D26-Lmcaster Farming Saturday December 8,1984 Lancaster Farming Subscription Service • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Attach label from current paper and attach in space pro vided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fid in your name and address. Attach your check, $7.50 per year or $13.00 lor two years in PA, MD, OE, NJ. NY, VA and WV. (All other areas - $14.00 per year, $24.00 lor two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks tor delivery. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please at tach your mailing label Irom current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. No refund* I When writing us about your I I subscription please attach your j j Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: | i LANCASTER FARMING, | | P.O. Box 366, Lititz. Pa. 17543 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check one) J$ 7.50-1 YEAR 1 $14.00-1 YEAR m$ 13.00-2 YEARS . $24.00 2 YEARS NEW SUBSCRIPTION u CHANGE OF ADDRESS u RENEWAL ENCLOSED IS A i_iCHECK uCASH MONEY ORDER (Please supply mlormation in lull) (Please print) NAME ADDRESS BOX CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE This\fear: Try BicepTn Bulk ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. For Sale - 1970 Ford, 26,000 GVW, long wheel base, C & C, good con dition $2,900. Nor thumberland Co. 5-9 evenings. 717-286-1064. For Sale - Warm Morning Coal Heater $375. Ak>i« Rt. 772 near Carpenters Church. Joe Zim merman.R.D.l, Leola, Pa. 17540 For Sale - 12 KW Win power alternator on cart w/PTO shatt. Cumberland Co. 717-776-6220. 6 a m. or 6 p.m. For Sale - 1984 double registered-paint-pinto lil hr. 1964 breeding stock nlly by Burgandy Tardy, (AQHA). Bents Co. 215- 562-7776. For Sale - New Diamond Horseshoes, 67 shoes 00H, 41 shoes 2TH, .85 cents a piece, $BO. take all. Berks Co. 215-286- 5724. Wanted - Timber - Red, white and black oak, ash and walnut for veneer. Also trees for firewood. Call Collect 717-624- 4262. F • S. or Sale - Farmall M; Nl 217 manure spreader; snow blade; V/z ton bin. York Co. 717-225-3894 F" Sab 5 ;ed or <ale - , ustv aluminum windows, 6 light; 41"x43”: 2jks. Fir; 1 pc 6"x8"xl8'; 717-665- 3653. Lane. Co. after 6 p.m. For Sale - Grade Jersey Heifers, aH sizes. Hun tingdon Co. 814-542-4422 For Sale -1 ton elect hoist, motorized trolley, 50 ft. I beam track $1,500.; 1 ton platform scale $450. 717- 286-5306 For Sale - Manure Spreader on 72 Dodge V* ton truck w/snow plow $l,lOO. Cornell Barn Cleaner $7OO. 717-421- 3056. Monroe Co. Wanted To Buy - Trailer, 7'x 10' or 12'. Also an Ironworker Iron Shear. 717-733-8313. Lane. Co. For Sale - Used V/i h.p. motor w/mounted Gould’s l'/2 pump attached jet type: ABS Water System Pipe. York Co. 717-432- 9056. For Sale - I'/i year old Suffolk Ram $6O. Lane Co. 717-367-2672. •ortable Farm-Pak® minibulk ;s adds efficiency to your operation, and saves you ■money. Convenient, too. Farm-Pak replaces han dling all those jugs with a pump and meter; eliminates handling all along the line. See us about a Farm- Pak system for your farm. It’s the better way to buy and handle Bicep. Hk |i uni I in i I >k .u li id milk nl LHi \ (>H( 'i CIBA-GEIGY 2313 Norman Rd Lancaster, PA (717) 397-5152 Utility Hours; Mon.-Fri. 7-4:30 For Sale - Hesston PTIO 9 ft. Haybine. $lOOO. Cumberland Co. 717-776- 3424. For Sale - Four Majestic Ranges. Two w/Reseviors, two without. All Ivory w/beige trim. Schaef ferstown. 717-949-2195. Wanted - JD Baler w/hydraulic thrower and 2-3 wagons. Alt in very good condition. Lehigh Co. 215-298-2456 after 6 p.m. Notice - WOODWORKERS - Local shop now carries woodworking supplies, hardwoods, exotics; Freud, Foredom, Marptes, Record, Sorby, Mohawk. 717-755-8884. York Co. For Sale-1968 Chevy pickup, 1 owner, PS, PB, A/C, new 750-16 tires. $1,250. Chester Co. 215- 932-4728. For Sale • Standard Horse 4 yr. old, w/speed. $3OO. Along North Farmersville Rd. 1.8. Zimmerman. R.D.2, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Wanted - Used Conde rotary type pulsation; 3 unit #6OO milkers. Jacob B. Ebersol, Box 128, R.D.2, Peach Bottom. Pa. 17563. Wanted - Wholesale supplier of nursery stock. P. White, R.D.2. Box 258. Glen Rock. Pa. 17327 For Sale - Nl 4 whee' manure spreader $595. 904 AC haybine $595.; 21 AC transport disc harrow $595. 717-354-0266. For Sale - Dearborn com picker. Stephen Jones, R.D.I, Klingerstown, Pa. 17941. Schuylkill Co. 717- 648-0039 For Sale Three registered Brown Swiss bred heifers due December, ful pedigrees, bred to top Sires. 