Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 01, 1984, Image 68
■32-Lancastar Faming, Saturday, Daeambar 1,1 FEED AND SEED Wet Brewers I Grain - Sawdust I Ernest J. Tomer I Tracking, Inc. I . Box 168, R.D. 2 I Philipsburg, NJ I 08865 I 201-475-2578 | t WANTED t Shelled corn and soybeans r Dealer in small grains, contract or spot purchase. > EABIR. MARTW MC. ► P.O. Box 3, East Earl, PA 717-354-4061 BUYMG EAR CORN AND SHELLEO CORN Picked up at your farm or delivered to Marietta Spot or contract prices available 60 ft. scale CUSTOM DRYING AND STORAGE R.K. VOGT GRAM RD#l. Marietta, PA 717-653-2510 “Customers make our day” PRODUCER DEALER Heldel Hollow Form Inc. QUALITY HAY NIR Analysis Specilizing in kiln dried hay Serving Eastern U.S. and the World Member National Hay Association 215-767-1408 BROKER EXPORTER _/as\_ M & R GRAINS, INC. Mt. Joy, PA 717-653-8846 DRYING. STORING. BUYING AND SELLING SHELLED CORN AND SOYBEANS • No Storage Charges Till Dec. Ist • No In-Out Charges • Soybean Storage 25* Flat Rate • Corn Storage 3* Per Month With 10* Minimum BUYING SOYBEANS EAR & SHELLED CORN camucTW srei ramus • Corn & Bean Combining • Trucking • Drying MARTIN GRAIN R.D. #l, Mount J<v. PA 17552 717-653-1085 CUSTOM GRAIN DRYING AND STORING ASCS storage available Fast Unloading and Loading 340,000 bushel storage Receiving Saturdays & Late Hours In Rush Season BUYING EAR CORN AND SHELLED CORN Spot or Contract Call for prices. Picked up at your farm or delivered to Milton, PA SHOOP GRAIN CENTER R.D. 1, Box 282, Milton, PA 17847 717-524-0325 We ll buy your grain. * Tank Grain Receiving \k Lancaster, & York, Palmyra Oalrtpennfield Corporation ; ; at 299-2561 Jre a 717 or 215 II Free 800732-0467 jrpennfkjd feeds ** - i ■ ' “ BUYING WHEAT CORN & SOYBEANS CONTRACT (HI SPOT PURCHASE 480,000 bu. Storage capacity Fast unloading, digital printout scales HOSTETTER GRAIN RDI, Oxford. PA Located along Rt. 10 between Russelville & Oxford 215*932-4484 business 215-932-9599 Residence BUYING EAR & SHELLED CORN BARLEY, SOYBEANS & WHEAT Receiving Daily Rt. 372 ■ 2 Mi. West of BucK, PA PH: 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 MARK RISSER Holtwood RDI PA 17532 For Sole Hesston Bales, round bales. Made early, inside stored. Timothy, orchard grass, alfalfa Also Hesston bales of straw RHODES’ ENTERPRISES 717-624-7585 or 717-624-2429 FERTILIZER WANTED-Chicken litter out of silo, will pick up. 301-833-1847. FALL SPECIAL BROILER MANURE Cumberland Co. *ll.OO a ton Dauphin & Adams *12.00 a ton 717-502-2352 717-502-2350 LIME Calko™ = Lima plus Potash and [ Sulfur. Compare our analysis! 77% calcium carbon ate 40% calcium oxide! 75 ENP (Effective! Neutralizing Power)] 3% Potash (K 2 o)' 4.5% Sulfate US.D.A., Tested & Proven Onty. .$5.00 per ton F. 0.8. * We Deliver' (, Agri-Dynamics Box 318 Martin's Creek, PA 18063 (215)588-8150 FOR SALE- DPW (Dry Poultry Waste) Convenient to use. Great for: Pastures. Lawns, Gardens, Fields, Nurseries and Orchards. 717-653-4743 Jr FREE Large Amount POULTRY MANURE Out of slatted floor layer house. You load and haul. David Z. Glide R.D. 3 Box 361 . Quarryville, PA 17566 1 mile South of Georgetown along Lancaster Ave. $ FARMERS SAVE $ USE MUSHROOM SOIL AND POULTRY MANURE FOR FERTILIZER MAHLON H. MARTIN & CO. 717-859-3348 or 215-267-6400 DISCOUNT FERTILIZER Bulk prices are FOB, East Liverpool, Ohio. Ohio/PA State Line. Analysis Urea 18-46-0 $203 Dap Map 11-53-0 $2lO Map 10-50-0 FOB Toledo $195 Pot Ash 62% White $lOB Pot Ash 62% Pink, $lO6 Blends ammoniated and pelleted fertil izers. $3.00 discount to purchasers of more than 25 tons. Prices C.O.D. V Jerrv A. Hoover Jp 110 Senica Trail, APT. H Hartville, Ohio 44632 W 216-877-103 Ur * ATTENTION 3; “ FARMERS SURE-CROP LIQUID PLANT FOOD If You Aro Planning Ahead And Wont To Sovo On Your Spring Fertilizer Coats. Act Now. With Our Now Early Ordorond Propold Discounts You Can Cut Your Planting Costs Substantially. Taks this opportunity to lower your costs and Increase your yields and profits. As always Surs-Crop is produced with the highest quality raw materials available using all white phosphoric add, potassium hydroxide, aqua ammonia, and urea, which is blended to form a high quality product Don't Delay Call Toflay Suro-Crop Is Working To Increase Your Profits To Order Or For, More Information Call Or Write The Manufacturer. KELMANADA INC. RD #2 Box 4210 Grantville, PA 17028 717-469-2864 Sales People Wanted Bulk Price $193 46%