Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 01, 1984, Image 52
BIG-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 1,1984 Berks Society 1 met recently at the home of Mrs. Ella Richard, Oley, for their November meeting. Ron Garver, a representative and chemist with GPU explained nuclear energy and other energy alternatives to the group. A question and answer session followed. The group is planning their Christmas party on Dec. 12 at the 4-H'er builds robot (Continued from Page B 14) He took a second in 4-H at Rich mond, Va., a first in demonstration and a third in overall placings at the Eastern Nationals this Sep tember. Chris has also captured the Butler County 4-H Outstanding Boy award for two consecutive years. Chris recalls a humorous in cident that occured during his trip to Penn State for 4-H demon strations. With the help of the county agent, Chris made special arrangements with the bus company to transport Rotom to Penn State. Unfortunately, the bus company did not believe a robot was going on the trip, so they didn’t make the arrangements necessary for Rotom’s transportation. When Cut Energy Costs 75%—Uses the drying power of fan forced air. No gas to buy. And the only electricity used powers the computer con trolled fan system. Reduced Shrinkage—Shrink loss is cut up to 50% through natural moisture removal without high temperature heat. Better Grain Quality—With no high temperature heat to crack and damage grain, more starch, sugar, valuable nutrients and profit are retained. It's Ail in the Computer—The AeroDry Computer automatically monitors dry-down day and night—then holds optimum storage conditions to keep grain in top condition. Farm proven from the Midwest to the East Coast, the AeroDry System can improve your grain-drying operation. Call or mail the coupon for more information and where to see *3twuw Societies Berks Society 1 Washington Inn, New berunville. Many in the group also plan to attend the State Farm Women’s Convention in Harrisburg on Jan. 14 and 15. Fruit baskets and Christmas flowers will again be distributed to area shut-ins. The next meeting will be a Christmas party on Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. at the Washington Inn, New Berlinville. Rotom arrived at the bus station, he got to ride on the front seat. Transporting Rotom to various functions continues to be a problem for Chris since the family has only a compact car. Rotom must be dismantled into four sections to fit in the trunk of the car. By now, Chris can put Rotom back together in about 10 or 15 minutes providing he has the proper tools and all goes well. Chris’ 4-H career may not end here. He has been approached to start a project cm computers and robots. He already has a good start, having begun writing a book to be titled “How to Build a Better Butter.” Slash drying costs as much as 75% with the AeroDry" System Berks Society 7 Joanne Dreibelbis showed slides of her trip to Europe at the meeting of Berks Society 7 held at Reeds Church, Stouchsburg. Carolyn Feeg installed the new officers, who are: Dorothy Strickler, president; Joanne Dreibelbis, vice president; Betty Berks Society 9 Berks Society 9 went to the 4-H crafts shown, building for the November meeting The December meeting will be a to attend the Christmas Craft Christmas party with a family- Show. At the show the group style dinner and gift exchange, learned how to make many of the Husbands will attend the party and will also exchange gifts. Lancaster Society 3 Linda Toledo hosted the November meeting of Lancaster Society 3 on Saturday at the home of her parents, Harold and Esther Stuber, Schoeneck. The subject of the afternoon program by Paul Brubaker was, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.” Brubaker sang a number of hymns. During a business meeting conducted by president Doris Miller, the society contributed $2OO to the Leukemia Society of Lancaster Society 8 Lancaster Society 8 met at the home of Kathy Vogt on Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. Three visitors attended the meeting. Mrs. Randy Stark, Rheems, showed dolls from dif ferent periods that she has collected and restored. Spread a full load in about two minutes with the Model 514 box spreader from Sperry New Holland. It handles 177 bushels per trip. And, the optional slurry sides keep manure contained ’til spreading time. Bonded-Protection, part of the reliable service and parts program, guaran tees the spreader sides for the life of the spreader. Stop in and see one today! WAIVER OF FINANCE ON SPREADERS TILL APRIL 1,1985 OR CASH REBATES OR LOW RATE FINANCING WINTER BUYER’S DIVIDEND UP TO *OOO On Some Hay & Forage Equipment LOW RATE FINANCING ON ALL SPERRY NEW HOLLAND EQUIP. O% for 12 Mos. • 7.9% for 18 Mos. • 9.9% for 24 Mos. • 11.9% for 36 Mos. A o CASH A o WAIVER OF FINANCE on Hay Equipment VF'REBATES yr' Till July 1,1985 & Forage Eq. Till Sept. 1,1985 SEE THEM AT Kissling, recording secretary, Grace Seidel, corresponding secretary, and Alberta Manbeck, treasurer. The next meeting will be the family Christmas party on Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Eobesonia Borough Hall. America, Chapter. Members will go Christmas caroling on Dec. 11, leaving the Cloister Restaurant at 6 p.m. The state convention will be held at the Forum in Harrisburg on Jan. 14. President Doris Miller, Erla Gehman, Debbie Trayer and Mildred Pfautz will represent Society 3. The Christmas meeting on Dec. 15 will be held at the Mt. Airy Fire Hall with Mary Lou Weaver and Pauline Martin, hostesses. Bring a $5 gift for the gift exchange. Refreshments were served by hostesses Phyllis Endslow, Ruth Musser, Kathy Vogt and Hettie Ginder. The Christmas party will be held at Hostetler’s Banquet Hall on Dec.Sat6p.m. SPREAD IT EAST! SINCE | PARTS ★ SALES * SERVICE Inc., Central Lancaster Society 14 Lancaster Society 14 met at the Willow Street Mennonite Church on Nov. 14. Extension home economist Michelle Rogers gave a presen tation on the “1984 Market Basket.” In her market basket she had several products and she gave some interesting facts about them. She also told about coupon saving and how shoppers can save by taking a list and following it closely. A report was given on the Coilnty Convention which was held on Nov. 3. The Christmas party will be held on Friday evening at 6:3o‘p.m. at Meadow Hills Dining House. In stead of bringing gifts, the group will send a gift of money to the drought stricken people in Ethiopia. On Jan. 17 the society will go to Conestoga View. The state con vention will be held on Jan. 14 and 15 in Harrisburg. The society will have some delegates attending. Society 28 Lancaster Society 28 met on Nov. 15 at the home of Dorothy High. President Beulah Landis asked for volunteers to attend the State Convention in January. Two Thanksgiving boxes were packed for two needy families in the community. A Harvest Sale was enjoyed by all the members. Members and their husbands are going to Longwood Gardens on Dec. 2 to see the Christmas display. The group should gather at 2:30 p.m. (Turn to Page B 17) R. 7 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Rt. 4191 mile West of Sctiaefferstown, Buffalo Springs Lebanon County 717-949-6501 NEW TOIL FREE NO. I-MO-822-2192