Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, November 24 Report supplied by auction FEEDER CATTLE: Trend- All classes steady. Steers- M&L-l 300 500 lbs. 53.00-61.25, few at 65.00; 500-700 lbs. 52.50-60.00, few at 65.00, 700-1000 lbs. 52.50-59.25; S-l&M&L -2 300-500 lbs. 52.00-58.50,500-700 lbs. 48.00- 700-1000 lbs. 44.75-49.50. Feeder Bulls- M&L-l 300-500 lbs. 52.00- few 60.00, 500-700 lbs. 41.0052.50; S-1&M&L-2 300500 lbs. 47.0050.00, 500700 lbs. 46.00-49.00. Heifers- M&L-l 300500 lbs. 43.00 50.00. 500700,1b5. 44.5049.50, few at 53.0054.00, 700500 lbs. 45.0053.50; S-1&M&L-2 300500 lbs. 44.0048.00, 500700 lbs. 42.5048.00. STOCK COWS: Baby Calves 10.0065.00, mostly 30.0050.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: Trend steady. Utility & Commercial 2-4 30.25-39.75, Canners & Cutters 1-3 25.00- * SLAUGHTER BULLS: 1&2 36.00- LAMBS: Trend- 2.50 higher. High Choice & Prime 63.00, Choice 53.75, Feeder Lambs Choice 63.00, Slaughter Ewes 12.00-15.75. HOGS: Trend 2.00 higher. USI-3 200-240 lbs. 50.50; Sows 41.00-47.00; Boars 32.75. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good & Choice 43.00-50.00. ji 1^ MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 7)7-392-7227 Spraying Since 1961 Livestock market and auction news Virginia Auction Summary November 22-28 Report supplied by VDA Total of Va. Weekly Feeder Cattle Auction Receipts; 8,630. Trend: Steady to 2.00 higher. South & Southwest Va. November 22-28 Report supplied by VDA STEERS: Medium 1 300500 lbs. 55.0067.00. 500-700 lbs. 54.0056.00, 7001000 lbs. 50.0062.00. Large 1 300500 lbs. 57.0067.50, 500-700 lbs. 56.0064.50, 7001000 lbs. 53.0063.00. Small 1300500 lbs. 51.0063.50,500 700 lbs. 50.0063.00, 7001000 lbs. 46.0049.00. HEIFERS: Medium 1 300500 lbs. 44.0053.50, 500700 lbs. 43.50 53.50,700900 lbs. 44.0053.00. Large 1300500 lbs. 45.0054.00,500700 lbs. 44.0054.25, 700900 lbs. 43.0053.00. Small 1300500 lbs. 40.0049.50,500 700 lbs. 40.0047.00, 700900 lbs. 42.5040.00. Northern Va. Auction Summary November 22-28 Report supplied by VDA STEERS: Medium 1 300-500 lbs. 55.00-65.25, 500-700 lbs. 55.0fr65.75, 700-1000 lbs. 51.25-60.50. Urge 1 300500 lbs. 52.0062.50, 500-700 lbs. 51.0061.75, 700-1000 lbs. 53.0059.25. Small 1 300500 lbs. 49.0059.00,500- 700 lbs. 47.0057.50, 700-1000 lbs. 50.0059.00. HEIFERS: Medium 1 300500 lbs. 40.0048.00, 500-700 lbs. 43.00- 54.00. 700-900 lbs. 40.0049.50, Urge 1300-500 lbs. 40.00-50.00,500700 lbs. 42.0053.00. 700900 lbs. 45.0053.50. Small 1 300500 lbs. 37.0046.00, 500 700 lbs. 37.5048.50, 700900 lbs. 43.5044.50. Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, November 28 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report: Fresh Pork Loins uneven, 14-17 lbs. steady to $2.00 lower, 17- 22 lbs. $l.OO higher. Picnics steady to weak. Boston Butts $2.00 to $5.00 lower. Skinned Hams steady to $l.OO higher. Sdls Bellies steady to $1.50 higher except 20-25 lbs. weak. Trade slow to moderate for moderate offerings. Demand light to moderate. U.S. No. 1&2 165 lb. Pork Carcass cut out value ad vanced $.22 to $.36 per cwt. Sales reported on 51 loads of Fresh Pork Cuts and 6 loads of Trimmings and Boneless Processing Pork. Fresh Pork Cuts LOINS (Regular): 14*17 lbs. 88.00-90.00, steady-2.00 lower; 17-20 lbs. 84.00, no comparison; 17-22 lbs. 82.50,1.00 higher; 22&up lbs. 74.50, no comparison. LOINS (Retail Trim); 14-17 lbs. 101.00, Id 100.00, no comparison (All Short Cut). PICNICS: 4-8 lbs. 49.00, steady to A KING’S AUCTION, KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Please note: There will be no sale conducted on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, and New Year’s Day Jan. 1. Located Rt. 