C4-Umcast«r Farming, Saturday, December 1,1984 FmHA changes income definition NEWARK, Del. The Farmers Home Administration (USDA) has recently changed its definition of income used to determine levels of assistance in the form of loans and grants to support community facilities, and water and waste disposal. The incomes of single-person households will now be included when determining interest rates and the size of grants for com munity programs, according to Daniel S. Kuennen, University of Delaware extension specialist for community resource development. The new FHA regulations also eliminate the term “non-farm family” as a resident category. “Basically,” says Kuennen, “FHA has substituted census data on median household income for median family income in deciding the level of grants. For many rural communities the category “household” better reflects in comes of residents. This change in income definition will in many cases lower the median income figure-thus reducing the interest Crop management meeting Tuesday BLUE. BALL - The Eastern Lancaster County Adult Fanner Program will conduct a Fall Crop Management meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Blue Ball Elementary School. Pennsylvania’s new “Right-To- Know” law will affect agriculture and area farmers using chemicals in any phase of their farming operations and they need to be aware of the new regulations. State Sen. Noah Wenger will be present at the meeting to explain the details of the law and how it per tains to agriculture. Private Applicator Pesticide Semen imports approved WASHINGTON. D.C. U.S. cattle breeders can now make use of semen from top-quality bulls from Europe and other countries where footrand-mouth disease, exists, a U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture official said today. Foot-and-mouth dis ease is a highly con-' tagious viral disease that affects most domesticated livestock, but not humans. ''Die disease does not exisfin the United States.' Research shows that' semen from infected animals may carry foot and-mouth disease organisms. “Approval of bull 1 semen imports is made possible by more sen sitive tests that can determine whether bulls’ vaccinated for foot-and mouth disease are> actually free of the disease,” said Bert W. Hawkins, administrator of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Until now, the health status of vaccinated bulls could not be ac curately determined because antibodies resulting from vac cination could not be distinguished from antibodies resulting from foot-and-mouth rate on loans to tnese areas,” the specialist says. The regulation making the eligibility definition change went into effect Oct. 3,1984. FHA community water and waste disposal grant programs will also be affected. As Kuennen explains, “Communities are eligible for grants only when the debt service portion of the average annual user cost for water or waste disposal service goes above 0.5 percent of the median household income in the service area. No grants are available to areas where the median household in come exceeds 85 percent of the state median.” According to Kuennen, the eligibility change occurred because of the difference in census definition of the terms “family” and “household.” “not all households contain families, since a household can be composed of one person living alone, or a group of two or more unrelated people,” he says. “Furthermore, many single-person households have very low incomes.” Licenses that have expired may be recertified by this meeting. Ad ditional topics that will be discussed will include: the new Penn State Soil Test report, fall forage crop management, new pesticides coming on the market, and winter manure management. The Blue Ball Elementary School is located on Ewell Ed. between Routes 23 and 322, about Vi mile east of the village of Blue Ball. The meeting will be held in the All-Purpose Room just inside the front door. All interested persons are invited. For further information call the Adult Farmer Office at 354-4525. disease, Hawkins said. “We therefore limited bull semen imports to semen from un vaccinated bulls. LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 23c per word 3.00 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 13 or Less 3.00 7.20 14 3.22 7.73 15 3.45 8.28 16 3.68 8.83 17 3.91 9.38 18 4.14 9.94 19 4.37 10.49 4.60 11.04 KEYED AOS (ads with answer coining to a Box Number, do Lancaster Farming): SO cents addi tional. Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. This newspaper will not be responsible lor more than one incorrect inser tion o< any advertisement. Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 Litite. 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Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 i of each week's publication. 7 - Livestock Equipment 8 “Cattle 9 - Horses & Mules 10-Sheep & Goats 11 - Swine 12 - Artificial Breeding 13 - Hog Equipment t Supplies 14 - Poultry 1 Supplies ■l5-?eedtSeed 16-Fertilizer ' 17 - Plants 18 - Fruits & Vegetables 19 - Nursery 20- Lawn t Garden 21 - Services Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24 - Situations Wanted 25 - Business Opportunities 26-Household 27 - Pets 28- 29- Found 30 -Computers 31-Notice 32 ■ Miscellaneous 33 • Recreational Vehicles 34-Autos 35 - Trucks and Trailers 36 - Real Estate PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 IT’S MAGIC \ How quickly ) j You Get Results I From Our J isaiir? L II FARM EQUIPMENT JD 4030 quad range, very good condition, low hrs. $8,400.301-833-9091. JD 4230 tractor with cab in very good condition, like new tires, dual hydraulics, must see to appreciate. 