Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 17, 1984, Image 17

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    LANCASTER Several Lan
caster County farms and
agricultural businesses will open
their doors to the public this
weekend to kick-off the county’s
Farm-City Week celebration.
Farms and businesses on the
tour will be open for visitors from 1
to 5 p.m. today and Sunday.
Included on the tour are Stoltzfus
Meats in'lntercourse, a butcher
shop and retail store; Cherry Hill
Orchard in New Danville, the
orchard’s retail store; and Atlantic
Breeders Cooperative on
McGovemville Road.
Also included on the tour are the
Guy Eshleman farm, a potato
farm near Mountville; Em-tram,
an embryo transfer facility located
just outside of Rheems; and the
You can't spin complicated webs on a
spinning wheel. Just good, straight thread, plain
and simple And that’s what our checking
with-interest account is 1 5%% interest, plain
and simple
Take your present checking account. What
are you earning on it? Nothing? Or do you
think you’re earning s'/4%? Well, if you do, take
out your monthly statement and think again.
Add up the nickels, dimes and dollars you’re
paying out in fees and charges Subtract them
N«w Horn* Division; Mam Office-Penn Ave and Park Road, Wyomissing, 215-376-6151 • Ephrata, 717-733-9621 • Fruitville Pike, Lancaster, 717-569-6491
First Factoral Division: Mam Oflice-East King St, Lancaster, 717-393-0601 • New Holland, 717-354-4427 • Park City Center, Lancaster, 717-299-3745
Lititz, 717-626-0251 • Millersville, 717-872-4665 • Quarryville, 717-786-1010 • Mt Joy, 717-653-8121
East Towne Mall, Lancaster, 717-393-0488 • East Petersburg, 717-569-5793
Lancaster Co. plans Farm-City tour this weekend
Lester Hawthorne dairy farm
along Bossier Road in
Jacob Fisher’s goat dairy in
YORK—The 11th annual Mid-
Atlantic No-till Conference will be
held Dec. 19 at the York County
(Pennsylvania) Fairgrounds. The
theme of the six-state conference
will be “Solving No-till Crop
Production Problems.” Doors to
the exhibit area in Memorial Hall
upUl open at 8 a.m.
The program will start at 9:30
a.m. in Old Main. It will include
sessions on: farmers and the
Chesapeake Bay; potential disease
New Home First Federal
from the interest credited. You may find that
you have no interest left at all. In fact, you may
discover you're paying for your account out
of your own money!
Well, in a checking-with-mterest account from
Penn Savings Bank you earn a full 5'A%
compounded from day of deposit to day of
withdrawal That’s putting all your money to work
for you. That’s plain and simple.
Interest is credited on your monthly state
ment and nothing is deducted. No per-check
Member FSLIC Accounts insured up to $lOO,OOO
divisions of PemSavlngsßanlf
Manhunt and John Farrington s
horse training and breeding farm
in Brickerville just west of the
intersection of Routes 501 and 322
No-till conference outlined
problems in no-till com and
alfalfa; different no-till systems
that work; cover crops for no-till;
effects of no-till and other tillage
systems on yield and soil (in
cluding the problem of com
paction); perennial weed control
in no-till com; and starter fer
tilizers for no-till com. Hie af
ternoon session will follow a “quiz
the experts” format that permits
fanners to ask questions of
program participants.
will also be open to the public.
Brochures containing complete
directions to the farms are
Lunch tickets, sold only in ad
vance, are available at county
extension offices in participating
states. The conference is being
sponsored by the Cooperative
Extension services of Delaware,
Maryland, New Jersey, Penn
sylvania, Virginia and West
Virginia, and by related
charges No monthly service charges No fees
Nothing. You don’t even have to worry about
maintaining a minimum balance That’s putting
all your money to work for you That’s plain
and simple
Open a PSB checking-with-interest account
now, and we’ll buy back your current checks.
We'll give you 1C per check up to $5.00. And
we'll give you a full s'/4% interest on all your
money Plain and simple
l«ic«rt«r Fanning, Saturday, Wavwbr 17,1M4-Al7
Counties get credit
available at the Lancaster Gonh
Extension office and at mm
location on the tour.
agricultural business farms.
The York County Fairgrounds
are located on Pennsylvania Rt 74
just south of the U.S. Route 30 by
pass. For further information on
the conference, in Delaware nail
the county extension office in
Newark (451-2506), Dover (736-
1448) or Georgetown (856-5250).
Secretary of
Agriculture John R.
Block recently an
nounced $386 million in
blended credit
programs for Morocco
and Egypt to purchase
nearly 2.5 million
metric tons of U.S.
wheat in fiscal 1985.
About 1.6 million
metric tons of wheat
will be purchased under
the $250 million blended
credit package for
Morocco. The package
consists of $2OO million
under the Export
Guarantee Program
(GSM-102) combined
with $5O million in in
terest-free government
credits under the Ex
port Credit Sales
Program (GSM-5).
The $136 million
package for Egypt will
be used to purchase
about 850,000 metric
tons of wheat. The
package consists of
$lOB.B million under the
Export Guarantee
Program combined with
$27.2 million in interest
free government credits
under the Export Credit
Sales Program.
“During the past
three years, we have
effectively focused the
blended credit
programs on areas
where the European
Community subsidies
have hampered our
ability to sell com
petitively,” Block said.
“Both Morocco and
Egypt are important
markets for U.S. wheat.
These new allocations
are good examples of
how the effective use of
credit can make a big
difference in exports of
U.S. agricultural
You'll- earned
tour Wings' P«MOi»
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