924-Lancastor Famine, Saturday Novambar 24,1984 LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The Christmas shopping season is now in full swing, meaning that malls and stores will be crowded with shoppers hurrying to purchase all the items on their shopping lists. For small children, these holiday crowds can mean an increased chance of getting lost. In a crowd, a young child is always on the Delatrare NEWARK, Del. - Michele Davis, a University of Delaware senior working toward double degrees in the colleges of agricultural sciences and arts and science, has won a national Alpha Zeta scholarship for outstanding performance. Davis, who comes from new Castle, Del., was one of University of Delaware senior Michele Davis receives national Alpha Zeta scholarship check from agricultural college associate dean of students Dr. Ralph Barwick {center) and dean Dr. Donald Crossan. Davis is working toward degrees in animal science and biological science and plans to become an animal nutritionist. HARVEST PIPELINE SALE will stop NOV. 30 See details in Classified Ad /At SectionC, Under W amutk.i in< Dairy Equipment DELCO HIGH PRESSURE WASHERS Hot and Cold From 600 To 2,000 P.S.I. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville, PA (717) 786-7318 ragged edge of being lost. He is a catastrophe just waiting to hap pen. He runs ahead, lags behind, stops to look and touch, takes off in another direction to explore something which has attracted his attention. Parents are only human, and can also be distracted for the moment it takes for a parent and student wins national 30 winners in the U.S. Alpha Zeta is a national service fraternity for agricultural majors. Joint majors .crossing college lines are rare at the university, according to Dr. Ralph Barwick, associate dean of students for the agricultural college. Davis must complete course requirements for both degrees. She i« maionn^ e BIG SAVINGS end! The Fore tl ICO WASHER Cleaning Up 11 Available At Holiday crowds can mean lost children - Watch Out j irt — The i child to lose contact, according to “Growing Child,” a monthly child development newsletter. When the child is found usually only moments later when he begins to wail loudly both parent and child are relieved. The child is comforted, and the parent takes tighter security measure^ But sometimes it doesn’t work scholarship biological science as well as animal science-in \vhich she plans to earn a degree with distinction. This involves conducting original research under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Her thesis will be on the effects of several poultry medications on feed efficiency. An outstanding student academically, Davis also has an outstanding service record at the university of Delaware. She is a member of the Delaware chapter of Alpha Zetz, a member of the animal science club, and editor of the agricultural college newspaper. She is also a member of Mortar Board, a national honorary society whose members are selected for both scholarship and service. This fall Davis supervised the Alpha Zeta farm tours for area school children, which are held on the grounds of the college of agricultural sciences in Newark. A graduate of William Penn High School, she has also spoken with student groups there about careers in agriculture and assisted a biology teacher with a laboratory on poultry anatomy. Davis is considering two options after graduation-graduate study, or work in the field of animal nutrition. As an animal nutritionist, she will be qualified for a career in either the broiler or pet feed industry. GRAIN STORAGE rSL SAVE ON;, , *■*» #%C! T*# gS‘A w to IfM CJLIJ&MIJIJ 1 \ s ' ' ' , Some Items Over 7 0 %. Off / ONLY WHIIE STOCK LASTS ; ~,; .taii.i bc%:('v',: ; ; : - '. automatic farm systems m 608 Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 M (717) 274-5333 Cheek Our Low Prices Before You Buy out so easily. When the dawdling child looks for his parents, they are gone. And with them goes his whole world. He is small and lost in a forest of moving, unfamiliar and uncaring big people. Where are Mother and Father? They are always in the world as he has known it. Now his whole world is shattered. How could they leave him? Don’t they love him any more? Are they gone forever? At this point, sheer panic strikes and most children will cry loudly and push here and there, calling “Mommy! Daddy! I want my Mommy!” These children are conspicuous and readily recognized as “lost.” But a child may simply freeze in terror at his sudden loss of security and simply stand there, jostled by the crowd, with tears rolling down his cheeks. Another child may cower in fear and to escape the crowd may crawl under or into any small enclosed space to hide. These children may take hours to find. And what of the parents during this time? Worried, fearful for the child’s safety, angry at his disappearance, angry at them selves for letting it happen, im patient at the time lost, and angry at the thought that the child’s “lostness” reflects on their carelessness. It is this strange ROPE IN SOME EXTRA CASH! Advertise With A Lancaster Farming CLASSIFIED AD... Phone: 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 mixture of worry, fear, guilt, and anger that produces such a mix ture of parent response when the child is found. Here are a few suggestions to avoid lostness; •If you are using a shopping cart, put the child in the seat provided. •Many discount houses and department stores provide strollers for young children. Use them. This is particularly im portant if you have a lot to do because it keeps the child from becoming overly tired and unhappy. •Use a child’s harness and lead. These are not always easy to find, but there are easy alternatives; an old leather belt with a snap ring, or a waist harness made out of cloth and clothesline. •If a child does get lost, it is important that he know his full name. Make a game of teaching it to him: “What’s your name little boy?” Later add “What’s your Daddy’s name?” and “Where do you live? 1 ' This last becomes very important if you are a family that moves frequently. •Finally, should you and your child get lost from each other, remember that it can happen to anyone. Try to “keep your cool,” and at the moment of reunion let your phild know that you are as happy to find him as he is happy to find you.