717-532-7054 or 532-8363. JD 4230, 4 post roll- I-uard. dual outlets, excet ent 814-793-4293. JD 4230 4WD tractor in very good condition, has full cab. Priced to sell. 717-532-7054 or 717-532-8363. JD 4320, side console, roll bar, low hours, sound original tractor, can fin ance. $B9OO. 717-264-1154 JD4320,38" rubber, dual hydraulcs, excellent con dition. 814-7934293. JD 4430, cab, air, dual hyd.. 4200 hrs.. sharp, can finance. $10,900, 717-264-1154. LANCASTER SILO CO.. INC. FEEDING SYSTEMS BARN EQUIP. - ■ SILO UNLOADERS I "LANCASTER” CONVEYORS “SUPREME” RING DRIVE AND I "LANCASTER” BELT FEEDERS "VAN DALE" MAGNUM SILO Z “UNCASTER" TAPER BOARD UNLOAOERSS ACCESSORIES ■ "AUTOMATIC" ROLLER MILLS I ICASTER HAY FEEDERS "RITCHIE" CATTLE WATERERS ■ LANCASTER WATERERS "STEINER" ROLL MIXERS * "LANCASTER" STEEL GATES -SHOW-EASE" COW STALLS I "LANCASTER" FIBEROLAS "ZIMMERMAN" AND "LEISS" FANS | FEED AND SILAGE CARTS "WEAVERLINE" FEED CARTS 1 "LANCASTER" M" FANS "STARLINE" PARTS I Raaaarcb Aovs you cm gat 25% ■ore profit par acre by reMng and fowling oarconi, corn-cob nix. EAR BLO*' THIS UNIT PROCESSES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, ROLLED GRAIN EVER . PREPARED FOR DIRECT STORAGE IN YOUR SILO. STOP IN & SEE THIS UNIT. AVAILABLE FOR SALE. I .EASE. OR RENT "iSSSSSS?* S SUPEEMF*.ING-DRIVE UNLOADERS ■ w/7% H.P. (COMPLETE) F. 0.8. i lAN i ns ■ M’SUPREME $4500.00 WLL B5 I 16 - SUPREME $4700.00 ; 18’SUPREME ssooo.oo 20’ SUPREME $5200.00 HARDWARE SALE Ensilage Fork 27” Scoop Shovels 36” Scoop Shovels 24” Bam Scraper. 18” Bam Scraper. Razor Back Dirt Shovel Dirt Shovel Reg Mil Wheelbarrow Complete Hustler Boots & Tingley Rubbers Special Prices thru Nov. Electric & 12 Volt Fence Chargers Special Thru Nov. Check wAJs For All Your Barn Needs 5% CASH DISCOUNT ON ALL BARN EQUIPMENT J PHONE 717-299-3721 7 AM. 4 PM BUY. SELL. TRADE OB BENT THROUGH THE PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 FARM EQUIPMENT JD 4430, cab, air, QR, heat dual Iwd, 3300 hrs, like new, 513,900, can finance, 717-264-1154. JD 4430 4 post roll guard, PS, 77 Model. 814-793-4293 JD 4440 cab, heat and air, dual remotes, quad trans., new 20.8x38 radials, duals available, looks like new. 717-664-2207 or 664-2206. JD 4520 w/factory cab, dual hydraulcs, excellent. 814-7934293 JD 4630 4 post rod guard, PS, dual hydraulics. 814-793-4293 JO 70 gas, N.F., #5 mower, v snow plow. Chester County. 215-932-2316. JD 730 diesel, electric start, wide front, 3 pL 814-7934293. 2008 Horseshoe Rd„ Lancaster, Pa. 17601 “LANCASTER" CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS $41.00 $24.10 $25.20 $15.45 $14.15 $14.60 .$B.lO $81.45 JD 2020 Gas, high and low, spin out wheels. 814-793-4293. JD 2030 diesel, high and low, heavy duty front end. Real clean. 814-793- 4293. JD 2840 w/148 loader. lition. good coni Tractor 717-278-3845 Sales JD 3 pt. hitch, hydraulic spray booms, used 1 season, GMV foam mar ker, 500 gal. Ag-Chem saddle tanks. All in excel lent condition, $4,500. Tanks can be bought separately. Call after 6 PM 301-695-6917. JD 3010 Diesel Tractor with 3020 kit, 16" rear tires, WF, $3,600. Mifflin Co. 717-899-6121. JD 3020 diesel, console model, aN new rubber. 814-793-4293. JD 40 manure spreader; Int. 91 combine; trailer type field sprayer. 717-865-4932. JO 4010 Diesel, wide front, excellent condition. 814-793-4293. JD 4020 only 1700 hrs. Diff lock, dual hydraulic, new oversized rubber. AH original. $7,900. 717-264-1154. JD 4020 power shift, dual hydraulics. 814-793- 4293. JD 4020 side console, real clean, tow hours. 814-7934293. I SILO UNLOADERS AT REDUCED PRICES - I WE WANT TO TRADE YOUR UNLOADER I “Winter” Silo Unloader (Special) ■ ALL PRICES F. 0.8. LANCASTER (NET) ■ VAN DALE UNLOADERS (COMPLETE) ■ 12’ w/5 H.P. $3600.00 ■ 14’w/5 H.P. $3700.00 ! 16’ MAGNUN w/ 7% H.P J 18’ MAGNUM w/7H H.P I 20’MAGNUM I "NEW" SUPREME 1428 TURBO RING-DR tVE SS &<■«** IH 2000 front end loader with 17.5 gal per minute pump. No Bucket. Tits B-414, B-275 IH tractors or could be adapted to fit other similar sizes. $ 1,5 0 0. 215-367-2933215-369-1 418. IH 574 diesel row crop tractor, 16.9x30 rear rub ber, front and rear weights, 1800 hours. New heavy duty clutch and pressure plate just in stalled. $5950. Model 2250 guide tach loader and cab available for same. Call after 6 p.m., 215-967-1821. IH 986, 4 post enclosure, 1,490 original hrs., show room condition, must be seen. $11,400./offer. 301-833-9091. International 1466 with red cab, $9,500. 814-793-4293. International 856, dual hydraulics, original paint, excellent condition. 814-793-4293. JD 125 Forage Wagon. JO 848 3 bottom 2 way plow. 1 set ol 20.8x38 f ' DMI super lock dual wheels, good tread on tires. $975. 717-285-5159. JO 1320 disc mower, good condition. Montrose Trac tor Sales 717-278-3845. JO 2010 Gas, WF. $3,200. JD 720 Diesel. WF. $2,800. JDB.WF, electric start. 3 pt. $1,400. Maday Farms 814-467-8839. Somerset Co. $4200.00 14500.00 $4000.00 1 INSTOCK-
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