Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December 1,1984-823 Pa. alumni CHICAGO, 111. Jess Stairs, a state legislator from Acme, Pa., has been named a national winner in the 4-H alumni recognition program. He is one of eight former 4-H members who received the coveted Gold Key Award during the 63rd National 4-H Congress in Chicago, Nov. 25-29. The awards are presented by Friends of Kenneth H. Anderson. Stairs was a 4-H member in Westmoreland County, Pa., for 10 years. He served as president of the county 4-H council, and was an International Four-H Youth Ex change delegate to India in 1964. Stairs also was a member of the Westmoreland County dairy judging team for five years, and an advisor to the state leadership school. A graduate of The Pennsylvania State University, Stairs holds a bachelor’s degree in dairy science and a master’s in guidance counseling. He has been a member of the State House of Represen tatives since 1976. Stairs also operates the family dairy and livestock farm, where he still lives. His interest in agriculture has brought him many honors, in cluding participation in a Rotary Group Study Exchange Program with Australia in 1973. 4-H not only influenced his choice of college major-dairy science but also his farming career. As a legislator, Stairs has hosted many 4-H’ers at the annual State Capital Days, and encouraged his own children with their 4-H projects. He is married to the former Joan McQuaide and they have two children. IL B. Hilf STEEL TANKS OVER ISO IN STOCK 275 Gal. to 20,000 Gal. Can Ba U—d For - • Feed and grain bins • Livestock water tanks • Feeding troughs • Tolls & Bridges • Manure Storage • Fertilizer Storage PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, Inc. Hardware • Farm Supplies Custom Manufacturing • Crane Service Box 128, R.D. #4, Lititz, PA 17543 Wood Corner Rd., 1 Mile West of Ephrata Phone:7l7-738-1121 legislator 4-H wins award Jess Stairs USED m
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