814- 848-7474. Potter. For Sale - Border Collie puppies; Alfalfa hay; Charolais Cows; Orchard Grass Seed. 215-756- 6618. Lehigh Co. For Sale - 10-20 Titan Tractor, #TIBOBO mint cond. $4,000. Screen coaled 15 h.p. patton on cart $1,500. 717-354- 9939. For Sale ■ “Princes’s St. George" weanling filly, Golden Palomino Roan, Blaze, Three Sox, Doll Head, huge hip. $1,250. 717-223-8950. Monroe. Either probe it or pour it on. Increase the palatabi value at the same time. For more information... CONTACT YOUR MOL-MIX DEALER: CARNATION COUNTRY STORE Quarryville, PA 717-786-7361 CUMBERLAND VALLEY CO-OP Shippensburg, PA 717-532-2197 HEISEY FARM SERVICE Mt. Joy, PA 717-653-1568 MARTIN’S AC SERVICE New Holland, PA 717-354-4996 For Sale - JD 620 gas tractor w/227 JD mounted corn husker. $2,200. 215- 298-2881. Lehigh Co.. Pa. Wanted - Someone to start 2000 chicks, Jan. or Feb. Amos D. Lapp, R.D.3, Box 436, New Holland. Pa. 17557. For Sale - Ready to slaughter family steer, need someone to take half. York Co. 717-246- 3501. For Sale - 1980 Dodge 1 ton Club cab pickup, dual wheels. 10,000 GVW, PS, PB, air. $6,500. Nor thampton Co. 215-588- 6582. For Sale - Oliver 14/3 trip plow on rubber. $lOO. JD- G excellent shape $2,000. O.B.O.; Montg. Co. 215- 489-2188 Wanted - 2 750x18 cleated tires for manure spreader. Cedi Co., MD. 301-378-2569. Wanted - Dav Key license tags espedally Delaware or any 1940'5. $3.00 and up Don Fehr, Box 872, Northfield, NJ 08225 For Sale - Purebred Angus Cattle, by and bred to top A.I. buls. Club calves; Angus and crossbreds. 814-355-7884 For Sale - 32' Zimmerman Elevator; Eze Flo gravity bin wagons; 2 row int. disc corn planter; large snow plows. 717-345-8815. For Sale - Wood saw; small feed grinder; Oliver grain drill; 2 wheeled trailer; large V-type angle snow plows: 717-345-4882. Wanted - 2 row PTO potato harvester, also 2 row potato digger. John Rill, HampsteadTMD. 301- For Sale - young Jersey bull, good for heifers. $4OO. Chester Co. 215- 269-3442. For Sale - 8 yr. old Standardbred carriage horse, good field worker. 717-859-2374. Lane. Co.. Pa. For Sale - IH single point fast hitch rototiller. $350. 215-683-7230. For Sale - Border Collie mixed puppies, ready for Christmas. $20.; 5 calf hutches, good cond. Lane. Co. 717-665-7284. Wanted - one ton truck chassie and cab w/dual wheels, 4 speed, 161” wheel base, 1974 up.; JO L w/mower. $l,OOO. 215- 598-7546. HOLT’S MILL Witmer. PA 717-393-1369 NORTHAMPTON FARM BUREAU Tatamy, PA 215-258-2871 UNION MILLS SOIL SERVICE Belleville. PA 717-935-2770 For Sale - 7 year old saddle bred horse, ready for trips. Also stan dardbred horses, some family broke. Lane. Co. 215-267-3695. For Sale White Columbian cook range w/shelf and chicken coops. Lane Co. 215-445-5265. For Sale - Pulling tractor frame, FarmaD M rear, 24”-s’-32" tires w/M & W hubs. Whole or parts. Lane. Co. 717-768-8955. For Sale - Young Jersey family cow. Paul F. Martin, Gristmill Rd., RD 1, New Holland. PA 17557. Lane. Co. For Sale - 1980 Artie Cat jag 3000 snowmobile. Fan cooled oil injection, ex cellent condition. Chester Co. 215-593-5371 after 6 PM. Triple unit Tobacco press, $3OO w/Handy man Jack, $270 without Jack. Free delivery within 10 miles. Harvey Wonder 215-593- 6287. IONTROL FEEDING ,DD ENERGY O ROUGHAGE iO INVESTMENT IEEDED ity and nutritional Namolco Mol-MIxLPS liquid supplements MAYNARD WILKINS Crystal Springs, PA 814-735-4727 Warfordsburg, PA 717-294-3573 WOODSTOWN ICE ft COAL Woodstown, NJ 609-769-0069 For Sale -1978 IH 40708, PS, 350 Cummins, 13 SP. 717-624-8249 day and 624-8661 evenings. For Sale - I'/z ton Johnson 2 wheel Army Cargo Trailer, 6'xlO’ bed, hydraulic & and brakes, $BOO. York Co. 717-244- 7568. For Sale - New steel roofing and siding, red. 114 pieces; 8' 170 pieces; 10’ 110-pieces; 18', $35. Cumberland Co. 717-776- 7942. For Sale - AKC male Boxer, 4 years old. Best Offer. Also, rat Terrier puppies, $4O. Queen Anne's Co. 301-778-1919. Wanted - Old cigar box labels, old business correspondence, en velopes, old paper money, stock certificates, photographs. Lane. Co 717-560-0639 after 6 PM. For Sale - Uni 702 G w/729 shelter and 720 corn head. Excellent condition. Montg. Co. After 5 PM 215-855-1053. liquid leader* 5. DISTRICT MANAGER LARRY WEAVER Lititz, PA 717-626-7909 Other Territories Available DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED
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