSTOMER RELATIONS • SOUND HEALTH PROGRAM • SOUND GENETICS FIELDMAN; JACK FICKEN, HSR & AYC WRITE OR CALL FOR SALE BROCHURE Auctioneer Harry Bachman 3 Columbus 3 Bootmaker 3 Apollo Also, Valor, Glendell Chairman, Tony, and Bova Of All The Cattle Being Sold TNs Month, This Is The Group Worth Waiting For Planters, Harvesting Equip. 3 large pieces. Gram Trucks Big t { Medium Sized Eg, I Misc. Kerns. LOCATED: 2 Vi miles south of CoatasvHle Intersection of Rt 80 and Strasburg Rd. Leonard Champion XCross at Keystone ALL PIGS RAISED ON CONCRETE VALIDATED BRUCELLOSIS FREE HERD #46 CERTIFIED PRV FREE HERD #4 “WE GUARANTEE WHAT WE SELL” FRANKLIN AND JULIE FEESER Box 372 Taneytown, Maryland 21787 301-7514287 Ul -140 HEAD Over the years the Golden Harvest Sale has d&ablished a fine tradition of selling top cattle to fit the dairyman s needs, at the dairyman s price. This years offering is truly the lowest in years. Young, hard-working, top sires, more than 30 with EX dams, all with production pedigrees. Plan to be there 1 Daily and Livestock Sales Strunk,' Owner. Blaine Rentzel, Auctioneer. ’v'v. 70 Young Cows, 40 Bred Heifers, 6 Top Bulls, Balance Yearlings & Calves Send for catalog to - Lancaster Famine Saturday December t, IM4-D33 TUES. FEB. 19 - Public Consignment Auction in Kiriewood, PA. Lancaster County. Hay, Straw and Grain, Horses and Mules, Farm Machinery, small items, Tools, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables and Dry Goods. For ad vertising arrangement, US BANKRUPTCY COURT PUBLIC AUCTION WED., DEC. 1210 A.M. International Harvester TRUCK TRACTORS & TRAILERS (NEARLY 100 UNITS The Former Mandate Poultry Company Route 225, Herndon, PA (35 Mi North of Harrisburg) Truck Tractors Incl I H COF4O7OA & B s Twin Seres (7) I H 200 D Single Axles (19) IH Vans 12 16 Ft (7) IH Feed Trucks (2) IH Dump Trucks Welder Trucks Tanker Wre cker Hi Lifts Air Comp Trucks A Others 1968-78 (Total 51 Units) Trailers Incl Van Trailers 40 ft Refng A Non Refng Bobcat Hauler. Up To 1977 (42 Units) Inspect; Sat. Dec. 8 IP.M. To 4 P.M. Terms Cash Or Cert Funds Call or Write For Details Col. Stave Sitar, Auctr. PO Box 581 Scranton, PA 18501 717 5861397 Pa Lie #2124-1 PUBLIC AUCTION CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CARS, TRUCKS, LOADERS, ETC. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1985 11A.M. FELTON. DELAWARE Attention Contractors & Equipment Dealers Consignments are now being taken Consign Now Coll or write us for consignment forms. Chester Lee Carroll Harry Barrett, Jr. Sis. Mgr. P.O. Box 307, Felton, Delaware 19943 302/284-4911 302/284-4541 gar rolls ales co. P.O. BOX 307, L) S. KT. 13 FELTON, DELAWARE 19943 302/284-4911 302/284-4541 BACKUS ASSOCIATES, INC P.O. Box 424 E Town, PA. 17022 write today. King's Auction, R 1, Box 329, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. THURS. FEB. 21 - 9:30 Two Day Sale. New, Used and Abused farm mach., new tools, fruit, and cousin. FRI. FEB. 22 - WHI be antiques, tracs., engines and literature. Terms Elias S. Beiler. Auctioneers Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin. 717- 656-7770.81aine Rental Auctioneers. MON. FEB. 25 - Public Auction of Farm Equip ment. Located at Frystown, along 645. Swope and Bashore, Owners. Paul E. Martin and John D. Stauffer, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 28 - 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment Located in Bern Twp., Berks Co., along Grange Rd., Lee sport. Mat-Mar Farms, Owners. Horning Farm Agency, Inc., Auctioneers. MARCH FRI. MARCH I - 10 AM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 2 - Farm Equipment, Tools, and Household Goods. Near Cambridge. Chester M. Martin, Owner. Nevin Martin and Lewis Groff, Auctioneers.
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