LOCK UP TO FORD TRACTOR PEHKSYLVAHIA Dover. PA SIRALEY FARM SUPPLY, HR. 717-292-2631 292-4443 Emmaus. PA KCK NOS. TRACTOR (EQUIP. 215-965-5277 lalifax. PA SWEIGANO BROTHERS 717-896-3414 Hanover. PA SALTZGIVER’S HK. 717-632-9119 Ivvland. PA WHL HOBENSACK’S SONS 215-675-1610 343-2101 NJ PH: 800-435-7336 Klineerstown. PA STANLEY'S FARM SERVICE 717-648-2088 Lancaster. PA LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, MC. 717-569-7063 Lebanon. PA KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. 717-949-6501 Martinsburg. PA D.W. “DOC” HOOVER, INC. 814-793-2128 ncsburg. Pi J(i Fan TRACTOR SALES 717-766-0708 Mill Hall. P/ OOTTHtt EQUIPMENT 717-726-3471 Tr New Holl ALLEN H. HUTZ, INC. 717-354-2214 SSKoSwm mkentacerwe ®Sr upto STSjg r «*s»s •» TH f remain the sa , _ ce period implements P b tinanced term ot the mance sky . m ay ° rates even it other ft under these P® incentives rocket. Here de i, V ery ot any special tact Y )s too SOY a U? r Sornow We’lihelp h £ lp us otter 9^ at Ford tractors ne w Ford trac g%% RXED VouMlsaveon e wantmo st, a rrange pepcENT AGE and the optio V . drW e assfs SSssass* SggstfS-. Tioldsville, MctARVEY EQUIP., INC. 814-653-9637 SEE YOUR FORD DEALER NOW UP waiver P foments until March deferralotpav 0 ? *" s Allowed 1 for buyers o( Ved 10 aW l AGE RP T| l menS C S l ' nanc J until March t. IUR Ihippensburg. PA CUMKRLAND VALLEY CO-OP, ASSN. 717-532-2191 532-7811 Lanoaatar Fanning, Saturday, How hmr4J f 19gg—B7 >■ Tamaaua, P. CHARLES S. SNYDER, 717-386-5945 Churchville. MD Walt* C. Cob, be. 301-734-7722 301-879-1434 Frederick. MD SKIRT KW MUMB CBKSVUE 301-662-4197 Outside MD 800-331-9122 Hagerstown. MI ANTIETAM fOM TRACTOR 301-791-1200 Rising Sun. MD FARMMGTOR CARACE 301-658-6911 Upper Marlboro. MD CATEWAY FORD TRACTOR, MC. 301-627-6400 DELAWARE Cheswold. DE OtLWAI FORD TRACTOR, MC. 302-678-8484 800-441-8000 Security Ford Tractor, Inc. Baltimore, MD 301-247-9600 Andover. NJ MBOVERIMCTOR t EBHf., HE. 201-786-5525 Bridgeton. NJ LESLK E. FOtfi, M. 609-451-2727 CKHY YAU£Y FORD TMCTM SALES 609-983-0111 Tren trenton ford TRACTOR, IK. 609-883-7360 215-752-0867 Washington. NJ SMTII TRACTOR t EQUIPMENT, MC. 201-689-7900 Wellsboro. PA ■Enters FORD TRACTOR 717-724-2839 MARYLAND in. NJ m. NJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers