Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 01, 1984, Image 7
Livestock market and auction news Some markets not covered | PDA due to deer season « - . _. .... ♦y Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report Wednesday, November 28 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 report: Choice Steer Carcasses not est. Choice 3 550-700 lb. Heifers no recent comparison. Good Steer and Heifers and Choice YG 4 steady in a thin test. Demand and trading light to very light to moderate offerings. The gross boxed beef carcass cut out value declined $.73 to an estimated $102.44 per cwt., 137 loads boxed cuts reported. Sales reported on 8 loads of Steer and Heifer Carcasses. Steer Beef 2 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3 600-900 lbs. 98.00, steady. Heifer Beef (Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3 550-700 lbs. 98.00, no comparison. Choice 4 500-700 lbs. 92.00, steady. Good 2-3 550-700 lbs. 96.00, steady. Cow Beef LOUIS LYONS & SON Consign your cattle and hogs, feeder pigs & calves to Louis Lyons & Son. They offer choice service, excellent, sorting & marketing of your livestock. Charles Diller, Manager Phone 394-7915 Burnell Siegrist - Buyer & Seller Phone 626-8653 sat p e r»o° n 0 RICHARD SECHLER BUYERS & SELLERS OF LIVE & DRESSED Leghorn, Medium, Heavy Fowl, Turkeys, Broilers & Roosters Market not established in the midwest with packers holding firm in face of light demand. Prices generally steady F. 0.8. Amarillo Basis. Canner & Cutter 1-2 350&up lbs. 68.00- (MW); 400&up lbs. 70.00 (MW). FOB Amarillo Basis Bng UtU 1-3 400&up lbs. 67.00- 68.00, mostly late Tues. Canner & Cutter 1-2 350&up lbs. 70.00-71.00, mostly 71.00, late Tuesday. Primal Beef Cuts 3 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choices Hinds (H) 120-170 lbs. 107.00, Fores 130-210 lbs. 93.00. Boneless Processing Beef Beef Trimmings 85 Loads FOB Omaha Basis 90% Chem Lean Fresh 96.00- 97.00. 50% Chem Lean Fresh 48.00- 49.50, mostly 49.00. FOB Amarillo Basis 90% Chem Lean Fresh 98.00- 99.00, mostly 99.00. 90% Chem Lean Frozen 99.00. 85% Chem Lean Fresh 93.00. 50% Chem Lean Fresh 50.00. For Quotations of Next Week's Prices Call Collect 215-488-7617 PA WATTS NUMBER 800-342-2249 SECHLER'S POULTRY, INC. Box G, Strausstown, PA 19559 24 Loads FOB Omaha Basis KING’S AUCTION, KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt. 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford at Shaub's Auction House. Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer AU-000513L No out of state checks All TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOMt Omaha Weekly Wednesday, November 29,1984 Report Supplied by USDA Fed cattle prices ranged firm -50 higher for the week, although buyer enthusiasm dampened somewhat at midsession. Declines in dressed carcass prices were mainly responsible for the mid week slowdown. Overall finish continued fairly attractive. Estimated 5 day receipts 10,100; actuals last week 6,423; last year 7,945. Steers comprised 38 pet of the week’s receipts; Heifers 34 pet; cows 12 pet; feeders 15 pet. SLAUGHTER STEERS: At the close, choice 241050-1300 lbs. 66.50- 68.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1050-1200 lbs. 64.50-66.50. Few good 61.00-64.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 24 950-1125 lbs. 65.00-66.50. Mixed good and choice 24 900-1025 lbs. 62.50-64.50. Few good 60.00- 62.50. Average of LS-214 detailed quotations for 900-1100 lb. choice steers 65.50; 1100-1300 lbs. 67.50. Average cost steers 66.27, average weight 1174 lbs.; as compared 65.78 and 1162 lbs. a week ago. Average cost heifers 64.68, average weight 1038 lbs.; as compared 64.26 and 1044 lbs. a week ago. SLAUGHTER COWS: Few breaking utility 2-3 34.25-37.75. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 31.00- 34.75, few high dressing to 35.75. Canner and low cutter 28.25-32.00. SLAUGHTER BULLS: 1-2 1100- 1950 lbs. 40.2547.00, mostly 42.50- 46.50, low dressing to 38.25. WE USE OUR OWN LIVE HAUL RIGS, COVERING EASTERN US AND CANADA Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, November 27 Report supplied by auction CATTLE: Steers: Mostly Holsteins offered. Choice Holsteins 57.00- Good Holsteins 52.00- 57.00; Medium 59.00 down. Heifers; 2.00 Higher Choice 60.00- 62.75; Good 54.25-59.50; Medium 48.00 down. Cows: Early bird pens 2.00 higher. High Yield 38.0041.75; Average 36.00-39.00; Big Middle 31.00- Fatty Herf to 40.00; Shelly 33.00 down. Fat Bulls; Medium 47.0047.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers (600- 850 lb.) Medium 43.0048.00. Heifers (all weights) Good 40.00- 44.00; Medium 36.0041.50. Bulls (all weights) Good 50.00-54.50; Medium 37.0049.00. VEAL CALVES: Choice 75.00- 90.00; Good 65.00-74.00; Medium 50.00-64.00; Light/Weak 49.00 down. Farm Bulls 70.00-81.00. HOGS: 210-250 lbs. 48.25-52.00; over 260 lb. 45.0049.50; Under 210 43.0045.25. SOWS: (300-520 lbs.) 41.5045.00; Thin 35.5040.00. Boars; Heavy 34.25-35.50. FEEDER PIGS: (by the hd) 2.00 to 5.00 higher (1 lot 20 lbs. 19.50) (252-35 lbs. 20.00-33.50) (3545 lbs. 28.00-36.00). Shoats (by the lb.) 135- 160 lbs. 42.0047.00. SHEEP; Good 53.00-58.50; Medium 52.00 down. Goats: (Lg) 29.00-35.00 (hd); Sm./Med. 12.00- 24.00 (hd). Sale every Tues. 7:00 PM Livestock; 5:00 Eggs - Poultry & Rabbits. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 1,1954-A7 Good’s Fruit and Vegetable Auction Tuesday, Nov. 27,1984 Leola, PA Report Supplied by Auction APPLES-3.70-4.00 bu. BLACK WALNUTS - 3.20 lb. (shelled) BROCCOLI-. 10 hd. CABBAGE - .10-.14 hd., 1.00-2.00 bu. CELERY -1.50-2.00 box. CIDER-1.05 gal. ENDIVE-. 20 hd. POTATOES - .80-3.50 (5,10, 20 & 501 b. bags). PUMPKINS-. 25 ea. SQUASH-. 25 ea. SWEET POTATOES - 1.00-3.20 bu., Jersey Shore, Pa. Thursday, November 22 Report Supplied by Auction Good Veal 51.00^7.00. Common Veal 35.00-44.00. Good & Choice Steers 65.00-68.75 Good Steers 55.00-64.00. Commercial Cows 37.50-42.25. Canners-Cutters 31.50-37.25. Choice Heifers 59.50-64.25. Feeder Cattle 28.00-43.00. Bulls 38.5045.50. Good Hogs 50.50. Sows 1 at 39.00. Eggs .39-.60. NELSON LEGGE TOMATOES - 3.00-3.50 box. TURNIPS-1.10-2.10 bag. 8' full grain oil tanned water repellent leather with steel shank support leather insole and Vibram* lug soles and heels (or (irm-gnp traction You're earned vourWmgv fTyfai Red Wings BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E STATES! QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 717-786-2795