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford at Shaub’s Auction House. Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer AU-000513L No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME Green Dragon Livestock Sales j Location: Ephrata RD 4. 1 mile N. on North State St., Ephrata. “* s SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb. 11:00 A.M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week. 1:00 P.M.-DairySale. 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit from bank. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 1,1984-A9 wcdk. BOSTON BUTTS: 4-8 lbs. 60.00- 63.00, PL 58.00, 2.00-5.00 lower; B&up lbs. 60.00, no comparison. SPARERIBS: 3.s&down 114.00, no comparison. HAMS (SKINNED): 14-17 lbs. 98.00 T.1.5./frozen, no comparison; 17-20 lbs. 95.00 Frozen, no com parison; 17-20 lbs. 95.00, 1.00 higher, 20-26 lbs. 90.00-91.00, steady-1.00 higher. BELLIES (Sdls - Skin On); 12-14 lbs. 62.50-63.50; 14-16 lbs. 62.00 63.50, steady-1.50 higher; 16-18 lbs. 61.0062.50, steady to firm; 18-20 lbs. 54.00, steady; 2025 lbs. 49.00, weak w/Monday. BNLS CT BUTT: 1.5-3 lbs. 106.50, no comparison. Pork Trimmings Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) 42% Lean Trimmings Fresh 37.00-37.50, .50 lower than Monday. 72% Lean Trimmings Fresh 66.50-67.00, steady to firm. Jowls, Frozen 33.00, weak with Monday. Apple Market Newsservice Tuesday, November 27,1984 ' The market is fair and prices are still holding steady. Supplies are adequate. Export continues to be the strong area in the Pennsylvania apple market with shipments this week going to Honduras, Brazil, Panama, Trinidad, Iceland, Canada and Haiti. Prices are remaining firm on this market with Red Delicious traypack combination grade 100’s bringing $lO.OO and 113’s, $9.50. Red Delicious Extra Fancy 130’s are at $11.50 and 125’s 11.00. Domestic prices quoted are wholesale, truckload, FOB at the orchard and packing house. Bagged Apples Cartons 12/3# bags, 2Vi” up: Red Delicious, U.S. Extra Fancy $7.00- 8.50, mo. 8.50; U.S. Fancy 7.00-7.50, mo. 7.50; Combination U.S. Extra Fancy & U.S. Fancy 6.00-7.50, mo. 7.00. Golden Delicious: U.S. Fancy 7.00-7.50. Romes: U.S. Extra Fancy 7.50- 8.50, mo. 8.50; Combination U.S. Extra Fancy & U.S. Fancy some 7.00, mo. 8.00. Stayman: U.S. Fancy 8.00. Cartons 12/3#2Vfe”: Red Delicious U.S. Extra Fancy some 8.00. TRAYPACK Red Delicious: U.S. Extra Fancy 100’s & 80’s some 10- 12, mo. 11.50-12.00; 72’s Igr. 13.00; 113’s 11.00; 125’s 10.50; Com bination U.S. Extra Fancy & U.S. Fancy 100-72’s 9.50-10.50; 113’s 9.00; 125’s 8.50. Golden Delicious: Combination U.S. Extra Fancy & U.S. Fancy 125’s 8.50-10.00; 113’s 9.50-10.50, mo. 10.50; 100’s 10.00-11.00; 88’s igr. 11.50. Romes: U.S. Extra Fancy 100’s & Igr. 11.00-12.00; Combination U.S. Extra Fancy & U.S. Fancy 88’s & Igr. 10.50-11.00, few 11.50. Stayman: Combination U.S. Extra Fancy & U.S. Fancy 113’s-72 12.50. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Livestock Trucking SERVICE 7 Tractor and Trailers To Serve You Local and Long Distance Call Day or Night: 215-458-5060 or 458-8518 or 717-442-4181 L. Robert Frame, Manager SPECIAL NOTICE EVERY THURSDAY at 1 P.l\^ Hay, Straw & Grain Auction. 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Vintage Sales Stables Paradise, PA 717-442-4181 215-458-8518 Seeking Profits In Commodities Trading? • Hedging • Speculating • Managed Account Call Forney Longenecker, Commodities Investment Executive, At (717) 295-8914 SHEARSON/AMERICAN MM EXPRESS, INC. SgiifisJ 29 E. King St. BM Lancaster, PA 17003 MB